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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Birkhäuser December 3, 2014

Endolithic Microorganisms in the Biodeterioration of the Tower of Beiern / Die Rolle endolithischer Mikroorganismen bei der biologischen Zerstörung am Turm von Beiern

  • C. Ascaso , J. Wierzchos , J. Delgado Rodrigues , L. Aires-Barros , F.Μ.A. Henriques and Α.E. Charola


The Tower of Beiern was colonized by various organisms, ranging from endolithic bacteria to higher plants. The paper focuses on the deterioration that the endolithic microorganisms: bacteria and cyanobacteria, algae and funghi, cause on the compact Lioz limestone. The presence of these microorganisms in the subparallel Assuring characteristic of this stone is illustrated as well as their association with the clay minerals present. Their biogeochemical action results in an increase in surface roughness, subsurface porosity and eventual flaking of the stone surface.

Published Online: 2014-12-3
Published in Print: 1998-12-1

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