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On French Est-ce que Yes/No Questions and Related Constructions

  • Jean-Yves Pollock EMAIL logo
From the journal Probus


In addition to the Qu-est-ce que questions in (1) which, as their translations indicate, are mono-clausal despite their bi-clausal form, French has yes/no questions such as (2) in which the est-ce que sequence shows up again.

Où est-ce qu’il est parti? ‘Where is ce that he is gone?’ = Where did he go?
Qu’est-ce qu’il fait? ‘Que is ce that he does ?’ = What is he doing?
Est-ce qu’il est parti? ‘Is ce that he is gone?’ = Has he gone?
Est-ce qu’il fait beau? ‘Is ce that it is nice?’ = Is the weather nice?

(2) are also ‘ordinary’ polar questions. Since French seems to be unique in the Romance domain in accepting the Qu-questions in (1) and the polar questions in (2) it is tempting to suggest that a proper analysis of the former should also shed light on the latter. This article will verify whether this a priori desirable generalisation is valid. As a first step, it will look at the analysis of Est-ce que as an interrogative head ESK merged in the CP domain suggested by Cheng and Rooryck (2000. Licensing WH-in situ. Syntax 3.1. April 2000, 3–19.) which expresses it in its strongest possible form: Est-ce que yes/no questions like (2) would seem to only differ from their Qu-counterparts in missing the Qu-element. The article will show that their ESK proposal should be challenged empirically and theoretically in sections 2, 3 and 4. It will investigate Est-ce que polar questions and related constructions in detail in section 5 and will show in 6 that they do indeed share one crucial property with qu’est-ce que questions, although the generalisation it arrives at in section 7 substantially differs from Cheng & Rooryck’s proposal.

Corresponding author: Jean-Yves Pollock, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Marne la Vallee, France, E-mail:

Many thanks to Richard Kayne and Nicola Munaro for their comments and suggestions which helped me fill in a number of descriptive and theoretical gaps. Neither of them should be held responsible for those that may remain.


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Published Online: 2022-06-01
Published in Print: 2022-05-25

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