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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access December 13, 2019

Global properties of virus dynamics with B-cell impairment

  • Ahmed M. Elaiw EMAIL logo , Safiya F. Alshehaiween and Aatef D. Hobiny
From the journal Open Mathematics


In this paper we construct a class of virus dynamics models with impairment of B-cell functions. Two forms of the incidence rate have been considered, saturated and general. The well-posedness of the models is justified. The models admit two equilibria which are determined by the basic reproduction number R0. The global stability of each equilibrium is proven by utilizing Lyapunov function and LaSalle’s invariance principle. The theoretical results are illustrated by numerical simulations.

MSC 2010: 34D20; 34D23; 37N25; 92B05

1 Introduction

The study of within-host virus dynamics using mathematical modeling has been an interesting topic to research in the last decades. A proper model could provide insights of a better understanding of the virus dynamics and clinical treatments used to fight against it. In an infection process, the interaction between viruses and cells can be seen as an ecological system within the infected host. A wide of mathematical models focused on exploring the interaction between three basic compartments, uninfected cells (U), infected cells producing viruses (I) and viruses (P). A basic model of virus dynamics was originally developed by Nowak and Bangham [1] which has become highly used by experimentalists and theorists (see e.g., Nowak and May [2]). The model presented in [1] is given by:

U˙=ϱγUωUP, (1)
I˙=ωUPβI, (2)
P˙=ϰIξP, (3)

where U, I and P are the concentrations of uninfected cells, infected cells and viruses, respectively. The parameters ϱ, γ, ω, β, ϰ and ξ are positive. The full description of the model was given in [1]. A huge number of papers have been published as extension of the basic model (see, e.g., [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]).

The immune response plays a critical role in controlling the virus spreading. The specificity and memory in adaptive immune responses are the responsibility of lymphocytes. B cells and T cells are the two main types of lymphocytes. The function of T cells is to recognize and kill infected cells, while the function of B cells is to produce antibodies which bind to virus particles and mark it as a foreign structure for elimination by other cells of the immune system. Antibody alone can neutralize, and thus protect against, viruses [23]. The virus dynamics model with B cell immune response was presented by Murase et al. [24] as

U˙=ϱγUωUP, (4)
I˙=ωUPβI, (5)
P˙=ϰIξPρPC, (6)
C˙=εPCμC, (7)

where C is the concentration of B cells. Many extended models are developed with B cell immune response (see, e.g., [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]).

In certain circumstances, some viruses can suppress immune response or even destroy it especially when the load of viruses is too high. Models with T cell immune impairment were studied several times (see, e.g., [37, 38, 39, 40]). In addition, there are factors affect B cell function and cause the impairment of B cell [41, 42, 43]. These factors include the following; malnutrition, tumors, cytotoxic drugs, irradiation, aging, trauma, some diseases (e.g., diabetes) and immunosuppression by microbes, e.g., malaria, measles virus but especially HIV [23]. In a very recent work, Miao et al. [44] have proposed a virus dynamics model which includes: humoral impairment, time delay, reaction-diffusion, and logistic growth of the target cells. Due to the complexity of the model presented in [44], the global stability analysis of the model’s equilibria did not studied. Studying the global stability of equilibria for virus dynamics models will give us a detailed information and enhances our understanding about the virus dynamics. Therefore, many mathematician have paid great efforts to study global stability of systems in virology (see, e.g., [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] and [45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54]) and epidemiology (see, e.g., [55, 56, 57]).

In [44], the incidence rate of infection is given by bilinear. In reality, the bilinear incidence may not accurate to characterize the virus dynamics during different stages of infection especially when the concentration of the viruses is high [8]. Therefore, in the present paper, we propose viral infection model with B-cell impairment and with two nonlinear forms of the incidence rate, saturation and general. We show that the solutions of the model are nonnegative and bounded. The global stability of the equilibria is established by constructing Lyapunov functions and applying LaSalle’s invariance principle.

2 Model with saturation

In this section we propose a virus dynamics model including B-cell impairment and saturated incidence as:

U˙=ϱγUωUP1+αP, (8)
I˙=ωUP1+αPβI, (9)
P˙=ϰIξPρPC, (10)
C˙=εPμCϑCP, (11)

where, ϑ PC is the B-cell impairment rate and α ≥ 0 is a saturation constant.

2.1 Basic properties

We define the compact set

Ω=U,I,P,CR04:0Us1,0Is1,0Ps2,0Cs3 (12)

where si > 0, i = 1, 2, 3.

Proposition 1

The set Ω is positively invariant for model (8)-(11).


We have

U˙U=0=ϱ>0,I˙I=0=ωUP1+αP0, when U,P0,P˙P=0=ϰI0, when I0,C˙C=0=εP0, when P0.

Thus R04 is positively invariant for model (8)-(11). Let F(t)=U+I+β2ϰP+βξ4εϰC, then


where σ=minγ,β2,ξ2,μ. Then,


Then, 0 ≤ F(t) ≤ s1, if F(0) ≤ s1 for t ≥ 0 wheres1 = ϱσ . Hence, 0 ≤ U(t), I(t) ≤ s1, 0 ≤ P(t) ≤ s2 and 0 ≤ C(t) ≤ s3 for all t ≥ 0 if U(0)+I(0)+β2ϰP(0)+βξ4εϰC(0)s1, where s2=2ϰs1βands3=4εϰs1βξ. This guarantees that the solutions of the model are bounded.□

The basic infection reproduction number for model (8)-(11) is given by:


Lemma 1

Consider model (8)-(11), we have

  1. if R0 ≤ 1, then the model has only one equilibrium point EP0,

  2. if R0 > 1, then the model has two equilibria EP0 and EP1.


At any equilibrium EP(U, I, P, C) we have

ϱγUωUP1+αP=0, (13)
ωUP1+αPβI=0, (14)
ϰIξPρPC=0, (15)
εPμCϑCP=0. (16)

From equations (13)-(16) we get an infection-free equilibrium EP0 = (U0, 0, 0, 0), where U0=ϱγ and a unique endemic equilibrium EP1 = (U1, I1, P1, C1), where




Then the equilibrium EP1 exists when R0 > 1.□

2.2 Global properties

Define a function G(u) = u – 1 – ln u. Clearly G(u) ≥ 0, for u > 0 and G(1) = 0. The global stability analysis of the two equilibria of model (8)-(11) will be established in the next theorems.

Theorem 1

Let R0 < 1, then the infection-free equilibrium EP0 of model (8-(11) is globally asymptotically stable.


Construct a Lyapunov function L0(U, I, P, C) as


Calculating dL0dt as:


Since R0 < 1, then for all U, P, C > 0 we have dL0dt ≤ 0. Moreover, dL0dt = 0 when U(t) = U0 and P(t) = C(t) = 0. Let D0=(U,I,P,C):dL0dt=0 and M0 be the largest invariant subset of D0. The trajectory of model (8)-(11) tends to M0 [58]. All the elements of M0 satisfyU(t) = U0 and P(t) = C(t) = 0. Then Eq. (10) we get


Hence, M0 = {EP0}. From LaSalle’s invariance principle, we derive that if R0 < 1, then EP0 is globally asymptotically stable.□

Theorem 2

Let R0 > 1, then the endemic equilibrium EP1 of model (8)-(11) is globally asymptotically stable.


Construct a Lyapunov function L1(U, I, P, C) as


Note that from the equilibrium condition Eq. (16) that


Then dL1dt is given by:


From the equilibrium conditions, we have:


Utilizing the conditions of EP1, we get


Simplifying the result, we obtain


Using geometrical mean (GM) and arithmetical mean (AM) inequality

AMGM, (17)

we get


Thus for all U, I, P, C > 0 we have dL1dt ≤ 0. In addition dL1dt = 0 when U = U1, I = I1, P = P1 and C = C1. Let D1=W1(U,I,P,C):dL1dt=0 and M1 be the largest invariant subset of D1. Clearly M1 = {EP1}. Applying LaSalle’s invariance principle we obtain that if R0 > 1, then EP1 is globally asymptotically stable.□

3 Model with general incidence rate

In this section we propose a model with more general incidence rate function Θ(U, P) as:

U˙=ϱγUΘ(U,P), (18)
I˙=Θ(U,P)βI, (19)
P˙=ϰIξPρPC, (20)
C˙=εPμCϑPC, (21)

We need the following Assumptions of the function Θ(U, P):

  1. Θ(U, P) is continuously differentiable, Θ(U, P) > 0, and Θ(0, P) = Θ(U, 0) = 0 for all U > 0 and P > 0,

  2. Θ(U,P)U>0,Θ(U,P)P>0, and Θ(U,0)P>0 for all U > 0 and P > 0,

  3. ddUΘ(U,0)P>0 for all U > 0,

  4. Θ(U,P)P is decreasing with respect to P for all P > 0.

One can show that the set Ω given by Eq. (12) is positively invariant for model (18)-(21).

Lemma 2

Assume that Assumptions (A1)-(A4) are satisfied, then there exists a threshold parameter R0G > 0 such that:

  1. if R0G < 1, then the model has only one equilibrium point EP0; and

  2. if R0G > 1, then the model has two equilibria EP0 and EP1.


At any equilibrium EP(U, I, P, C) we have

ϱγUΘ(U,P)=0, (22)
Θ(U,P)βI=0, (23)
ϰIξPρPC=0, (24)
εPμCϑCP=0. (25)

From Eq. (25), we have

C=εPμ+ϑP, (26)

and from Eq. (24), we get

I=ξPϰ+ρεϰP2μ+ϑP. (27)

Now from Eqs. (27) and (22)-(23), we obtain

U=ϱγβξγϰP+βρεγϰP2μ+ϑP. (28)



Therefore, we can write U as U = Ψ(P). Note that Ψ(0) = ϱγ .

From Eqs. (27) and (22)-(23), we have

Θ(Ψ(P),P)βξPϰ+ρεϰP2μ+ϑP=0. (29)

Observe that, P = 0 is a solution of Eq. (29). Then from Eqs. (26)-(28), we have U = U0, I = 0, and C = 0. Then we get an infection-free equilibrium EP0 = (U0, 0, 0, 0).



then H(0) = 0. Let P be such that Ψ(P) = 0, i.e.,


which gives

(βρε+βξϑ)P¯2+(βξμγϰϑU0)P¯γϰμU0=0. (30)

Thus, the positive solution of Eq. (30) is given by


We can see that




Assumption (A1) implies that Θ(U0,0)U=0, then


Therefore, if ϰβξΘ(U0,0)P>1, then H(0) > 0 and ∃P1 ∈ (0, P) such that H(P1) = 0. Let us define


which represents the basic reproduction number. Now, let


Then we have g(0) = ϱ > 0 and g(U0) = –Θ(U0, P1) < 0. Assumption (A2) implies that g(U) is a strictly decreasing function of U, and then there exists a unique U1 ∈ (0, U0) such that g(U1) = 0. Moreover, from Eqs. (26) and (27), we have


Therefore, an endemic equilibrium EP1 = (U1, I1, P1, C1) exists if R0G > 1.□

3.1 Global stability of equilibria

The global stability analysis of the two equilibria of model (18)-(21) will be investigated in this section.

Theorem 3

Let R0G > 1, then the infection-free equilibrium EP0 of model (18)-(21) is globally asymptotically stable.


Construct a Lyapunov function Z0(U, I, P, C) as


Calculating dZ0dt as:


From the Assumptions, we have the first term is less than or equal to zero. In addition,


for all U > 0. Then


It implies that


Therefore, if R0G < 1, then dZ0dt0 for all U, P, C > 0. Similar to the proof of Theorem 1, one can show that EP0 is globally asymptotically stable.□

Theorem 4

Let R0G > 1, then the endemic equilibrium EP1 of model (18)-(21) is globally asymptotically stable.


Define Z1(U, I, P, C) as


Then dZ1dt can be calculated as:


Using the equilibrium condition, εP1μC1ϑP1C1 = 0, we have


From the equilibrium conditions, we have


Applying these conditions, we obtain


From Assumptions (A2) and (A4) we have


Therefore, using inequality (17) we get that for all U, I, P, C > 0 we have dZ1dt ≤ 0 and dZ1dt = 0 if and only if U = U1, I = I1, P = P1 and C = C1. Applying LaSalle’s invariance principle, we obtain that if R0G > 1, then EP1 is globally asymptotically stable.□

4 Numerical simulations

We conduct numerical simulations for model (18)-(21) with specific incidence rate function


Then we get following model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response:

U˙=ϱγUωUP1+α1P+α2U, (31)
I˙=ωUP1+α1P+α2UβI, (32)
P˙=ϰIξPρPC, (33)
C˙=εPμCϑPC, (34)

where ω is a positive parameter, while α1 and α2 are non-negative parameters. We note that if α1 = α2 = 0, then we obtain a model with bilinear incidence, if α1 ≠ 0 and α2 = 0, then we get saturated incidence which given in model (8)-(11), and if α1 = 0 and α2 ≠ 0, then we obtain Holling type-II. We can easily see that Θ(U, P) is continuously differentiable function. Moreover, Θ(U, P) satisfying the following conditions:

We have


then Θ(U, P) is continuously differentiable. Moreover, Θ(U, P) > 0, and Θ(0, P) = Θ(U, 0) = 0 for all U > 0 and P > 0. Thus (A1) is satisfied.

Since Θ(U,P)U>0,Θ(U,P)P>0, and Θ(U,0)P=ωU1+α2U>0 for all U > 0, then (A2) is satisfied.

We have

ddUΘ(U,0)P=ω(1+α2U)2>0 for all U0,

then (A3) is satisfied.

Finally we have

PΘ(U,P)P=α1ωU(1+α1P+α2U)2<0, for all P0,

then (A4) is also satisfied.

The basic reproduction number of model (31)-(34) is given by


In the numerical simulations we fix the values of parameters ϱ = 10, ϰ = ξ = 3, ρ = 0.1, μ = γ = 0.01, β = 0.3, ε = 0.2 and vary ω and ϑ

Case(1): Effect of ω on the stability of equilibria.

For this case, we take α1 = α2 = 0 and ϑ = 0.01. We choose three different initial conditions as:

IC1: U(0) = 700, I(0) = 5, P(0) = 5, C(0) = 0.5,

IC2: U(0) = 400, I(0) = 10, P(0) = 10, C(0) = 1,

IC3: U(0) = 300, I(0) = 20, P(0) = 15, C(0) = 1.5.

We consider two values of the parameter ω as:

  1. ω = 0.0001, then we compute R0G = 0.3333 < 1. Figure 1 shows that, for all IC1-IC3, the solution of the model tends to EP0 = (1000, 0, 0, 0). It means that, EP0 is globally asymptotically stable.

    Figure 1 
Solution trajectories of system (31)-(34) in case α1 = α2 = 0.
    Figure 1

    Solution trajectories of system (31)-(34) in case α1 = α2 = 0.

  2. ω = 0.001, then we compute R0G = 3.3333 > 1. Figure 1, shows that the solutions of the model converge to the equilibrium EP1 = (482.9, 17.23, 10.7, 18.29) for all IC1-IC3. Then, EP1 is globally asymptotically stable.

Case(2): Effect of the saturation infection on the virus dynamics.

In this case, we take α2 = 0 and ϑ = 0.01. We choose ω = 0.001, and α1 varied. Moreover we consider the initial condition IC2. Figure 2 shows that as α1 is increased, the concentrations of the uninfected target cells is increased, while the the concentration of infected cells, virus particles and B cells are decreased. We note that the parameter α1 has no effect on the stability of equilibria

Figure 2 
Solution trajectories of system (31)-(34) for different values of α1 when α2 = 0.
Figure 2

Solution trajectories of system (31)-(34) for different values of α1 when α2 = 0.

Case(3): Effect of Holling type-II.

For this case, we take α1 = 0, ω = 0.001, and ϑ = 0.01 then Θ(U, P) represents the Holling type-II. Let us choose the initial condition IC2. We suggest different values of α2 to see its effect on the model as we can see in Figure 3. Moreover, we have the following cases:

Figure 3 
Solution trajectories of system (31)-(34) for different values of α2 when α1 = 0.
Figure 3

Solution trajectories of system (31)-(34) for different values of α2 when α1 = 0.

  1. EP1 is globally asymptotically stable when 0 ≤ α2 < 0.0023,

  2. EP0 is globally asymptotically stable when α2 > 0.0023.

This means that α2 can play the role of controller which can be designed to stabilize the system around the infection-free equilibrium EP0.

Case(4): Effect of the B cell impairment parameter ϑ.

In this case, we take α1 = 0.01 and α2 = 0.002. We choose ω = 0.001, and ϑ varied. Moreover, we consider the following initial condition

IC4: U(0) = 700, I(0) = 10, P(0) = 10, C(0) = 10.

Figure 4 shows that as ϑ is increased, the concentrations of infected cells and virus particles are increased, while the concentration of uninfected cells is decreased. We note that the parameter ϑ has no effect on the stability of equilibria.

Figure 4 
Solution trajectories of system (31)-(34) for different values of ϑ.
Figure 4

Solution trajectories of system (31)-(34) for different values of ϑ.


This project was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia under grant no. KEP-MSc-33-130-40. The authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks DSR technical and financial support.


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Received: 2019-04-07
Accepted: 2019-10-04
Published Online: 2019-12-13

© 2019 Elaiw et al., published by De Gruyter

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