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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access November 13, 2019

A characterization of translational hulls of a strongly right type B semigroup

  • Chunhua Li EMAIL logo and Baogen Xu
From the journal Open Mathematics


The aim of this paper is to study the translational hull of a strongly right type B semigroup. Our main result is to prove that the translational hull of a strongly right type B semigroup is itself a strongly right type B semigroup. As an application, we give a proof of a problem posted by Petrich on translational hulls of inverse semigroups in Petrich (Inverse Semigroups, Wiley, New York, 1984) to the cases of some strongly right type B semigroups.

MSC 2010: 20M10; 06F05

1 Introduction

Recall from [1] that if S is a semigroup and a, bS, then a𝓛*b [a𝓡*b] if there is a semigroup T, containing S as a subsemigroup, such that a𝓛b [a 𝓡 b] in T. A semigroup S is called rpp [lpp] if each 𝓛* [𝓡*]class contains at least one idempotent. An rpp [lpp] semigroup in which the idempotents commute is right [left] adequate. A semigroup is said to be adequate if it is both right and left adequate. Recently, Guo, Shum and Guo have considered the so called strongly rpp semigroups (see, [2]). In fact, a strongly rpp semigroup S is an rpp semigroup in which for every aS, there exists a unique idempotent a00 which is 𝓛*–related to a such that a00a = a. As usual, we denote by a* [a+] an idempotent 𝓛*– [𝓡*–] related to a; E(S) denotes the set of idempotents of S. A right [left] adequate semigroup S is right [left] ample, if ea = a(ea)* [ae = (ae)+a] for all aS, eE(S). An ample semigroup is the one which is both right ample and left ample. Following [1], a right adequate semigroup S is right type B, if it satisfies the following conditions (B1) and (B2):

  1. for all e, fE(S1), aS, (efa)* = (ea)*(fa)*;

  2. if for all aS, eE(S), ea*, then there is an element fE(S1) such that e = (fa)*, where “≤” is a natural partial order on E(S) (i.e., (∀g, hE(S)) ghg = gh = hg).

A left type B semigroup is defined dually. A type B semigroup is the one which is both right type B and left type B (see, [1, 3]). In particular, we call a right type B which is strongly rpp a strongly right type B semigroup. Since it is known that for a right adequate semigroup S, each 𝓛*–class of S contains exactly one idempotent (i.e., S is 𝓛*unipotent), we have a00 = a* for all aS if S is strongly right type B.

Following [4], a mapping λ from a semigroup S to itself is a left translation of S if λ(ab) = (λa)b for all a, bS. Similarly, a mapping ρ which maps a semigroup S to itself is called a right translation of S if (ab)ρ = a() for all a, bS. a left translation λ and a right translation ρ of a semigroup S are called linked if a(λb) = ()b for all a, bS, in which case the pair (λ, ρ) is called a bitranslation of S. We denote by Λ(S) [resp., I(S)] the set of all left [resp., right] translations of S, and denote by Ω(S) the set of all bitranslations of S. It is easy to check that Ω(S) forms a subsemigroup of Λ(S) × I(S). We call Ω(S) the translational hull of S. The role played by the translational hull of a semigroup in the general theory of semigroups (and, especially, in the theory of semigroup extensions) is well known (see, [4, 5, 6, 7]). There are a number of detailed researches on translational hulls of various classes of semigroups (see, [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]). It is well known that the translational hull of an inverse semigroup is itself an inverse semigroup [4]. In 1985, Fountain and Lawson [8] generalized the above result to the case of adequate semigroups. Recently, Guo and Shum [9] investigated the translational hull of an ample semigroup on the basis of [8]. Generally, the translational hull of a right (left) type B semigroup [resp., a right (left) ample semigroup] is not a semigroup of the same type.

In this paper, we shall prove that the translational hull of a strongly right type B semigroup is still a semigroup of the same type. As an application, we give a positive answer to a problem posted by Petrich (i.e., if a semigroup S is embeddable into an inverse semigroup, is Ω(S) also embeddable into an inverse semigroup (see, [4, V.3.11 Problems, p. 226])) to the case of a strongly right type B semigroup satisfying some condition.

2 Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, we shall use the notions and notations of [1, 4, 8, 14].

Lemma 2.1

[1] Let S be a semigroup and a, bS. Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. a 𝓛* b ;

  2. for all x, yS1, ax = ay if and only if bx = by.

Corollary 2.2

[1] Let S be a semigroup and e2 = e, aS. Then the following statements are true:

  1. a 𝓛* e if and only if ae = a and for all x, yS1, ax = ay implies ex = ey;

  2. 𝓛* is a right congruence on S.

Evidently, in an arbitrary semigroup, we have 𝓛 ⊆ 𝓛*. For a, bReg(S), we get a𝓛*b if and only if a𝓛b, where Reg(S) denotes the set of regular elements of S.

Lemma 2.3

[1] Let S be a right adequate semigroup and a, bS. Define μL = {(a, b) ∈ S × S | (ea)* = (eb)* for all eE(S1)}. Then μL is the largest idempotent-separating congruence on S contained in 𝓛*.

As in [1], a right adequate semigroup S is called right fundamental if μL = 1S, where 1S is the identity relation on S.

Lemma 2.4

[1] Let S be a right adequate semigroup. Then the following statements are true:

  1. if S is a right ample semigroup, then S can be embedded into an inverse semigroup;

  2. if S is a right type B semigroup which is right fundamental, then S is right ample.

Lemma 2.5

[15] Let S be a right type B semigroup. Define a relation on S as follows: (a, b) ∈ σea = eb, for some eE(S). Then σ is the least left cancellative monoid congruence on S.

In this paper, we call a right type B semigroup S proper if σ ⋂ 𝓛* = 1S. Naturally, one would ask whether right type B semigroups are special strongly rpp semigroups? Note that, not all right type B semigroups are strongly right type B. We now give an example of a right type B semigroup which is not strongly right type B.

Example 2.1

(Due to Fountain [1]) Letbe the set of all non-negative integers and put I = ℕ × ℕ, S = ℕ ∪ I. Define a multiplication “∘” on S as follows:


It is readily verified that “∘” is associative, that the set of idempotents of S is {0, (0, 0)}. It is not difficult to check that the 𝓛*classes of S areand I. In fact, Fountain [2] proved that S is a right type B semigroup. However, S itself is not strongly rpp, for if otherwise, then


But since (0, 0) ∘ (m, n) = (0, m + n), we have (0, 0) ∘ (m, n) ≠ (m, n). This contradiction shows S is not a strongly right type B semigroup.

Next, we give an example of a proper strongly right type B semigroup.

Example 2.2

Letbe the set of all non-negative integers and S = {(m, n) ∈ ℕ × ℕ | mn}. Define a multiplication “∙” on S by


where t = max{n, p}. Then, it is readily verified that (S, ∙) is a semigroup and E(S) = {(m, m) ∈ ℕ × ℕ}. In addition, it is easy to check that S is right type B. On the other hand, since for all (m, n) ∈ S, there exists a unique idempotent (n, n) ∈ S such that


We have that S is a strongly rpp semigroup with (m, n)00 = (n, n).

Now, we show that S is also proper. For this purpose, let (m, n), (p, q) ∈ S be such that (m, n)[𝓛*σ](p, q). Then mn, pq, (m, n) 𝓛* (p, q) and (m, n)σ (p, q). Hence, n = q, and there exists (k, k) ∈ E(S) such that (k, k) ∙ (m, n) = (k, k) ∙ (p, q). That is, (k, k) ∙ (m, n) = (k, k) ∙ (p, n). Hence, (t, nm + t) = (s, np + s), where t = max{k, m} and s = max{k, p}. Thus t = s and nm + t = np + s, this gives m = p. Therefore, (m, n) = (p, q). That is, S is a proper strongly right type B semigroup.

Corollary 2.6

Let S be a proper right type B semigroup. Then S is right ample.


Let aS, eE(S). Then a𝓛*a* and ea𝓛*(ea)*. Hence a(ea)*𝓛*a*(ea)* and ea = eaa*𝓛*(ea)*a* since 𝓛* is a right congruence on S. Note that E(S) is a semilattice. We have a(ea)*𝓛* a*(ea)* = (ea)*a*𝓛* ea. On the other hand, it is easy to see that (1, e) ∈ σ and (1, (ea)*) ∈ σ from Lemma 2.5. Hence (a, ea) ∈ σ and (a, a(ea)*) ∈ σ since σ is a congruence on S from Lemma 2.5. Therefore, ea [𝓛*σ] a(ea)*. But S is proper, we have ea = a(ea)*. This gives that S is right ample.□

3 The translational hull of a strongly right type B semigroup

In this section, we first characterize the relation 𝓛* on the translational hull of a strongly right type B semigroup and then we obtain the proof of our main result (i.e., if S is strongly right type B, then so is Ω(S)).

To start with our study, we first define two mappings λ00 and ρ00 on a strongly rpp semigroup S as follows:


where aS, (λ, ρ) ∈ Ω(S). Obviously, λ00 and ρ00 map S into itself.

Lemma 3.1

Let S be an rpp semigroup, (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ Ω(S). Then the following statements are true:

  1. ρ1 = ρ2 ⟺ (∀ eE(S)) 1 = 2;

  2. if S is strongly rpp, then λ1 = λ2 ⟺ (∀ eE(S)) λ1e = λ2e;

  3. if E(S) is a semilattice, then (λ1, ρ1) = (λ2, ρ2) ⟺ λ1 = λ2;

  4. if S is strongly right type B, then

    (λ1, ρ1) = (λ2, ρ2) ⟺ ρ1 = ρ2λ1 = λ2;


(1) and (2) are trivial.

(3) Let λ1 = λ2. Then λ1f = λ2f for all fE(S). Hence, for all eE(S), we have


since E(S) is a semilattice. Choose an idempotent (1)* of S to replace the element f of the above formula. We have (1)* = (2)*(1)*. Similarly, we can get (2)* = (1)*(2)*. Hence, (1)* = (2)* since E(S) is a semilattice. Thus, for all eE(S), we have


Therefore, by (1), ρ1 = ρ2. That is, (λ1, ρ1) = (λ2, ρ2).

The converse is clear.

(4) By (3), we only need to prove that ρ1 = ρ2 implies that (λ1, ρ1) = (λ2, ρ2). To see it, let ρ1 = ρ2. Then, by(1), for all eE(S), we have


Similarly, λ2e = (λ2e)00λ1e. Hence, λ1e𝓛λ2e, and so λ1e𝓛*λ2e. Note that S is strongly right type B. We have (λ1e)00 = (λ2e)00. Hence, λ1e = λ2e. By (2), λ1 = λ2. Therefore, (λ1, ρ1) = (λ2, ρ2), as required.□

Proposition 3.2

Let S be a strongly right type B semigroup, and (λ, ρ) ∈ Ω(S). Then the following statements are true:

  1. 00 = λ00e = (λe)00E(S), for all eE(S);

  2. (λ00, ρ00) ∈ E(Ω(S));

  3. (λ, ρ)𝓛*(λ00, ρ00);

  4. 00ρ𝓛, for all eE(S);

  5. (λ00, ρ00)(λ, ρ) = (λ, ρ);

  6. E(Ω(S)) = {(λ, ρ) ∈ Ω(S) | λE(S) ⋃ E(S)ρE(S)}.


  1. Let eE(S). Then by the Definitions of λ00 and ρ00, we have 00 = e(λe)00 = (λe)00e = λ00e since E(S) is a semilattice. And (λ00e)2 = (λ00e)(λ00e) = (λe)00e(λe)00e = (λe)00ee = (λe)00e = λ00eE(S). Note that 𝓛* is a right congruence. We have λ00e = (λe)00e𝓛*(λe)e = λe𝓛* (λe)00. Again since S is 𝓛*–unipotent, we get that λ00e = (λe)00. That is, 00 = λ00e = (λe)00E(S).

  2. We first prove that (λ00, ρ00) ∈ Ω(S). To see it, let a, bS. Then by the Definitions of λ00 and ρ00 and (1), we have (ab)ρ00 = (ab)(λ(ab)00)00 = (ab)(λ(ab)00b00)00 = (ab)(λb00(ab)00)00 = ab(λb00)00(ab)00 = (ab)(ab)00(λb00)00 = ab(λ b00)00 = a(00). Hence, ρ00 is a right translation of S. Similarly, we can prove that λ00 is a left translation of S.

    On the other hand, by (1), we have


    this yields that (λ00, ρ00) ∈ Ω(S).

    Now, we prove that (λ00, ρ00) ∈ E(Ω(S)). To see it, let eE(S). Then by (1), e(ρ00)2 = (00)ρ00 = (e(00))ρ00 = (00e)ρ00 = 00 00 = 00. By Lemma 3.1(1), (ρ00)2 = ρ00. Thus, by Lemma 3.1(4), (λ00, ρ00)2 = (λ00, ρ00)(λ00, ρ00) = ((λ00)2, (ρ00)2) = (λ00, ρ00) ∈ E(Ω(S)), as required.

  3. Let eE(S). Then by (1), we have λλ00e = λ(00) = λ(eeρ00) = (λe)(00) = (λe)(λ00e) = (λe)(λe)00 = λe. Hence, by Lemma 3.1(2), λλ00 = λ. Therefore, by Lemma 3.1(4), (λ, ρ)(λ00, ρ00) = (λλ00, ρρ00) = (λ, ρ).

    On the other hand, let (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ [Ω(S)]1, and


    Then, by Lemma 3.1(4), ρρ1 = ρρ2, and so eρρ1 = eρρ2 for all eE(S). That is, [()00ρ1] = [()00ρ2]. Hence, by Corollary 2.2, ()00()00ρ1 = ()00()00ρ2. That is,


    Choose an idempotent (λe)00 of S to replace the element e of the above formula. We have


    Note that ((λe)00ρ)e = (λe)00(λe) = λe. We have ((λe)00ρ)00e = (λe)00. Thus,


    which implies that ρ00ρ1 = ρ00ρ2. By Lemma 3.1(4),


    That is,


    This together with the fact (λ, ρ) = (λ, ρ)(λ00, ρ00), yields that (λ, ρ)𝓛*(λ00, ρ00).

  4. Obviously, for any aS, a𝓛* a00 implies that 𝓛* a00ρ, where ρ is a right translation of S. Hence, for all eE(S), we have


    since ρρ00 = ρ (i.e (λ, ρ) = (λ, ρ)(λ00, ρ00)). Thus, ()00 = ()00ρ00 since S is 𝓛*–unipotent. Note that 00 = 00ρ. We have


    Therefore, 00ρ𝓛 for all eE(S), as required.

  5. We first prove that 00ρ = for all eE(S).


    On the other hand, by (4), we have 00ρ𝓛* and = ()()00. Thus, by Lemma 2.1, we have 00ρ = 00ρ()00 = . By Lemma 3.1(1), ρ = ρ00ρ. Therefore, by Lemma 3.1(4), (λ00, ρ00)(λ, ρ) = (λ, ρ).

  6. Let (λ, ρ) ∈ Ω(S) be such that λ E(S) ⋃ E(S)ρE(S). Then E(S) for all eE(S). Hence, 2 = (eeρ)ρ = () = , and so ρ2 = ρ. By Lemma 3.1(4), (λ, ρ)2 = (λ, ρ) ∈ E(Ω(S)).

Conversely, if (λ, ρ) ∈ E(Ω(S)), then (λ00, ρ00) = (λ00, ρ00)(λ, ρ) since (λ00, ρ00)𝓛*(Ω(S))(λ, ρ). On the other hand, by (5), (λ, ρ) = (λ00, ρ00)(λ, ρ). Thus (λ, ρ) = (λ00, ρ00), and so λ = λ00, ρ = ρ00, this gives λ E(S) ⋃ E(S)ρE(S). This completes the proof.□

Theorem 3.3

Let S be a strongly right type B semigroup. Then so is Ω(S).


By Proposition 3.2 (2) and (3), Ω(S) is an rpp semigroup.

Now, we prove that Ω(S) is right adequate. To see it, let (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ E(Ω(S)). Then, by Proposition 3.2 (6), 1, 2E(S) for all eE(S). Hence, 1ρ2 = 12 = 21 = 2ρ1, which implies that ρ1ρ2 = ρ2ρ1. By Lemma 3.1(4),


That is,


Therefore, E(Ω(S)) is a semilattice. That is, Ω(S) is a right adequate semigroup. This together with Proposition 3.2(2), (3) and (5), yields that Ω(S) is a strongly rpp semigroup with semilattice of idempotents E(Ω(S)).

Next, we only need to prove that Ω(S) satisfies Conditions (B1) and (B2). To see it, let (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ E[(Ω(S))1], (λ, ρ) ∈ Ω(S), and eE(S). Then

e(ρ1ρ)00(ρ2ρ)00=[ee(ρ1ρ)00](ρ2ρ)00=e(ρ1ρ)00e(ρ2ρ)00=(λ1λ)00e(λ2λ)00e=(λ1λe)00(λ2λe)00(by Proposition 3.2(1))=(λ1(λe)00(λe))00(λ2(λe)00(λe))00(since S is strongly rpp)=(λ1(λe)00λ2(λe)00(λe))00(since S satisfies Condition (B1))=(λ1((λe)00λ2(λe)00)(λe))00=(λ1(λ2(λe)00(λe)00)(λe))00=(λ1λ2λe)00=(λ1λ2λ)00e(by Proposition 3.2(1))=e(ρ1ρ2ρ)00(by Proposition 3.2(1))

By Lemma 3.1(1), (ρ1ρ)00(ρ2ρ)00 = (ρ1ρ2ρ)00. On the other hand, we have




By Lemma 3.1(4), [(λ1, ρ1)(λ2, ρ2)(λ, ρ)]* = [(λ1, ρ1)(λ, ρ)]*[(λ2, ρ2)(λ, ρ)]*. Therefore, Ω(S) satisfies Condition (B1).

Let (λ1, ρ1) ∈ E(Ω(S)), (λ, ρ) ∈ Ω(S) be such that (λ1, ρ1) ≤ (λ, ρ)*. Then (λ1, ρ1) ≤ (λ, ρ)00 = (λ00, ρ00) since Ω(S) is 𝓛*–unipotent. Hence (λ1, ρ1) = (λ1, ρ1)(λ00, ρ00) = (λ1λ00, ρ1ρ00), and so ρ1 = ρ1ρ00. By Lemma 3.1(1), 1 = 1ρ00 = 100 = 001 for all eE(S). Hence, 00 = (λe)00 = (λe)*. Again since S satisfies Condition (B2), we have

eρ1=[f(λe)]=[f(λe)]00for somefE(S1).

That is,


where λf (ρf) is the inner left (right) translation on S1 determined by fE(S1). By Lemma 3.1(1), ρ1 = (ρfρ)00. Hence, by Lemma 3.1(4),


where (λf, ρf) ∈ E[(Ω(S))1]. That is, Ω(S) satisfies Condition (B2).

Summing up the above arguments, we conclude Ω(S) is a strongly right type B semigroup.□

Corollary 3.4

Let S be a strongly right type B semigroup. Then the following statements are true:

  1. for all eE(S), (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ Ω(S), (λ1, ρ1)𝓛*(Ω(S))(λ2, ρ2) if and only if λ1e𝓛*(S)λ2e;

  2. for all (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ Ω(S), (λ1,ρ1)μLΩ(S)(λ2,ρ2) if and only if for all eE(S), λ1eμLSλ2e;


  1. By Theorem 3.3, Ω(S) is a strongly right type B semigroup. Let (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ Ω(S) be such that (λ1, ρ1)𝓛*(Ω(S))(λ2, ρ2). Then, by Proposition 3.2(3), (λ100,ρ100)L(Ω(S))(λ200,ρ200). Hence, (λ100,ρ100)=(λ200,ρ200) since Ω(S) is 𝓛*–unipotent. Thus λ100=λ200. By Lemma 3.1(2), λ100e=λ200e for all eE(S)). Hence,


    Conversely, if for all eE(S), λ1e𝓛*(S)λ2e, then λ100e=λ200e since S is both 𝓛*–unipotent and strongly rpp. Hence, by Lemma 3.1(2), λ100=λ200. By Lemma 3.1(4), (λ100,ρ100)=(λ200,ρ200). Thus, by Proposition 3.2(3), (λ1, ρ1)𝓛*(Ω(S))(λ2, ρ2).

  2. Suppose that (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ Ω(S) and (λ1,ρ1)μLΩ(S)(λ2,ρ2). Then for all fE(S),


    where (λf, ρf) ∈ E(Ω(S)). Hence,


    That is,


By (1), λfλ1e𝓛*(S)λfλ2e for all eE(S). That is, 1e𝓛*(S)2e. Thus, λ1eμLSλ2e.

Conversely, if for all eE(S), λ1eμLSλ2e, then λ1e𝓛*(S)λ2e. Note S is a strongly right type B semigroup. We have (λ1e)00 = (λ2e)00. Hence, for all (λ, ρ) ∈ Ω(S), we have


That is, λλ1eμLSλλ2e. Hence, λλ1e 𝓛*(S)λλ2e. By (1), we have


That is,


Choose any idempotent (λ, ρ) of Ω(S) to replace the element (λ, ρ) of the above formula. We have (λ1,ρ1)μLΩ(S)(λ2,ρ2), as required.□

4 Some special cases

In this section, we shall consider the translational hulls of some special strongly right type B semigroups.

Proposition 4.1

Let S be a strongly right type B semigroup. Then for all eE(S), (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ Ω(S),

(λ1, ρ1)σΩ(S)(λ2, ρ2) ⟺ 1σS2λ1Sλ2e.


We first prove that (λ1, ρ1)σΩ(S)(λ2, ρ2) implies 1σS2 and λ1Sλ2e for all eE(S). To see it, let (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ Ω(S) such that (λ1, ρ1)σΩ(S)(λ2, ρ2). Then, by the definition of σ, there exists (λ, ρ) ∈ E(Ω(S)) such that


that is, (λλ1, ρρ1) = (λλ2, ρρ2). Hence, λλ1 = λλ2 and ρρ1 = ρρ2. By Lemma 3.1 (1) and (2), λλ1e = λλ2e and eρρ1 = eρρ2 for all eE(S). Thus,


Note that λ(λ1e)00, λ(λ2e)00, E(S). We have eρeρ1 = eρeρ2 implies that 1σS2. On the other hand,


where λeE(S). Thus, λ1Sλ2e.

Now, we prove that for all eE(S),


To see it, let 1σS2. Then there exists fE(S) such that f(1) = f(2). That is, (fe)ρ1 = (fe)ρ2. Hence, (ef)ρ1 = (ef)ρ2 since E(S) is a semilattice. That is, fρ1 = fρ2. By Lemma 3.1(1), ρfρ1 = ρfρ2. Thus, by Lemma 3.1(4), we have (λfλ1, ρfρ1) = (λfλ2, ρfρ2). That is,


Note that (λf, ρf) ∈ E(Ω(S)). We have (λ1, ρ1)σΩ(S)(λ2, ρ2).

Similarly, we can prove that for all eE(S),


This completes the proof.□

Theorem 4.2

Let S be a proper strongly right type B semigroup. Then so is Ω(S).


By Theorem 3.3, Ω(S) is a strongly right type B semigroup. It only remains to show that Ω(S) is proper. To see it, let (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ Ω(S) be such that (λ1, ρ1)[𝓛*Ω(S)σΩ(S)](λ2, ρ2). Then, by Corollary 3.4(1) and Proposition 4.1, we have λ1e𝓛*(S)λ2e and λ1Sλ2e for all eE(S). Hence, λ1e[𝓛*SσS]λ2e. Again, since S is proper, we have λ1e = λ2e for all eE(S). By Lemma 3.1(2), λ1 = λ2. Therefore, by Lemma 3.1(4), (λ1, ρ1) = (λ2, ρ2). This completes the proof.□

Corollary 4.3

Let S be a strongly right type B semigroup which is right fundamental. Then so is Ω(S).


By Theorem 3.3, Ω(S) is strongly right type B. Let (λ1, ρ1), (λ2, ρ2) ∈ Ω(S) be such that (λ1,ρ1)μLΩ(S)(λ2,ρ2). Then, by Corollary 3.4(2), λ1eμLSλ2e for all eE(S). Again, since S is right fundamental, we have λ1e = λ2e. By Lemma 3.1(2), λ1 = λ2. Hence, by Lemma 3.1(4), (λ1, ρ1) = (λ2, ρ2). That is, μLΩ(S)=1Ω(S). This completes the proof.□

As applications of Theorem 4.2 and Corollary 4.3, we shall give a positive answer to a problem posted by Petrich (i.e., if a semigroup S is embeddable into an inverse semigroup, is Ω(S) also embeddable into an inverse semigroup (see, [4, V. 3.11 Problems, p. 226])) to the cases of some strongly right type B semigroups. The answer is given in the following Corollaries.

Corollary 4.4

Let S be a proper strongly right type B semigroup. Then Ω(S) is embeddable into an inverse semigroup.


It follows from Corollary 2.6, Lemma 2.4 and Theorem 4.2.□

Corollary 4.5

Let S be a strongly right type B semigroup which is right fundamental. Then Ω(S) is embeddable into an inverse semigroup.


It follows from Lemma 2.4 and Corollary 4.3.□


This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China (No. 11261018, 11961026), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (No. 20181BAB201002, 20171BAB201009).


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Received: 2019-04-13
Accepted: 2019-09-18
Published Online: 2019-11-13

© 2019 Chunhua Li and Baogen Xu, published by De Gruyter

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Public License.

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