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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Mouton February 27, 2023

In memoriam Georg Buddruss (1929–2021)

  • Irén Hegedűs EMAIL logo

Georg Buddruss, emeritus professor of Indology at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, passed away on August 13, 2021. He devoted his life to Indo-Iranian studies and carried out pioneering research in the Hindukush–Karakorum area.

He was born on November 30, 1929 in Alt Lappienen, East Prussia.[1] He attended secondary school in a small town, Ölsnitz (Saxony) and continued his studies at the University of Frankfurt (1949–1954) specializing in Indo-European studies (Iranian and Classical philology). He obtained a doctoral degree with his dissertation Verbalaspekt und Imperativ im Rig-Veda in 1954 (#1). His advisor was the outstanding expert on Sanskrit, Paul Thieme, who later also acted as referent in the habilitation procedure of Buddruss at the University of Tübingen.

As a young scholar, Buddruss and his senior colleague, Mainz ethnologist Adolf Friedrich co-authored a book of Siberian shaman stories (#2), which contained the translation of texts originally collected and published in Russian by Ksenofontov (1930), as well as that of a collection of Yakut epic songs edited and translated into Russian by Popov (1936). The translated texts are preceded by a long, illuminative introduction, in the second part of which (pp. 55–91) Buddruss discussed the poetry of the Yakuts and the use of the shaman’s drum in ritual. The cooperation with Adolf Friedrich brought a decisive turn in the career of the 25-year-old Buddruss: he became member of the German Hindukush Expedition of 1955–1956 headed by Adolf Friedrich. The other participants were ethnologists Karl Jettmar and Peter Snoy (a student of Friedrich’s at the time). The fieldwork carried out during this expedition marked a major step forward in the study of cultures and languages hardly known before.

Between 1959 and 1961 Buddruss worked as postdoctoral researcher (wissenschaftlicher Assistant) and then in the position of Privatdozent at the Seminar für Indologie at the University of Tübingen. Having accomplished his habilitation with a monograph on the endangered Indo-Aryan language, Sau (Sawi/Sauji), a variety of southern Palula (#6), he was appointed professor of Indology at Johannes Gutenberg University (Mainz) in 1963, where he headed the Indology Department until 1995. To honour his 65th birthday, when he became professor emeritus, a festive volume was published (Söhnen-Thieme and von Hinüber 1994). For his scholarly merits he was awarded the title doctor honoris causa at the University of Bern in 1980.

Georg Buddruss’ oeuvre in Indo-Iranian philology ranges from linguistics to mythology, religion, culture and literature, with a special focus on Dardic and Nuristani languages and their speakers. Buddruss had an interest in and a thorough understanding of multifarious aspects of Indo-Iranian languages, cultures and their history. In a book series surveying world history, Buddruss authored three chapters in the volume devoted to the 20th-century political history of East and South Asian states (#8): Chapter 1 (India under British rule from 1858 until World War II) and Chapter 9 (India 1939–1947) describe the independence movement and its complexities created by the caste system and the conflicts of the regional elite groups. These chapters testify to Buddruss’ profound knowledge of India’s struggle to achieve swarāj (self-governance) and Gandhi’s role in this process. The third chapter (Chapter 10: The Indian subcontinent since 1947) discusses the two decades of economic and ethnic complications that ensued from the “Partition of India” and how the (still sensitive) strategic issue of Kashmir became part of the bigger context of the Cold War. In two subchapters Buddruss also summarized the emergence of Pakistan and (with Heinz Bechert) Ceylon as sovereign states. Later a French, an Italian and a revised Spanish edition of this volume were also published.

His publications in linguistics cover all levels of linguistic description from phonetics and phonology to syntax, as well as studies in lexicology, paremiology, dialectology and ethnolinguistics. He was the author of two entries in Encylopaedia Iranica: the entry on Bartangī, the east Iranian language of the Pamir (#57) and the section describing languages of Chitral (#58). He was also a contributor to Encyclopedia Americana (#22) with the entry on Burushaski. For several decades he served as co-editor of the illustrious orientalist periodicals Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (1964–1988) and Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik (1982–2010).[2]

Buddruss’ research encompassed a great number of Indo-Iranian languages and several of his publications opened windows on languages unknown or scarcely documented before. The severely endangered Indo-Aryan language Domākī (Dawoodi) was discussed in three of his papers. One of these dealt with the lexeme čhot ‘sound’ (#47), a topic related to an earlier etymological analysis of Gandhara-Prakrit chada (#28), which also demonstrated that this Prakrit word was borrowed into Nuristani languages. Buddruss found it peculiar that, contrary to expectation, this Prakrit word was not reported from Dardic languages spoken closer to the core area of Gandhara than Nuristani languages. The second study (#48) supplemented Domākī data to Fussman’s (1972) Atlas. In the third paper (#52), he investigated the peculiar polysemy of Hindi phūl ‘flower’ – which occurs with the meaning ‘spark of fire’ and can also refer to the ashes remaining after cremation – in comparison with Domākī phulė ‘ashes’, concluding that ‘flower’ versus ‘ashes’ are in fact two distinct lemmata of different origins. Co-authored with R. P. Paranjpe, Buddruss published a small volume of tales from another Indo-Aryan language, Marathi (#7).

In the sphere of Iranian linguistic studies, Buddruss contributed to our knowledge of Wakhi and Baluchi. He wrote two brief reports on his 1955 visit in Hunza (#80, #81), where he collected texts of various genres in the local dialect of Wakhi: songs (#38), proverbs (#51, #66), texts on witchcraft (#70). In a lexical study of Wakhi (#28), he demonstrated that there are only slight distinctive features between its two main dialects, and these constitute only a few morphological differences and some lexical variation. The linguistic diversity of the Hunza Valley offers appealing avenues of research, as Buddruss pointed out (#76).

Buddruss published two Baluchi texts: a small volume of autobiographical narrative supplemented with a sketch grammar and an etymological glossary (#11), and another text from the Afghan Raxšānī dialect of Baluchi with translation and comments (#32). Some additional lexical material was made available in a short communication (#63).

1 Buddruss’ contribution to Dardic studies

The following paragraphs intend to give an insight into the scope of the pioneering fieldwork in Dardic and Nuristani languages that Buddruss carried out between 1955 and 1983. His research activity covered several languages and dialects of the Dardic group, such as Gṛaṅgali (#39), Kanyawali (#3), Khowar (#9), Pashai (#4), Sawi (#6), Shina (#11, #53, #55, #61, #62, #65, #69), Wotapuri-Qatarkalai (#5).

The Hindukush Expedition of 1955–1956 set out to document unknown cultures of the Hindukush, and it provided the opportunity for Buddruss to study unwritten languages of the regions visited. The original target area of the expedition included the region stretching from Baltistan to Chitral in Pakistan, but Buddruss suggested expanding research to East Afghanistan. As a result, the small expedition troupe split into two: Friedrich and Snoy stayed in Chitral, while Buddruss with Jettmar travelled to Kabul. Since Jettmar fell ill and had to stay behind, Buddruss continued the journey alone to the Kunar valley. He was able to spend three days eliciting linguistic data from an informant, who may have been (one of) the last speaker(s) of the Kohistani language Wotapuri-Qatarkalai. Buddruss published the collected texts with a glossary and a grammar sketch (#5). An interesting detail in this publication is that Buddruss (p. 10) mentioned the existence of a secret language, which appeared to use distorted Pashto words. In a later publication on a Gāndhārī Prakrit word chada ‘sound’ (#28, pp. 42–43), he noted a parallel phenomenon: a ritual form of Prasun (“Göttersprache”). This ritual language is no longer in use or understood by speakers today. It appears to be a hybrid variety of Prasun that must have emerged by lexical admixture primarily from Kati, as well as from Waigali. In this process, the loanwords were phonetically and morphologically assimilated, e.g., Waigali čad- ‘to sound’ shows up in a cult song in variants as čat- or čot- with native Prasun verbal suffixes.

One of the precious, pioneering publications by Buddruss that stemmed from his fieldwork during this expedition was his description of Kanyawali (#3) – called Maiyã̄ in early studies of this language – a variety of Indus Kohistani spoken in an enclave outside the Kohistan District, in the Tangir valley (Gilgit-Baltistan). Beyond the texts and glossary, the small volume also contains comments on historical phonology and morphology, to which Berger’s (1964) review provided some additions.

Buddruss was able to spend a couple of weeks in the lower Kunar valley studying Pashai dialects. The outcome of the intensive fieldwork was the publication of a small volume (#4) that presented a description of the Pashai sound system, 16 short texts with a close translation and a 47-page glossary. This publication supplemented Morgenstierene’s (1944, 1956 Pashai materials, and in some cases, corroborated or corrected the information provided by Morgenstierne. Buddruss also added etymological notes to the new lexical elements. His work was praised in a review by Morgenstierne (1960: 153) saying that Buddruss had “added materially to our knowledge of the eastern dialects of this multiform language, and helped to clear up severeal points of linguistic geography”. Morgenstierne also acknowledged that Buddruss provided him with numerous paradigms and vocabulary elements that were not included in Buddruss’ Pashai monograph.

Another early, groundbreaking work by Buddruss was his habilitation dissertation on the language of Sau (#6), a small enclave speaking a southern dialect (Savi/Sauji) of Palula on the east bank of the Kunar River, in the vicinity of the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. Although Buddruss had no chance to visit the village of Sau, he was able to work with a native speaker in Jalalabad for two days in 1956. Despite the brief period of interview, he managed to compose a most informative description of the speaker’s idiolect: it covered the phoneme inventory, noun and verb morphology and details of syntax; the volume also includes transcribed texts with translation and a glossary. Previously, hardly anything was known about this dialect. Wolfgang Lentz had a chance to collect linguistic information in the village of Sau during the first German Hindukush Expedition in 1935, but he published only a few calendar-related words (Lentz 1939: Tabellen, Gruppe F), while Morgenstierne, in his study of Phalūṛa (1941), made only a few occasional references to the Savi dialect.

Among other aspects, Buddruss’ work emphasized the importance of Khowar becoming established as a literary language, for which developing an appropriate orthography was a prerequisite. It was in the 1960s that the Khowar language became the language of media and education, and developing an orthography fitting the sound system of this language was a major concern since the Arabic script could not accommodate six consonants of Khowar, and special symbols needed to be developed for rendering them in writing. Buddruss also contributed to the promotion of Khowar literacy by publishing Khowar texts (#9). He analysed the texts of various genres (from anecdotes and biographical accounts to classical style praise songs and poems in ghazal-style).

Intrigued by the theme of folk wisdom, Buddruss devoted studies to proverbs and riddles in languages such as Wakhi (#51, #66), Khowar (#64, #72), Waigali (#59), Shina (#55, #65). He edited and annotated the first report of Shina proverbs and riddles collected by the Anglo-Hungarian orientalist Leitner (1877) (#55). In a later study on Shina riddles (#65), Buddruss combined Leitner’s materials with a collection of 38 riddles from a manuscript by D. L. R. Lorimer and added further specimens based on a list received from a native speaker of Shina, Mohammad Amin Zia, who also helped him to check the earlier manuscript collections (for details of their cooperation, see also #77). The 58 riddles were phonemically rewritten and translated into German by Buddruss relying on his fieldwork in Gilgit (1980–1983). This study of Shina riddles (#65) is accompanied with a glossary containing cross-references to Turner’s dictionary (CDIAL), indicating the source of loanwords and parallels from Burushaski. This line of research is continued in some publications by Degener (2008, 2022.

A glossary of the unexplored Shina dialect of Sazin was compiled by Buddruss (#69) based on the terms in Andrews’ (2000) description of life and society in the village of Sazin. Since the spelling used by Andrews unfortunately did not differentiate the opposition between dentals/retroflex and aspirated/non-aspirated speech sounds, Buddruss had no chance for a proper phonological transcription. At the same time, Buddruss was able to add Gilgit, Astor, Darel and Kohistani dialect equivalents to the Sazin Shina wordforms, as well as to indicate the source of loanwords (mostly Arabic and Persian).

People in the Hindukush and Karakorum ranges practise grafting artificial glaciers. This is a practice that can be considered an indigenous response to anxiety about having sufficient water for irrigation in the arid season. This is a community activity that may have started long before it was observed by D. L. R. Lorimer in Baltistan in the 1920s. Since the technical process once was associated with a ritual, it is not surprising that Buddruss also devoted a study to this topic (#61), which – based on a Shina text – describes how ice is preserved (“made to sit”) in dugouts filled with layers of charcoal, gourds of water, and straw for insulation.

An important step for the maintenance of the Shina language was the beginning of popular radio broadcasts launched by Radio Gilgit. A popular programme called bayáak (‘meeting place’) started in 1984, and some of these radio features served as the basis for a book that Buddruss co-authored with Almuth Degener (#11). The novelty of this book is in the fact that the seven texts transcribed, analysed and translated into English represent colloquial Shina, and this register is characterized by linguistic features that had not been described in earlier studies of Shina grammar. The major task of transcribing was especially difficult because the Arabic-Urdu script insufficiently reflected the vowel sounds of Shina, and no tape-recording of the radio episodes was available. To clarify the outstanding points in the manuscript and lexical or grammatical peculiarities of colloquial language use, Buddruss was assisted by his knowledgable friend, Muhammad Amin Zia during several meetings between 1985 and 1990. Buddruss also translated and commented on M. A. Zia’s poetry (#53, #62).

2 Buddruss’ contribution to Nuristani studies

Buddruss collected materials from each of the four Nuristani languages as well as from Gambiri, an idiom suspected to be affiliated with Waigali.

2.1 Tregam area (Gambir)

Buddruss visited the area of Tregam (three villages south of the Waigal valley) and spent some time in the village of Gambir in 1956. Then in 1969, he returned accompanied by Peter Snoy and Mohammad Alam Nuristani, a native of Nisheygram (Waigal valley). During the second stay he spent one week continuing his work on the Tregami material collected in 1956. With Alam’s help, he also managed to compare Tregami words and grammar with those of the Nishey dialect of Waigali. Unfortunately, the Tregami material remained unpublished.

2.2 Ashkun (Wamai dialect)

It was fortunate that Buddruss could work with two native informants from Wama (endonym Sama), where the more conservative, eastern dialect of Ashkun is spoken. Despite the limited time available, he managed to record several narratives. Most of this material also remains unpublished as of today, except for three texts (#74), each with an interlinear morphological glossing and German translation, followed by a glossary and a sketch grammar. The glossary includes references to Ashkun word forms in Turner’s CDIAL (Turner 1962–1965) (pointing out some typos as well) and in Morgenstierne’s (1929, 1934 Ashkun vocabulary lists that represent the western dialects of Ashkun. Buddruss was aware of the existence of Strand’s (2008–2011) Wamai data (Saňu-viri Lexicon) but had no access to it at the time of preparing his own Wamai text analysis for publication in 2006. Buddruss pointed out some lexical correspondences between Wamai and other Nuristani languages. Concerning the vexing dilemma about the status of vowel quantity, he stated that vowel length is not phonemic in the Wamai dialect.

2.3 Waigali (Nishey dialect)

In the spring of 1969 Buddruss spent two weeks (15–29 March) in Nisheygram (a village in the lower Waigal valley) and collected several texts. He shared some of these materials in three publications: the first one narrates some dramatic events that took place at the time of the forced conversion to Islam (#45); the second one is a small corpus of 25 proverbs with a German translation and commentary (#59). The glossary attached to the analysis includes parallels from other Nuristani languages and cross-references to Turner’s CDIAL. The third paper is a short account of an abandoned, pre-Islamic tradition of trial by ordeal (#54). This tradition functioned as a kind of “lie-detector” in the judicial practice of the community. The trial involved walking under a device called Mügül-dar, described by the informants as a gate – while others said it was a (pair of) bow(s) – under which an accused person had to pass. If guilty, he would fall ill and die but if truthful, he would be considered reborn and innocent like a child. The Nisheygram example shows that the ordeal was based on the mythic fear of death rather than on the fear of physical pain afflicted by a fire-trial as practised in ancient Iran or India (Hindu agniparīkṣā), as well as in Europe. Buddruss compared this ritual with a similar tradition reported by Palwal (1969), who heard about this in Bagramatal, a village in the Bashgal/Landay Sin valley, where western Kati (Katavari) speaking immigrants settled. This text is accompanied by a thorough analysis: the glossary contains grammatical information as well as cross-references to Morgenstierne’s Waigali lexical data and Turner’s dictionary; this is followed by a grammatical overview, the German translation and a short commentary on ritual rebirth as a rite of passage. Based on 42 texts collected by Buddruss, a comprehensive description of the Nishey dialect, accompanied by a German translation of the texts and a glossary, is now available in Degener’s (1998) monograph.

2.4 Prasun

Buddruss had the rare opportunity of visiting the Parun valley twice. Having overcome administrative difficulties and natural hindrances like heavy rain, danger of avalanches and a rugged terrain, Buddruss finally reached Paṣki (endonym Uṣüt), the southernmost village in the Prasun valley on March 23, 1956. During his stay of three months, he visited all six villages and gained insight into some of the features distinguishing the local dialects of Prasun. Buddruss had an opportunity to revisit the Prasun valley on July 27, 1970, when he was accompanied by the anthropologist Wolfram Bernhard. They started their work in the southernmost village, Paṣki. Since some residents remembered Buddruss from their encounter in 1956, the visitors were received in a friendly manner. Buddruss had prepared a list of questions related to his earlier collected materials, and – with help from a young man working as an informant in permanent employment – numerous earlier problem points could be clarified. After ten days Buddruss and Bernhard moved to Iṣṭewi (Ṣupū), the northernmost settlement in the valley. The dialect of this village was the least documented and most difficult to study. Of the 104 texts collected during the first visit, one (relating the story of how the god Māra built a mill) was published with a German translation and glossary in 2005 (#73). The publication of the rest of the fieldwork material from both visits finally materialized in a two-volume monograph on Prasun (#12, #13), which was the result of several years of cooperation with Almuth Degener. The monograph containing altogether 1,440 pages has managed to promote the Prasun language from the status of the least-known Nuristani language into the best-documented one: it has opened promising perspectives for investigating the lexical and structural features of Prasun as well as for the promotion of the historical-comparative study of Nuristani languages. The texts provide new insights into the life and culture of Prasun speakers. Volume 2 (pp. 449–482) of the monograph (#13) includes a description of the complex morphological devices used in Prasun for expressing location and direction, which is based on an earlier and much sought-after manuscript by Buddruss.

As early as 1960, Buddruss already noted that the pre-Islamic religion of Nuristan probably preserved vestiges of the ancient Aryan system of beliefs reflected in the Vedic texts (#19). Prasun primeval myths speak of the times before the creation of man, when only gods and giants existed. One such Prasun myth tells the story of how the god Mandi slayed a giant that held the sun and the moon captive (#26). Buddruss pointed out that – despite the difference of details – the Prasun myth shows motives similar to those in the Rigvedic myth of Indra slaying the monster and liberating water from a rock. The theme of liberating water appears in another Prasun story: the god Māra, who built a mill, enticed Lunang into releasing the stream from a lake to drive the wheel (#73). It is interesting to note that lake-opening for making a place habitable for humans seems to be a recurring explanation in Himalayan mythology (cf. Allen 1997).

Concerning the debated issue of the position of Nuristani, Buddruss expressed his opinion saying that this group probably “broke away from the main mass of Indian tribes in pre-Vedic times” (#25, p. 39), and the “Kafir languages” constitute a third Aryan branch, which may have been closer to the pre-Vedic stage of Indic (“Vorform des Altindischen”) than to Old Iranian (#71, p. 120). He suggested a bifold explanation why Nuristani may yet appear to be closer to Iranian: on the one hand, Old Indic became further differentiated by innovations, while Nuristani may have remained under Iranian influence (#31, p. 20).

Georg Buddruss with Abdur Rahim, malik (village representative) of Paṣki village (Prasun valley, spring of 1956)

Georg Buddruss with Abdur Rahim, malik (village representative) of Paṣki village (Prasun valley, spring of 1956)

Buddruss rarely published details of his travels in the Hindukush area. In two short communications he briefly reported about his visit in the Hunza valley (#80, #81); he gave an overview of the linguistic research carried out in the northern regions of Pakistan in a bilingual volume with each chapter published in German and English (#60). With Peter Snoy as co-author, Buddruss narrated the events of the German Hindukush expedition of 1955–1956 (#75) in a book commemorating the 60-year anniversary of the establishment of the Mainz Institut für Völkerkunde (called Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien since 1975), which was founded in 1946 and for a decade directed by Adolf Friedrich until his untimely death during the German Hindukush expedition in 1956. An English version of this joint account was also published later (#78). Some details of Buddruss’ visits in the valley of Prasun speakers in 1956 and 1970 can be read in the introduction to the first volume of the Prasun monograph (#12). He gave a brief account of his two-week stay in Nisheygram village (1969) in the preface to Degener’s (1998) monograph (#67).

With the departure of professor Buddruss Indo-Iranian studies have lost a great scholar of outstanding experience in fieldwork, who possessed a deep understanding of the languages and cultures of the Greater Hindukush area and a unique fount of knowledge for Nuristani linguistic research. His rigorous and meticulous attitude to processing his own field notes seems to have delayed their publication, but this is easy to understand once aware of the limited amount of time available for fieldwork, especially in Nuristan. To use a metaphor in a Shina riddle,[3] professor Buddruss moved on to a house with no doors, where people no longer speak. Yet he still talks to us in his publications. Let the benevolent peris, the spirits ruling the snowy mountain peaks watch over him and the peace of his abode.

Bibliography of Georg Buddruss

I Books

  1. Buddruss, Georg. 1954. Verbalaspekt und Imperativ im Rigveda. Inauguraldissertation (Ms.). Frankfurt am Main: Universität Frankfurt am Main. 107pp.

  2. Friedrich, Adolf & Georg Buddruss. 1955. Schamanengeschichten aus Sibirien (Eingeleitet und aus dem Russischen übersetzt). Munich & Planegg: Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag. 325pp.

  3. Buddruss, Georg. 1959. Kanyawali. Proben eines Maiyã̄-Dialektes aus Tangir (Hindukusch) (Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, Beiheft B) Munich: J. Kitzinger. 72pp.

  4. Buddruss, Georg. 1959. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pašai-Dialekte (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes XXXIII, 2). Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag. 74pp.

  5. Buddruss, Georg. 1960. Die Sprache von Woṭapūr und Kaṭārqalā. Linguistische Studien im afghanischen Hindukusch. Bonn: Orientalischen Seminar der Universität Bonn. 144pp.

  6. Buddruss, Georg. 1967. Die Sprache von Sau in Ostafghanistan: Beiträge zur Kenntnis des dardischen Phalūra (Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, Beiheft M) Munich: J. Kitzinger. 150pp.

  7. Paranjpye, Sir Raghunath Purushottam & Georg Buddruss. 1969. Der müde Mond und andere Marathi-Erzählungen (UNESCO-Sammlung Repräsentiver Werke, Asiatische Reihe). Stuttgart: Reclam. 95pp.

  8. Bianco, Lucien, Paul Akamatsu, Heinz Bechert, Georg Buddruss, Lê Thanh Kôi & Jacques Robert. 1969. Das moderne Asien (Fischer Weltgeschichte 33). Frankfurt am Main: Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag. 356pp.[4]

  9. Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Khowar-Texte in arabischer Schrift (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften Klasse; Jg. 1982, Nr. 1). Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur. 79pp.

  10. Buddruss, Georg. 1989. Aus dem Leben eines jungen Balutschen von ihm selbst erzählt (mit Kurzgrammatik und etymologischem Glossar) (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 48.4). Stuttgart: Steiner. 87pp.

  11. Buddruss, Georg & Almuth Degener. 2012. The meeting place. Radio features in the Shina language of Gilgit by Mohammad Amin Zia: text, interlinear analysis and English translation with a glossary (Beiträge zur Indologie 46). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 308pp.

  12. Buddruss, Georg & Almuth Degener. 2015. Materialen zur Prasun-Sprache des afghanischen Hindukusch. Teil 1: Texte und Glossar (Harvard Oriental Series 80). Cambridge, MA & London: Harvard University Press. 933pp.

  13. Buddruss, Georg & Almuth Degener. 2017. Materialen zur Prasun-Sprache des afghanischen Hindukusch. Teil 2: Grammatik (Harvard Oriental Series 84). Cambridge, MA & London: Harvard University Press. 507pp.

II Edited books

  1. Georg Buddruss (ed.). 1964. Wilhelm Wissmann zum 65. Geburtstag. Munich: Kitzinger in Komm.

  2. Buddruss, Georg (ed.). 1971. Paul Thieme: Kleine Schriften (Glasenapp-Stiftung 5). Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner.

  3. Georg Buddruss & Albrecht Wezler (eds.). 1980. Festschrift Paul Thieme zur Vollendung des 75. Lebensjahres dargebracht von Schülern und Freunden. Reinbek: Verlag für orientalistische Fachpublikationen.

  4. Buddruss, Georg (ed.). 1984. Paul Thieme: Kleine Schriften, 2nd edn. with Supplement to Bibliography. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner.

III Articles

  1. Buddruss, Georg. 1960. Zur Mythologie der Prasun-Kafiren. Paideuma. Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde 7(4/6). 200–209.

  2. Buddruss, Georg. 1961. Der Veda und Kaschmir. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprach-forschung auf dem Gebiete der Indogermanischen Sprachen 77(3/4). 235–245.

  3. Buddruss, Georg. 1964. Aus dardischer Volksdichtung. In Georges Redard (ed.), Indo-Iranica. Mélanges présentés à Georg Morgenstierne à l’occasion de son soixante-dixième anniversaire, 48–61. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.

  4. Buddruss, Georg. 1964. Tenatā̆/tenada im 8. Felsenedikt des Aśoka. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 16. 5–12.

  5. Buddruss, Georg. 1964. Burushaski. In Encyclopedia Americana vol. 55, 69. New York: Grolier.

  6. Buddruss, Georg. 1970. Some reflections on a Kafir myth. In Karl Jettmar (ed.), Cultures of the Hindukush: selected papers from the Hindu-Kush cultural conference held at Moesgård 1970, 31–36. Wiesbaden: F. Steiner.

  7. Buddruss, Georg. 1972. Die Literatur in Paschtu und Persisch. In Willy Kraus (ed.), Afghanistan: Natur, Geschichte und Kultur, Staat, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft, 152–156. Tübingen: Erdmann.

  8. Buddruss, Georg. 1973. Archaisms in some modern Northwestern Indo-Aryan languages. In Günter Diehl (ed.), German scholars on India: Contributions to Indian Studies 1, 31–49. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office (Revised, English edition of #19).

  9. Buddruss, Georg. 1974. Some reflections on a Kafir myth. In Karl Jettmar & Lennart Edelberg (eds.), Cultures of the Hindukush, Selected papers from the Hindukush cultural conference, Moesgård 1970, 31–36. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag.

  10. Buddruss, Georg. 1974. Neuiranische Wortstudien: Zur Wakhi-Sprache in Hunza. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 32. 9–40.

  11. Buddruss, Georg. 1975. Gāndhārī-Prakrit chada ‘Ton’. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 1. 37–48.

  12. Buddruss, Georg. 1975. Zur Benennung der Schlange in einigen nordwestindischen Sprachen. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 33. 7–14.

  13. Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Der Einakter nayā purānā von Upendranāth Aśk: Zu einer Frage des Realismus in der Hindi-Literatur. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 2. 3–26.

  14. Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Nochmals zur Stellung der Nūristān-Sprachen des afghanisches Hindukusch. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 36. 19–38.

  15. Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Buttern in Baluchistan. In Brigitta, Benzing, Otto Böcher & Günter Mayer (eds.), Wort und Wirklichkeit. Studien zur Afrikanistik und Orientalistik [Eugen Ludwig Rapp zum 70. Geburtstag]. Teil II, Linguistik und Kulturwissenschaft, 1–16. Meisenheim am Glan: Hain.

  16. Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Kritische Randnotizen zu Übersetzungen aus der Hindi- und Urdu-Literatur. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 3. 23–34.

  17. Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Das Seminar für Indologie. In Tradition und Gegenwart. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Mainz 11/II,1: Institut der Philosophischen Fakultät 1946–1972, 109. Wiesbaden: Steiner.

  18. Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Lage und Richtung in der Prasun-Sprache des afghanischen Hindukusch (manuscript, cf. Buddruss & Degener 2017: 449–482)

  19. Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Nachtrag zu MSS 36, 1977, S.19ff. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 37. 37–38.

  20. Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Zum Gebrauch von bhara- und bhāra- im späten Sanskrit. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 4. 81–110.

  21. Buddruss, Georg & Sigrun Wiehler-Schneider. 1978. Wakhi-Lieder aus Hunza. Jahrbuch für musikalische Volks- und Völkerkunde 9. 89–110.

  22. Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Gṛaṅgali: Ein Nachtrag zum Atlas der Dardsprachen. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 38. 21–39.

  23. Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Zum Lapis Lazuli in Indien. Einige philologische Anmerkungen. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 5–6. 3–26.

  24. Buddruss, Georg & G. Djelani Davary. 1980. Zu zwei Dari-Inschriften aus dem Wakhan. Afghanistan Journal 7(3). 109–111.

  25. Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Zum Vorbild des Einakters nayā purānā von Upendranāth Aśk. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 7. 3–10.

  26. Edelberg, Lennart, Schuyler Jones & Georg Buddruss. 1981. Notes on the “horn chairs” of Nuristan. Acta Iranica 21, 164–184 (Deuxiéme Série, Hommages et Opera Minora 7: Monumentum Georg Morgenstierne, Part I.) Leiden: Brill.

  27. Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Khowār, a new literary language of Chitral, Pakistan. In Graciela de la Lama (ed.), 30th International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa, 1976, Mexico City, Vol.: South Asia 1, 139–146. Mexico City: El Colegio de México.

  28. Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Spiegelungen der Islamisierung Kafiristans in der mündlichen Überlieferung. In Peter Snoy (ed.), Ethnologie und Geschichte: Festschrift für Karl Jettmar, 73–88 (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung 86) Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag.

  29. Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Neue Schriftsprachen im Norden Pakistans. Einige Beobachtungen. In Assmann, Aleida, Jan Assmann & Christof Hardmeier (eds.), Schrift und Gedächtnis. Beiträge zur Archäologie der literarischen Kommunikation, Band 1, 231–244. Munich: Wilhelm Fink.

  30. Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Ḍomaáki čhot ‘Ton’. Mit Beiträgen zur historischen Lautlehre. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 42. 5–21.

  31. Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Ḍomaáki Nachträge zum Atlas der Dardsprachen. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 43. 9–24.

  32. Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Zu Pañcaviṃśa-Brāhmaṇa 14.6.6. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 44 (= Festgabe für Karl Hoffmann Teil I). 9–14.

  33. Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Linguistic research in Gilgit and Hunza: Some results and perspectives. Journal of Central Asia 8(1). 27–32.

  34. Buddruss, Georg. 1986. Wakhi-Sprichwörter aus Hunza. In Rüdiger Schmitt & Prods Oktor Skjærvø (eds.), Studia Grammatica Iranica. Festschrift für Helmut Humbach, 27–44. Munich: Kitzinger.

  35. Buddruss, Georg. 1986. Hindi phūl, Ḍomaakī phulė. Münchener Studien zur Sprach-wissenschaft 47, 71–77.

  36. Buddruss, Georg. 1986. Foreword (in Urdu) and Afterword (in Shina [Dībāča]). In Moḥammad Amīn Ẓiā, Ṣinà qāʿida aur graimar, iv-vii (Urdu), 200–203 (Shina). Gilgit: Zia Publishers.

  37. Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Ein Ordal der Waigal-Kafiren des Hindukusch. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 41 (= Cahier dédié à Georges Redard). 31–43.

  38. Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Zur ältesten Sammlung von Sprichwörtern und Rätseln in der Shina Sprache. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 13/14. 39–57 (= Festschrift Wilhelm Rau zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres dargebracht von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen, edited by Heidrun Brückner).

  39. Buddruss, Georg. 1989. Kommentar zu einem Kivi-Vokabular aus dem sowjetischen Pamir. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 15. 197–205.

  40. Buddruss, Georg 1989. Bartangī. In Ehsan Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica. Vol. III, Fasc. 8, 827–830. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers.

  41. Buddruss, Georg. 1992. Chitral, ii. Languages. In Ehsan Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica Vol. V, Fasc. 5, 493–494. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers.

  42. Buddruss, Georg. 1992. Waigali Sprichwörter. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 16–17. 65–80.

  43. Buddruss, Georg. 1993. Deutsche sprachwissenschaftliche Forschung in den Nordgebieten Pakistans/German linguistic research in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. In Stephanie Zingel-Avé Lallemant & Wolfgang-Peter Zingel (eds.), Neuere deutsche Beiträge zu Geschichte und Kultur Pakistans/Contemporary German Contributions to the History and Culture of Pakistan, 22–49 (Schriftenreihe des Deutsch-Pakistanischen Forums 10). Bonn: Deutsch–Pakistanisches Forum e.V.

  44. Buddruss, Georg. 1993. On artificial glaciers in the Gilgit Karakorum. Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 18. 77–90.

  45. Buddruss, Georg. 1993. Das Gedicht von Muhammad Amin Zia „An meine Lebensgefährtin“. Übersetzung aus der Shina-Sprache und Kommentar. In Günther-Dietz Sontheimer (ed.), Südasien-Anthologie 44: Übersetzungen aus südasiatischen Literaturen (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung, 140), 1–4. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.

  46. Buddruss, Georg. 1994. Epilegomena zu einem Baloci-Glossar. Acta Orientalia 55. 102–105.

  47. Buddruss, Georg. 1995. Khowār matāl: 50 Khowar-Sprichwörter. Transkription, kommentierte Übersetzung, Glossar. In Nikita V. Gurov & Yaroslav V. Vasilkov (eds.), Stxapakašraddxa: Sbornik statej pamjati G.A. Zografa [Sthāpakaśrāddham: Commemorative volume for G. A. Zograph], 162–179. St. Petersburg: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie.

  48. Buddruss, Georg. 1996. Shina-Rätsel. In Dieter B. Kapp (ed.), Nānāvidhaikatā: Festschrift für Hermann Berger, 29–54. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

  49. Buddruss, Georg. 1998. Eine einheimische Sammlung von Wakhi-Sprichwörtern aus Hunza. Text, Übersetzung, Glossar. In Vladimir V. Kushev, Nina L. Luzhetskaja, Lutz Rzehak & Ivan M. Steblin-Kamenskij (eds.), Strany i narody Vostoka. Vyp. XXX: Central’naja Azija, Vostočnyj Gindukuš (pamjati A. L. Grjunberga) [Countries and peoples of the East. Vol. XXX: Central Asia, Eastern Hindukush (in memory of A. L. Grjunberg)], 30–45. St. Petersburg: Peterburgskoe Vostokovedenie.

  50. Buddruss, Georg. 1998. Vorwort. In Almuth Degener, Die Sprache von Nisheygram im afghanischen Hindukusch, vii-ix. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

  51. Buddruss, Georg. 1999. Realism in modern Hindi literature. In Kamal Kant Budhkar (ed.), पुिन जहाज पै आवै [Puni jahāj pai āvai]. [… Returning to the ship (Felicitation volume for the 75th birthday of the founder of the Indian Cultural Institute in Frankfurt Indu Prakash Pandey)], 150–162. Haridvār: Āyās Prakāśan.

  52. Georg Buddruss. 2000. Glossary of the terms used in the text “A survey of Sazin, Indus-Kohistan” collected by Peter Alford Andrews. In Peter Alford Andrews & Karl Jettmar (eds.), Sazin: A Fortified Village in Indus-Kohistan (Antiquities of Northern Pakistan Reports and Studies 4), 129–142. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.

  53. Buddruss, Georg. 2001. Zwei Wakhi-Texte zum Hexenglauben in Hunza. In Maria Gabriela Schmidt & Walter Bisang, in collaboration with Marion Grein & Bernhard Hiegl (eds.), Philologica et Linguistica: Historia, Pluralitas, Universitas. Festschrift für Helmut Humbach zum 80. Geburtstag am 4. Dezember 2001, 189–206. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.

  54. Buddruss, Georg. 2002. Vom mythischen Weltbild eines Hochgebirgsvolkes im Hindukusch. In Dieter Zeller (ed.), Religion und Weltbild, 117–134. Münster, Hamburg & London: LIT Verlag.

  55. Buddruss, Georg. 2002–2003. Khowar proverbs collected by Wazir Ali Shah: From the posthumous papers of Professor Georg Morgenstierne. Orientalia Suecana 51–52. 47–66.

  56. Buddruss, Georg. 2005. Māra’s Mühlenbau. Analyse eines Prasun-Textes aus dem afghanischen Hindukush. In Nikolai N. Kazansky, Alexander S. Nikolaev & Andrey V. Shatskov with the assistance of Eugenia R. Kryuchkova (eds.), Hṛdā́ mánasā: Studies presented to Professor Leonard G. Herzenberg on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 446–469. St. Petersburg: Nauka.

  57. Buddruss, Georg. 2006. Drei Texte in der Wama-Sprache des afghanischen Hindukusch. In Mixail N. Bogoljubov (ed.), Indoiranskoe jazykoznanie i tipologija jazykovyx situacij. Sbornik statej k 75-letiju professora A. L. Grjunberga (1930–1995) [Indo-Iranian linguistics and typology of language situations. Collection of articles dedicated to the 75th birthday of Professor A. L. Grjunberg], 177–200. St. Petersburg: Nauka.

  58. Buddruss, Georg & Peter Snoy. 2006. Die Deutsche Hindukush Expedition (DHE) 1955–56. In Anna-Maria Brandstätter & Carola Lentz (eds.), 60 Jahre Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien. Ein Geburtstagsbuch, 49–60. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.

  59. Buddruss, Georg. 2006. Linguistic diversity in the Hunza Valley. In Hermann Kreutzmann (ed.), Karakoram in transition: culture, development, and ecology in the Hunza Valley, 38–49. Karachi: Oxford University Press.

  60. Buddruss, Georg. 2008. Vorwort. In Almuth Degener, Shina-Texte aus Gilgit (Nord-Pakistan). Sprichwörter und Materialien zum Volksglauben, gesammelt von Mohammad Amin Zia (Beiträge zur Indologie 41), xi–xii. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

  61. Buddruss, Georg & Peter Snoy. 2008. The German Hindu Kush Expedition (DHE) 1955–56. Journal of Asian Civilizations 31(1–2). 1–15.

  62. Buddruss, Georg. 2008. Reflections of the Islamisation of Kafiristan in oral tradition. Journal of Asian Civilizations 31(1–2). 16–35.

IV Newspaper articles, short communications

  1. Buddruss, Georg. 1955. Ich habe die Hunza besucht. Reform-Rundschau 25(4), 9.

  2. Buddruss, Georg. 1957. Hunza-Land. In Lotte Knoll-Stratemann (ed.), Krankenernährung 1957. Vorträge des Diätfortbildungskurses 1957, 50–53. Munich: Urban & Schwarzenberg.

  3. Buddruss, Georg. 1961. Professor von Glasenapp 70 jahre alt. Schwäbische Tageblatt (Tübingen) 7.9.1961.

  4. Buddruss, Georg. 1969. Im Seminar für Indologie. Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung 1969–12–02.

  5. Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Georg Morgenstierne (1892–1978). Afghanistan Journal 5(3). 109–111.

  6. Buddruss, Georg. 2005. Bernfried Schlerath (1924–2003). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 155(1). 1–7.

V Translation

  1. Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Viktor Sarianidi: Zur Kultur der frühen Kuṣāna (translation from Russian). In Ozols, Jakob & Volker Thewalt (eds.), Aus dem Osten des Alexanderreiches. Völker und Kulturen zwischen Orient und Okzident. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indien. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Klaus Fischer. Cologne: DuMont.

VI Reviews and book notices[5]

Buddruss, Georg. 1958. Review of Georg Morgenstierne, Indo-Iranian frontier languages, Vol. III: The Pashai language, 3. Vocabulary (Oslo 1956). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 108(2). 411–413.

Buddruss, Georg. 1960. Review of Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin, The Western response to Zoroaster (Oxford 1958). Oriens 13–14(1). 372–373.

Buddruss, Georg. 1960. Review of Språkvetenskapliga Sällskapets i Uppsala Förhandlingar. Acta Societatis Linguisticae Upsaliensis Jan. 1955–Dec. 1957 (Uppsala 1958). Oriens 13–14(1). 377–379.

Buddruss, Georg. 1960. Review of Jyoti Bhusan Das Gupta, Indo-Pakistan relations 1947–1955 (Amsterdam 1958). Oriens 13–14(1). 422–423.

Buddruss, Georg. 1960. Review of Luciano Petech, Mediaeval history of Nepal (c. 750–1480) (Roma 1958). Oriens 13–14(1). 452–453.

Buddruss, Georg. 1963. Review of Jan Gonda, Four studies in the language of the Veda (The Hague 1959). Oriens 16(1). 368–370.

Buddruss, Georg. 1963. Review of Ralph L. Turner, A comparative dictionary of the Indo-Aryan languages. Fasc. I: a—uttapti (Oxford 1962). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 113(2). 352–353.

Buddruss, Georg. 1964. Review of Ralph L. Turner, A comparative dictionary of the Indo-Aryan languages. Fasc. II: uttapyatē—kiṅkirāla (Oxford 1963). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 114(2). 444–447.

Buddruss, Georg. 1964. Review of Hanns-Peter Schmidt, Vedisch vratá und awestisch urvā̆ta (Hamburg 1958). Oriens 17(1). 277–279.

Buddruss, Georg. 1965. Review of Allan Dahlquist, Megasthenes and Indian religion: a study in motives and types (Stockholm, Göteborg & Uppsala 1962). Gnomon 37(7). 718–723.

Buddruss, Georg. 1965. Review of Mathias Hermanns, Die religiös-magische Weltanschaung der primitivstämme Indiens. Bd. 1 (Wiesbaden 1964). Mundus 1. 120.

Buddruss, Georg. 1966. Review of Ralph L. Turner, A comparative dictionary of the Indo-Aryan languages. Fasc. III: kicca—ghāṭayati; Fasc. IV: ghāṭā—tátas; Fasc. V: tatkṣaṇa—náyati (Oxford 1963, 1964, 1965). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 116(2). 412–418.

Buddruss, Georg. 1967. Review of Dietmar Rothermund, Die politische Willensbildung in Indien 1900–1960 (Wiesbaden 1965). Mundus 3. 138–140.

Buddruss, Georg. 1967. Review of D. A. Shafeev, A short grammatical outline of Pashto (The Hague 1964). Orientalistisches Literaturzeitung 62. 65–66.

Buddruss, Georg. 1967. Review of Thomas W. Clark, Introduction to Nepali: a first-year language course (Cambridge 1963). Orientalistisches Literaturzeitung 62. 192–197.

Buddruss, Georg. 1968. Review of Alfred Master, A grammar of Old Marathi (Oxford 1964). Orientalistisches Literaturzeitung 63. 183–186.

Buddruss, Georg. 1968. Review of Matthias Hermanns, Die religiös-magische Weltanschauung der Primitivstämme Indiens. Bd. 2: Die Bhilala, Korku, Gond, Baiga (Wiesbaden 1966). Mundus 4. 212–213.

Buddruss, Georg. 1968. Review of Paul Horsch, Die vedische Gāthā- und Śloka-Literatur (Bern & Munich 1966). Mundus 4. 315–316.

Buddruss, Georg. 1969. Review of Tilmann Vetter, Dharmakīrti’s Pramāṇaviniścayaḥ. 1 Kapitel: Pratyakṣam (Wien 1966). Mundus 5. 39–40.

Buddruss, Georg. 1969. Review of Dietmar Rothermund, Indien und die Sowjetunion (Köln 1968). Mundus 5. 323–324.

Buddruss, Georg. 1970. Review of Horst Jaeckel, Die Nordwestgrenze in der Verteidigung Indiens 1900–1908 und der Weg Englands zum russisch-britischen Abkommen von 1907 (Köln-Opladen 1968). Mundus 6. 19–20.

Buddruss, Georg. 1970. Review of Indira Rothermund, Die Spaltung der Kommunistischen Partei Indiens: Ursachen und Folgen (Wiesbaden 1969). Mundus 6. 123–125.

Buddruss, Georg. 1971. Review of Hermann Jacobi, Schriften zur indischen Poetik und Ästhetik (Darmstadt 1969). Mundus 7. 22–23.

Buddruss, Georg. 1971. Review of Werner Draguhn, Entwicklungsbewußtsein und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Indien (Wiesbaden 1970). Mundus 7. 106–107.

Buddruss, Georg. 1971. Review of Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker & Aqil Khan Mengal, A course in Baluchi (Montreal 1969). Die Welt des Islams 13(3–4). 242–244.

Buddruss, Georg. 1972. Review of Ehsan Yar-Shater, A grammar of Southern Tati dialects (The Hague 1969). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 122. 399–400.

Buddruss, Georg. 1973. Review of Dušan Zbavitel, Lehrbuch des Bengalischen (Heidelberg 1970). Die Welt des Islams 14(1–4). 246–247.

Buddruss, Georg. 1973. Review of Wolfgang Morgenroth, Lehrbuch des Sanskrit: Grammatik, Lektionen, Glossar (Leipzig 1973). Mundus 9. 316–317.

Buddruss, Georg. 1973. Review of Heinrich von Stietencron, Gaṅgā und Yamunā. Zur symbolischen Bedeutung der Flußgöttinnen an indischen Tempeln (Wiesbaden 1972). Mundus 9. 325–326.

Buddruss, Georg. 1974. Review of Hans Findeisen, Dokumente urtümlicher Weltanschauung der Völker Nordeurasiens. Ihre Mythen, Mären un Legenden nach vorwiegend russischen Quellen zusammengestellt, bearbeitet und eingeleitet (Oosterhout & New York 1970). Tribus 23. 222–223.

Buddruss, Georg. 1974. Review of Vilmos Diószegi, Tracing shamans in Siberia (Oosterhout 1968). Tribus 23. 223–224.

Buddruss, Georg. 1975. Review of Matthias Hermanns, Die religiös-magische Weltanschauung der Primitivstämme Indiens. Band 3: Die Oraon (Wiesbaden 1973). Mundus 11(2). 115–116.

Buddruss, Georg. 1974. Review of R. N. Dandekar & A. M. Ghatage (eds.), Proceedings of the seminar in Prakrit studies, June 23–27, 1969 (Poona 1970). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 69. 523–524.

Buddruss, Georg. 1975. Review of Eugene F. Irschick, Politics and social conflict in South India. The non-Brahman Movement and Tamil separatism (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1969). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 70. 188–191.

Buddruss, Georg. 1975. Review of Barkat Rai Chopra, Kingdom of the Punjab 1939–45 (Hoshiarpur 1969). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 70. 397–398.

Buddruss, Georg. 1975. Review of Hermann Berger, Das Yasin-Burushaski (Wiesbaden 1974). Kratylos 19. 153–155.

Buddruss, Georg. 1975. Review of Indu Prakash Pandey, Regionalism in Hindi novels (Wiesbaden 1974). Erasmus 27. 612–614.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of John W. Mellor et al., Developing rural India: plan and practice (Ithaca, N.Y. 1968). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 71. 76–77.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of David Kopf, British orientalism and the Bengal renaissance: the dynamics of Indian modernization 1773–1835 (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1969). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 71. 78–81.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Tichard T. Taub, Bureaucrats under stress: adminsitration in an Indian state (Berkeley & Los Angeles 1969). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 71. 191–193.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Herbert Feldman, From crisis to crisis: Pakistan 1962–1969 (London, Lahore, Karachi & Dacca 1972). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 71. 604–606.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Georg Morgenstierne, Indo-Iranian frontier languages. Vol. 4: The Kalasha language (Oslo 1973). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 215.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Jean Filliozat, Laghu-Prabandhāḥ: choix d’articles d’Indologie (Leiden 1974). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 215–216.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Hari Damodar Velankar & S. A. Upadhyaya, Ṛksūktaśatī: selected hymns from the Ṛgveda with important Padapāṭha (Bombay 1972). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 216.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Hans-Werbin Köhler, Śrad-dhā- in der vedischen und altbuddhistischen Literatur, hrsg. von Klaus L. Janert (Wiesbaden 1973). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 216–217.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Rāghavayādavīya par Veṅkaṭādhvarin; texte sanskrit édité par M. S. Narasimhacharya; étude et traduction par Marie-Claude Porcher (Pondichéry 1972). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 217.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Rauravāgama; éd. critique par N. R. Bhatt. Vol. I, Vol. II (Pondichéry 1961, 1972). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 217.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of: Mahābhāṣya pradīpa Vyākhyānāni, [1]: Adhyāya 1 Pāda 1 Āhnika 1–4; éd. par M. S. Narasimhacharya; présentation par Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat (Pondichéry 1973). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 217–218.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Parasurama Laksmana Vaidya & Hiralal Jain (eds.), Jasaharacariu of Puṣpadanta (New Delhi 1972). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 218.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of A. N. Upadhye, Gītavītarāgaprabandhaḥ of Paṇḍitācārya (New Delhi 1972). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 218.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Ria Kloppenborg, The Paccekabuddha: a Buddhist ascetic. A study of the concept of the paccekabuddha in Pāli canonical and commentarial literature (Leiden 1974). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 219.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Nemi Chandra Shastri, Alaṃkāracintāmaṇi of Mahākavi Ajitasena (New Delhi 1973). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 219.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Bhagavatprasad Natvarlal Bhatt, Śrīkaṇṭhacaritam: a study (Baroda 1973). Zeitschrift Der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1), 219–220.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Ludwik Sternbach, Subhāṣita, gnomic and didactic literature (Wiesbaden 1974). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 220.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Ludwik Sternbach, Bibliography on dharma and artha in ancient and mediaeval India (Wiesbaden 1973). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 220–221.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Ronald Stuart McGregor, Hindi literature of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (New Delhi 1974). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(1). 221.

Buddruss, Georg. 1976. Review of Georg Morgenstierne, Irano-Dardica (Wiesbaden 1973). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 126(2). 401–402.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of R. Kumar (ed.), Essays on Gandhian politics: the Rowlatt Satyagraha of 1919 (Oxford 1971). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 72. 81–83.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Richard G. Fox, From Zamindar to ballot box: Community change in a north Indian market town (Ithaca & New York 1969). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 72. 85–86.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Georg Morgenstierne, Etymological vocabulary of the Shughni group (Beiträge zur Iranistik 6). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 140–145.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Peter E. Hook, The compound verb in Hindi (Ann Arbor, 1974). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 145–150.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Norvin Hein, The miracle plays of Mathurā (New Haven 1972). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 165–166.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Peter Snoy, Bagrot. Eine Bardische Talschaft im Karakorum (Graz 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 214–215.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Leipziger Beiträge zur Indienforschung (Leipzig 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 216.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Jan Gonda, Selected studies. Presented to the author by the staff of the Oriental Institute, Utrecht University, on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Vols. 1–5 (Leiden 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 216–217.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Jan Gonda, Vedic literature (Saṃhitās and Brāhmaṇas) (Wiesbaden 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 217–218.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of M. S. Narasimhacharya, Mahābhāṣya Pradīpa Vyākhyānāni II (Pondichéry 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 218.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of M. M. J. Marasinghe, Gods in early Buddhism (Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 1974). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 221.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of James W. Boyd, Satan and Māra: Christian and Buddhist symbols of evil (Leiden 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 222.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of A. L. Basham, A cultural history of India (Oxford 1975) Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(1). 223.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Gisela Borcherding, Granatapfel und Flügelpferd, Märchen aus Afghanistan (Kassel 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(2). 462.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Ganesh Gaur, Catalogue of Panjabi Printed Books added to the India Office Library 1902–1964 (London 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(2). 463.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of András Höfer et al. (eds.), Die Religionen Südostasiens (Die Religionen der Menschheit 23) (Stuttgart 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(2). 464–465.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Göran Djurfeldt & Staffan Lindberg, Behind poverty: the social formation in a Tamil village (Lund & London 1975); Pills against poverty: a study of the introduction of Western medicine in a Tamil village (Lund & London 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(2). 465–466.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Heinz Zimmermann, Die Subhāṣita-ratna-karaṇdaka-kathā (dem Āryaśūra zugeschrieben) und ihre tibetische Übersetzung: ein Vergleich zur Darlegung der Irrtumsrisiken bei der Auswertung tibetischer Übersetzungen (Wiesbaden 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 127(2). 466–467.

Buddruss, Georg. 1977. Review of Calambur Sivaramamurti, Indien: Kunst und Kultur (Freiburg, Basel & Wien 1975). Anthropos 72(1–2). 334.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Frederic Drew, The Jummoo and Kashmir territories: a geographical account (Graz 1976). Der Islam 55. 159.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of W. H. Sleemann, Major General Sir K.C.B., Rambles and recollections of an Indian official. Revised annotated edn. by Vincent A. Smith (Karachi etc. 1972). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 73. 195–197.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of W. Crooke, The north-western provinces of India. Their history, ethnology and administration (London etc. 1915) [Reprinted: Karachi etc. 1972]. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 73. 292–293.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Kerrin Dittmer, Die indischen Muslims und die Hindi-Urdu-Kontroverse in den United Provinces (Wiesbaden 1972). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 73. 293–296.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of J. Henry Korson (ed.), Contemporary problems of Pakistan (Leiden 1974). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 73. 495–497.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Herbert Härtel & Volker Moeller (eds.), Indologen-Tagung 1971: Verhandlungen der Indologischen Arbeitstagung im Museum für Indische Kunst Berlin, 7–9. Oktober 1971 (Wiesbaden 1973). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 187–189.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Klaus Fischer et al. (eds.), Nimruz: Geländebegehungen in Sistan 1955–1973 und die Aufnahme von Dewal-i Khodaydad 1970, Vols. 1–2 (Bonn 1974, 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 213–214.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Christopher Shackle, The Siraiki language of central Pakistan: a reference grammar (London 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 214.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Pierre Filliozat, Le Mahābhāṣya de Patañjali avec le Pradīpa de Kaiyafa et l’Uddyota de Nāgeśa. Adhyāya 1 Pāda 1 Āhnika 1–4 (Pondichéry 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 214–215.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of S. C. Banerji, Indian Society in the Mahābhārata (based on Smṛti material in the Mahābhārata) (Varanasi 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 215.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Prajñā-pāramitā-ratna-guṇa-saṃcaya-gāthā (Sanskrit recension A). Ed. with an introd., bibliographical notes and a Tibetan version from Tunhuang by Akira Yuyama (Cambridge 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 216.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Bardwell L. Smith, Hinduism: new essays in the history of religions (Leiden 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 216–217.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Maria Burgi-Kyriazi, Ramana Maharshi et l’expérience de l’être (Paris 1975). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 217.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Hans Wolfgang Schumann, Buddhismus: Stifter, Schulen und Systeme (Olten & Freiburg 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 218.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Barwell L. Smith, Religion and social conflict in South Asia (Leiden 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 218–219.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Klaus Fischer & Christa-M. Friederike Fischer. Indische Baukunst islamischer Zeit (Baden-Baden 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(1). 219–220.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Satyendra Nath Sarma, Assamese literature (Wiesbaden 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(2). 422–423.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Jan Gonda, Triads in the Veda (Amsterdam, Oxford & New York 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(2). 423.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of E. R. Sreekrishna Sarma (ed.), Kauṣītaki-Brāhmaṇa 1: Text (Wiesbaden 1968); Kauṣītaki-Brāhmaṇa 2 and 3: Vyākhyā of Udaya (Wiesbaden 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(2). 424.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of M. S. Narasimhacharya, Mahābhāṣya Pradīpa Vyākhyānāni (Pondichéry 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(2). 424.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Lawrence S. Leshnik, South Indian “megalithic” burials: the Pandukal complex (Wiesbaden 1974). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(2). 426.

Buddruss, Georg. 1978. Review of Eknath Ranade (ed.), India in the eyes of foreigners (Madras 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 128(2). 428.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Sir George S. Robertson, The Káfirs of the Hindu-Kush. With an introduction by Louis Dupree. Illustrated by A. D. McCormick (London 1896) [Reprinted: Karachi etc. 1974]. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 74. 278–279.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Ralph L. Turner, Collected papers: 1912–1973 (London, New York & Toronto 1975). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 74. 488.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of M. Gaborieau, Minortités musulmanes dans le royaume hindou du Népal (Nanterre 1977). Der Islam 56. 184–186.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Salome Zajadacz-Hastenrath, Chaukhandigräber: Studien zur Grabkunst in Sind und Baluchistan (Wiesbaden 1978). Der Islam 56(2). 363.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Wolfgang Lentz, Zeitrechnung in Nuristan und am Pamir (Berlin 1939, Graz 1978). Der Islam 56(2). 350–352.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Cristopher Shackle, Catalogue of the Panjabi and Sindhi manuscripts in the India Office Library (London 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 191.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Willibald Kirfel, Kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von Robert Birwé (Glasenapp-Stiftung 11) (Wiesbaden 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 191–192.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Walter Schubring, Kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von Klaus Bruhn (Wiesbaden 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 192–193.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Jan Gonda, The ritual sūtras (Wiesbaden 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 193.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Uchida Norihiko, Hindi phonology: treatment of Middle Indo-Aryan vowel sequences in Hindi (Calcutta 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 193.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Jan Gonda, Medieval religious literature in Sanskrit (Wiesbaden 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 194.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Edwin Gerow, Indian poetics (Wiesbaden 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 194–195.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Pierre Filliozat, Le Mahābhāṣya de Patañjali avec le Pradīpa de Kaiyata et l’Uddyota de Nāgeśa: Adhyāya 1 Pada 1 Āhnika 5–7 (Pondichéry 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 196.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Stella Sandahl-Forgue, Le Gītagovinda: tradition et innovation dans le kāvya (Stockholm 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 196–197.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Sheldon Ivan Pollock, Aspects of versification in Sanskrit lyric poetry (American oriental series 61) (New Haven 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 197.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Bhagavatprasad Natvarlal Bhatt (ed.), Mataṅgapārameśvarāgama (Vidyāpāda) avec le commentaire de Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭha (Pondicherry 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaf 129(1). 198.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of J. W. de Jong, A brief history of Buddhist studies in Europe and America (Varanasi 1976). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(1). 200–201.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Carl Cappeller: Kleine Schriften und Sanskrit-Gedichte. Hrsg. von Siegfried Lienhard (Glasenapp-Stiftung 14) (Wiesbaden 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(2). 425.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Paul Hacker, Kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von Lambert Schmithausen (Glasenapp-Stiftung 15) (Wiesbaden 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(2). 425–426.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Horst Brinkhaus, Die altindischen Mischkastensysteme (Stuttgart 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(2). 427–428.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty & John Duncan M. Derrett (eds.), The concept of duty in South Asia (New Delhi 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 129(2). 431.

Buddruss, Georg. 1979. Review of Lothar Wanke, Zentralindische Felsbilder (Graz 1977). Mundus 15. 132.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Manfred Lorenz, Lehrbuch des Pashto (Leipzig 1979). Mundus 16. 291–292.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Manfred Mayrhofer, Ausgewählte kleine Schriften (Wiesbaden 1979). Kratylos 24. 198–199.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Heinz Bechert, Wilhelm Geiger: his life and works (Colombo 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(1). 191.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Učida Norihiko, Studien zur Hindi-Vokalphonologie (Wiesbaden 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(1). 193.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Chitrabhanu Sen, A dictionary of the Vedic rituals based on the Śrauta and Gṛhya sūtras (Delhi 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(1). 193.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Jan Gonda, Hymns of the Ṛgveda not employed in the solemn ritual (Amsterdam 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(1). 193–194.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of M. S. Narasimhacharya, Mahābhāṣya Pradīpa Vyākhyānāni. 4: Adhyāya 1 Pāda 2–4 (Pondichéry 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(1). 195.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Jayashree A. Gune, The meaning of tenses and moods: the text of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa’s Lakārārthanirṇaya with introd., Engl. transl. and explanatory notes (Pune 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(1). 195–196.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of The Vakrokti-jīvita of Kuntaka. Crit. ed. with variants, introd. and Engl. transl. by K. Krishnamoorthy (Dharwad 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(1). 196.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Peter Gaeffke, Hindi Literature in the twentieth century (Wiesbaden 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(1). 197–198.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Bardwell L. Smith (ed.), Religion and the legitimation of power in South Asia (Leiden 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(1). 199–200.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Walter Ruben, Kulturgeschichte Indiens: ein Versuch der Darstellung ihrer Entwicklung (Berlin 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(1). 200.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Friedrich Rückert, Briefe. 2 Vols. Hrsg. von Rüdiger Rückert (Schweinfurt 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 631.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Roger Senaclerens de Grancy & Robert Kostka (eds.), Großer Pamir: Österreichisches Forschungsunternehmen 1975 in den Wakhan-Pamir/Afghanistan (Graz 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 649.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Heinz Bechert & Georg von Simson (eds.), Einführung in die Indologie: Stand, Methoden, Aufgaben (Darmstadt 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 649–650.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Jan Gonda, The medium in the Ṛgveda (Leiden 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 651–652.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Clarence Maloney (ed.), Language and civilization change in South Asia (Leiden 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 652.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Pierre Filliozat, Le Mahābhāṣya de Patañjali avec le Pradīpa de Kaiyaṭa et l’Uddyota de Nāgeśa. Adhyāya 1 Pāda 1 Āhnika 8–9 (Pondichéry 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 653.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of M. S. Narasimhacharya, Mahābhāṣya Pradīpa Vyākhyānāni. V. Adhyāya 2 Pāda 1–4 (Pondichéry 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 653.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Verses attributed to Murāri, ed. by Ludwik Sternbach (Lucknow 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 654.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Jan Gonda, Die Religionen Indiens. 1: Veda und älterer Hinduismus. 2nd edn. (Stuttgart etc. 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 655.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Saundaryalaharī: The ocean of divine beauty of Śaṅkarācārya. Sanskrit text in Devanāgarī with Roman translit., Engl. transl., explanatory notes, Yantric diagrams and index by V. K. Subramanian (Delhi, Varanasi & Patna 1977). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 657.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Jayanta Bhaṭṭa’s Nyāya-Mañjarī: the compendium of Indian speculative logic, transl. into Engl. by Janaki Vallabha Bhattacharyya. Vol. 1 (Delhi etc. 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 657.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Heinz Bechert (ed.), Buddhism in Ceylon and studies on religious syncretism in Buddhist countries: report on a symposium in Göttingen (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Philologisch-Historische Klasse; Folge 3, Nr. 108; Symposien zur Buddhismusforschung 1) (Göttingen 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 662–663.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of R. J. Moore (ed.), Tradition and politics in South Asia (New Delhi 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 664.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Hans Frey, Der indisch-pakistanische Konflikt und seine wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Kosten für Pakistan in den Jahren 1958–1968 (Wiesbaden 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 664–665.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Dietmar Rothermund, Government, landlord, and peasant in India: agrarian relations under British rule 1865–1935 (Wiesbaden 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 130(3). 665–666.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of William Erskine, History of India under the two first sovereigns of the house of Taimur, Baber and Humáyun, I and II (Karachi, London, New York & Delhi 1974). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 75. 78–79.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of G. R. Thursby, Hindu-Muslim relations in British India: a study of controversy, conflict, and communal movements in Northern India 1923–1928 (Leiden 1975). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 75. 77–78.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Major Henry M. L. Lawrence, Adventures of an officer in the service of Runjeet Singh. With an introduction by K. Singh. I and II (London 1845) [Reprinted Karachi etc. 1975]. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 75. 78–79.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of H. T. Lambrick, John Jacob of Jacobabad (2nd edn.) (Karachi, London, New York & Delhi 1975). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 75. 185–186.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Motilal Jotwani, Shāh Abdul Latīf: his life and work. A study of socio-cultural and literary situations in 18th century Sindh (now Pakistan) (Delhi 1975). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 75. 186–187.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of P. G. Robb, The government of India and reform: policies towards politics and the constitution 1916–1921 (London 1976). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 75. 279–280.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Henry Steinbach, The Punjab. Being a brief account of the country of the Sikhs (Karachi, London, New York & Delhi). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 75. 391–392.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of P. J. Marshall, East Indian fortunes: the British in Bengal in the eighteenth century (Oxford & London 1976). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 75. 584–585.

Buddruss, Georg. 1980. Review of Olaf Caroe, The Pathans 550 B.C.–A.D. 1957 (Karachi, London, New York & Delhi 1976). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 75. 585–586.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of Akira Yuyama, Systematische Übersicht über die buddhistische Sanskrit-Literatur. T. 1: Vinaya-Texte. Hrsg. von Heinz Bechert (Wiesbaden 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 131(1). 216–217.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of Jan Willem de Jong, Textcritical remarks on the Bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā (Pallavas 42–108) (Tokyo 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 131(1). 217.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of Richard A. Gard (ed.), Buddhist research information. Nr. 1 (Stony Brook, NY 1979); Richard A. Gard (ed.), Sikh religious studies information. Nr. 1 (Stony Brook, NY 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 131(1). 217.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of András Höfer, The caste hierarchy and the state in Nepal: a study of the Muluki Ain of 1854 (Innsbruck 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 131(1). 219–220.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of Yogendra K. Malik, North Indian intellectuals: an attitudinal profile (Leiden 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 131(1). 220.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of Hermann Kulke, The Devarāja cult (Ithaca, NY 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 131(1). 221.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of P. L. Burns, The journals of J. W. W. Birch: first British resident to Perak 1874–1875. Ed. and introd. by P. L. Burns (Kuala Lumpur 1976). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 76. 82.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of Herbert Compton (compiler), A particular account of the European military adventures of Hindustan from 1784 to 1803 (London 1982) [Reprinted with an introduction by John Pemble: Karachi 1976]. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 76. 82–83.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of Eric Stokes, The peasant and the raj: studies in agrarian society and peasant rebellion in colonial India (Cambridge South Asian studies 23) (Cambridge etc. 1978). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 76. 502–504.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of George S. Robertson, Chitral: the story of a minor siege (Reprint from 1898). With an introduction by M. E. Yapp (Karachi, London, New York & Delhi 1977). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 76. 504–505.

Buddruss, Georg. 1981. Review of Bal Ram Nanda, Gokhale: the Indian moderates and the British Raj (Delhi & London 1977). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 76. 505–506.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Iren von Moos, Die wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse im Munjan-Tal und der Opiumgebrauch der Bevölkerung. Mit einem Nachwort von Peter Snoy (Schriftenreihe der Bibliotheca Afghanica 1) (Liestal 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 222.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Irmtraud Müller-Stellrecht, Materialien zur Ethnographie von Dardistan (Pakistan). Aus den nachgelassenen Aufzeichnungen von D. L. R. Lorimer. T. I: Hunza. T. II: Gilgit. T. III: Chitral und Yasin (Graz 1979–1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 222–223.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Helmuth von Glasenapp, Ausgewählte kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von Heinz Bechert (Wiesbaden 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 223.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Peter E. Hook, Hindi structures: intermediate level (Ann Arbor 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 225.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Claus Vogel, Indian lexicography (Wiesbaden 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 132(1). 225.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Heinrich Lüders, Bruchstücke buddhistischer Dramen (Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte 1) (Berlin 1911); Bruchstücke der Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā des Kumāralāta (Leipzig 1926) (Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte 2); Ernst Waldschmidt, Bruchstücke des Bhikṣuṇī-Prātimokṣa der Sarvāstivādins; Bruchstücke buddhistischer Sūtras aus dem zentralasiatischen Sanskritkanon (Monographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie 2; Kleinere Sanskrit-Texte 3–4) (Leipzig 1932) [Reprinted: Wiesbaden 1979]. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 225–226.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of M. S. Narasimhacharya Mahābhāṣya Pradīpa Vyākhyānāni. VI: Adhyāya 3 Pāda 1–4 (Pondichéry 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 226.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of M. S. Narayana Murti (ed.), Vallabhadeva’s Kommentar (Śāradā-Version) zum Kumārasambhava des Kālidāsa (Wiesbaden 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 226–227.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Kṛtyakalpataru of Bhaṭṭa Lakṣmīdhara. Vol. IX: Pratiṣṭhākāṇḍa, ed. by K. V. Rangaswami Aiyangar (Baroda 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 227.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Erich Hofstetter, Der Herr der Tiere im alten Indien (Wiesbaden 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 228.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, The oceanic feeling: the origins of religious sentiment in ancient India (Dordrecht 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 229.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of A. H. Somjee, Rethinking in political development (Leiden 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 229–230.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Heinz Ahrens & Wolfgang-Peter Zingel, Interdependenzen zwischen gesamtwirtschaftlichem Wachstum und regionaler Verteilung in Pakistan (Wiesbaden 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(1). 230.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Paul Bernard & H.-P. Francfort, Études de géographie historique sur la plaine d’Aï Khanoum (Afghanistan) (Paris 1978); Pierre Gentelle, Étude géographique d’Aï Khanoum et de son irrigation depuis les temps antiques (Paris 1978). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(2). 446–447.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Walter Neisser, Kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von Rahul Peter Das (Glasenapp-Stiftung 21) (Wiesbaden 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(2). 447.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Ludwik Sternbach, Aphorisms and proverbs in the Kathā-sarit-sāgara. Vol. 1 (Lucknow 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 132(2). 450.

Buddruss, Georg. 1982. Review of Herbert Feldman, The end and the beginning: Pakistan 1969–1971 (London, Lahore & Karachi 1975). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 77. 77–78.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Braj B. Kachru, Kashmiri literature (Wiesbaden 1981). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 181–183.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of A. L. Grjunberg: Jazyk kati: Teksty, grammatičeskij očerk [The Kati language: texts, sketch grammar] (Moskva 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 213.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Annemarie Schimmel, German contributions to the study of Indo-Pakistani linguistics (Hamburg 1981). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 214.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of George Cardona, Pāṇini: a survey of research (Delhi 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 214.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of T. Venkatacharya (ed.), The Sāhityakaṇṭakoddhāra (Delhi 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 214–215.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Rosa Klein-Terrada, Der Diebstahl der Lotusfasern (Wiesbaden 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 215.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Paul Deussen, Sixty Upaniṣads of the Veda. Transl. from German [Leipzig 1897] by V.M. Bedekar and G.B. Palsule (Delhi 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 216.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Mohan Lal Sandal (Transl.), Mīmāṃsā sūtras of Jaiminī (Delhi 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 217.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Gerald James Larson, Classical Sāṃkhya: an interpretation of its history and meaning (2nd rev. edn.) (Delhi 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 218.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Jayant Lele (ed.), Tradition and modernity in Bhakti movements (Leiden 1981). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 222–223.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of David R. Kinsley, The divine player: a study of Kṛṣṇa Līlā (Delhi 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 223.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Frank Whaling, The rise of the religious significance of Rāma (Delhi 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 223.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Edmour J. Babineau, Love of God and social duty in the Rāmcaritmānas (Delhi 1979). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 223–224.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of A. J. Alston, The devotional poems of Mīrābāi. Transl. with introd. and notes A. J. Alston (Delhi 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 224.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of The poems of Tukārāma. Transl. and re-arranged with notes and introd. by J Nelson Fraser and K.B. Marathe (London 1909–1915) (Reprinted: Delhi 1981); Life of Tukaram. Translation from Mahipati’s Bhaktalilamrita chapters 25 to 40 by Justin E. Abbott (Delhi 1980). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 224.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Horst-Joachim Leue, Britische Indien-Politik 1926–1932: Motive, Methoden und Misserfolg imperialer Politik am Vorabend der Dekolonisation (Wiesbaden 1981). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133(1). 227.

Buddruss, Georg. 1983. Review of Moudud Ahmed, Bangladesh: constitutional quest for autonomy 1950–1971 (Wiesbaden 1978). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 78. 284–285.

Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Review of Reinhold Grühnendahl, Hochschulschriften zu Süd- und Südostasien: Deutschland – Österreich – Schweiz (1959–1979) (Wiesbaden 1981). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 134(1). 202.

Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Review of Christopher Shackle, A Gurū Nānak glossary (London 1981). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 134(1). 203.

Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Review of Rainer Stuhrmann, Der Traum in der altindischen Literatur im Vergleich mit altiranischen, hethitischen und griechischen Vorstellungen (Tübingen 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 134(1). 203–204.

Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Review of John Stratton Hawley, At play with Krishna: pilgrimage dramas from Brindavan (Princeton 1981). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 134(1). 204.

Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Review of Robert N. Minor, Bhagavad-Gītā: an exegetical commentary (New Delhi 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 134(1). 205–206.

Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Review of Richard Fox Young, Resistant Hinduism: Sanskrit sources on anti-Christian apologetics in early nineteenth-century India (Vienna 1981). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 134(1). 207.

Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Review of Hans-Joachim Klimkeit, Der politische Hinduismus: Indische Denker zwischen religiöser Reform und politischem Erwachen (Wiesbaden 1981). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 134(1). 208.

Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Review of Annemarie Schimmel, Der Islam im indischen Subkontinent (Darmstadt 1983). Der Islam 61. 361.

Buddruss, Georg. 1984. Review of Amar K. J. Singh, Gandhi and civil disobedience: documents on the India Office records 1922–1946 (London 1980). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 79. 401.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Karl Jahn, Die Indiengeschichte des Rašīd ad-Dīn: Einleitung, vollständige Übersetzung, Kommentar und 80 Texttafeln (Vienna 1980). Der Islam 62. 189–190.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Claus Peter Zoller, Die Sprache der Rang Pas von Garhwal: Grammatik, Texte, Wörterbuch (Wiesbaden 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 137–138.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Zaradachet Hajo, Indo-iranische Sprachstudien (20 Lektionen für Deutsche) (Berlin 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 199.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Friedrich Otto Schrader, Kleine Schriften: mit Ergänzungen aus seinem Nachlass. Hrsg. von J. Sprockhoff (Glasenapp-Stiftung 19) (Wiesbaden 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 199.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Aryendra Sharma & Hans J. Vermeer, Hindi–Deutsches Wörterbuch. Bd. 1: a – gandhendriya (Heidelberg 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 201.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Christopher Shackle, An introduction to the sacred language of the Sikhs (London 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 201.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Haravijayam … Śrī-Rājānaka-Ratnākara-viracitam, ed. by Goparaju Rama. Vol. 1 (Allahabad 1982); Vol. 2 (Allahabad 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 201–202.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Gerhard Oberhammer (ed.), Epiphanie des Heils: Zur Heilsgegenwart in indischer und christlicher Religion. Arbeitsdokumente eines Symposiums (Wien 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 202.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Gerhard Oberhammer (ed.), Inklusivismus: eine indische Denkform (Wien 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 202–203.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Charles F. Keyes & E. Valentine Daniel, Karma: an anthropological inquiry (Berkely, Los Angeles & London 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 203.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Berthold Hager, Die Entwicklung des Māyā-Begriffes im Indo-Arischen (Freiburg 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 203.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of N. R. Bhatt, Malaṅgapārameśvarāgama (Kriyāpāda, Yogapāda et Caryāpāda) avec le commentaire de Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭha (Pondichéry 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 204.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Günther-Dietz Sontheimer & Parameswara Kota Aithal (eds.), Indology and law: studies in honour of Prof. J. Duncan M. Derrett (Wiesbaden 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 206.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Richard W. Lariviere, The Divyatattva of Raghunandana Bhaṭṭācārya: ordeals in classical Hindu law (New Delhi 1981). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 206–207.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Georg Pfeffer, Status and affinity in Middle India (Wiesbaden 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 207.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Eva Prochazka, Moderne Gesetzgebung in Indien und ihre Auswirkung auf die Landbevölkerung: eine Dorfstudie aus Uttar Pradesh (Wiesbaden 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 207.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Jörg Fisch, Cheap lives and dear limbs: the British transformation of the Bengal criminal law 1769–1817 (Wiesbaden 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 207–208.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Aditee Nag Chowdhury, The vagrant peasant: agrarian distress and desertion in Bengal 1770 to 1830 (Wiesbaden 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 208.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Hermann Kulke et al., Orissa: a comprehensive and classified bibliography (Wiesbaden 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(1). 208.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Klaus Matzel, Einführung in die singhalesische Sprache. 2. verbesserte Aufl. (Wiesbaden 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(2). 430.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Monika Thiel-Horstmann, Crossing the ocean of existence: Braj Bhāṣā religious poetry from Rajasthan. A reader (Wiesbaden 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(2), 430–431.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Charlotte Vaudeville, Kābir-vāṇī, recension occidentale/western recension (Publications de l’Institut Français d’Indologie 64) (Pondichéry 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(2). 431.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Siegfried Lienhard, Songs of Nepal: an anthology of Nevar folksongs and hymns (Honolulu 1984). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(2). 431.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of by Monika Thiel-Horstmann (ed.), Bhakti in current research, 1979–1982: proceedings of the second international conference on early devotional literature in New Indo-Aryan languages, St. Augustin, 19–21 March 1982 (Berlin 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(2). 433.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Eva Maria Gupta, Brata und Ālpanā in Bengalen (Wiesbaden 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(2). 433.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Peter Snoy (ed.), Ethnologie und Geschichte: Festschrift für Karl Jettmar (Wiesabden 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(2). 436.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Citha Doris Maass, Indien – Nepal – Sri Lanka: Süd-Süd-Beziehungen zwischen Symmetrie und Dependenz (Wiesbaden 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135(2). 437.

Buddruss, Georg. 1985. Review of Georgij A. Zograph, Die Sprachen Südasiens. Translated [from Russian] by E. Klemm (Leipzig 1982). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 80. 500–501.

Buddruss, Georg. 1986. Review of Joachim Deppert (ed.), India and the West: proceedings of a seminar dedicated to the memory of Hermann Goetz (New Delhi 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 136(1). 214–215.

Buddruss, Georg. 1986. Review of David Matthews, A course in Nepali (London 1984). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 136(1), 215.

Buddruss, Georg. 1986. Review of Thomas Burrow & Murray B. Emeneau, A Dravidian etymological dictionary (2nd edn.) (Oxford 1984). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 136(1). 215.

Buddruss, Georg. 1986. Review of Ronald Stuart McGregor, Hindi literature from its beginnings to the nineteenth century (Wiesbaden 1984). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 136(1). 216.

Buddrus, Georg. 1986. Review of Ulrich Schneider, Der Holzgott und die Brahmanen. T. 1: Interpretation eines bislang nicht bekannten Puruṣottama-Māhātmya; T. 2: Textausgabe (Wiesbaden 1984). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 136(1). 218.

Buddruss, Georg. 1986. Review of Christine Effenberg, Die politische Stellung der Sikhs innerhalb der indischen Nationalbewegung 1935–1947 (Wiesbaden 1984). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 136(1). 222.

Buddruss, Georg. 1986. Review of Shadakshari Settar & Günther D. Sontheimer (eds.), Memorial stones: a study of their origin, significance and variety (South Asian studies 11) (Dharwad & Heidelberg 1982). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 136(1). 223.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Otto Stein, Kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von Friedrich Wilhelm (Glasenapp-Stiftung 25) (Stuttgart 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(1), 201–202.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Helman Kulke & Dieter Rothermund (eds.), Regionale Tradition in Südasien (Wiesbaden 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(1). 202.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Ralph L. Turner, A comparative dictionary of the Indo-Aryan languages: addenda and corrigenda. Ed. by J. C. Wright (London 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(1). 202.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Dagmar Hellmann-Rajanayagam, Tamil: Sprache als politisches Symbol. Politische Literatur in der Tamilsprache in den Jahren 1945 bis 1967 (Wiesbaden 1984). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(1), 204.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Siegried Lienhard, A history of classical poetry: Sanskrit – Pali – Prakrit (Wiesbaden 1984). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(1). 205.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of J. A. F. Roodbergen, Mallinātha’s Ghaṇṭāpatha on the Kirātārjunīya, I–VI, Part I: Introduction, translation and notes (Leiden 1984). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(1). 206.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Gaṇeśavijayakāvyam (with the commentary sarvārthadā) attributed to Gopalarav Mairala. Ed. by B. N. Bhatt (Baroda 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(1). 207.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of John Stratton Hawley, Sūr Dās, poet, singer, saint (Seattle & London 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(1). 207.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of C. von Fürer-Haimendorf, Tribal populations and cultures of the Indian subcontinent (Leiden & Köln 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(1). 213–214.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Per Kværne, Tibet Bon religion: a death ritual of the Tibetan Bonpos (Leiden 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(1). 215–216.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Berthold Laufer, Kleinere Schriften. T. 3: Nachträge und Briefwechsel. Hrsg. von Hartmut Walravens (Stuttgart 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(2). 435.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Paul Hacker, Grundlagen indischer Dichtung und indischen Denkens. Aus dem Nachlass hrsg. von Klaus Rüping (Wien 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(2). 436.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Robert A. Hueckstedt, The Style of Bāṇa: an introduction to Sanskrit prose poetry (New York & London 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 137(2). 436–437.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Śaurikathodaya: a Yamaka poem by Vāsudeva. Ed. with transl., notes and introd. [by] Carl Suneson (Stockholm 1986). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(2). 437.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Doris Buddenberg, „Hir“: zur strukturalen Deutung des Panjabi-Epos von Waris Shah (Wiesbaden 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(2). 437.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Joseph Elfenbein, A Baluchi miscellany of erotica and poetry: Codex Oriental Additional 24,048 of the British Library (Annali. Istituto orientale di Napoli. Supplemento 35) (Naples 1983). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(2). 438.

Buddruss, Georg 1987. Review of John B. Carman & Frédérique Apffel Marglin (eds.), Purity and auspiciousness in Indian society (Leiden 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(2). 439.

Buddruss, Georg. 1987. Review of Wilhelm Geiger, Culture of Ceylon in mediaeval times. Ed. by Heinz Bechert (Wiesbaden 1986). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 137(2). 444.

Buddruss, Georg. 1988. Review of Konrad Meissner, Mālushāhī and Rājulā: a ballad from Kumāūn (India) as sung by Gopī Dās. P. 1: Kumāūnī text, translation and appendices. P. 2: Commentary. P. 3: Glossary (Wiesbaden 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 138(1). 164–166.

Buddruss, Georg. 1988. Review of Frits Staal, The fidelity of oral tradition and the origins of science (Amsterdam etc. 1986). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 138(2). 433.

Buddruss, Georg. 1988. Review of David Smith, Ratnākara’s Haravijaya: an introduction to the Sanskrit court epic (Delhi etc. 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 138(2). 433.

Buddruss, Georg. 1988. Review of Harry Falk (ed.), Hinduismus und Buddhismus: Festschrift für Ulrich Schneider (Freiburg 1987). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 138(2). 409–410.

Buddruss, Georg. 1988. Review of Ralph Marc Steinmann, Guru-śiṣya-sambandha: das Meister-Schüler-Verhältnis im traditionellen und modernen Hinduismus (Wiesbaden 1986). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 138(2). 434.

Buddruss, Georg. 1988. Review of Hugh van Skyhawk, “Minorities” on themselves (Heidelberg 1985). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 138(2). 434.

Buddruss, Georg. 1989. Review of Märchen vom Dach der Welt: Überlieferungen der Pamir-Völker. Hrsg. von Isidor Levin. Übersetzt von Gisela Schenkowitz (Köln 1986). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 139(2). 449–454.

Buddruss, Georg. 1990. Review of Johannes Hohenberger, Semitische und hamitische Wortstämme im Nilo-Hamitischen mit phonetischen Analysen (Berlin 1988). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 140(1). 212.

Buddruss, Georg. 1992. Review of Śiva’s warriors: the Basava Purāṇa of Pālkuriki Somanātha. Transl. from the Telugu by Velcheru Narayana Rao. Assisted by Gene H. Roghair (Princeton 1990). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 142(1). 229–230.

Buddruss, Georg. 1992. Review of Hīr Vāris̤ Śāh: poème panjabi du XVIIIe siècle. Introduction, translittération, traduction et commentaire par Denis Matringe. Tom I: Strophes 1 à 110 (Publications de l’Institut Français d’Indologie 72) (Pondichéry 1988). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 87. 445–448.

Buddruss, Georg. 1994. Review of Peter Eggert, Die frühere Sozialordnung Moolkhos und Turkhos (Chitral) (Stuttgart 1990). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 144(2). 443–444.

Buddruss, Georg. 1994. Review of Bernhard Dahm (ed.), Regions and regional developments in the Malay–Indonesian world. 6th European colloquium on Indonesian and Malay studies (ECIMS) (Wiesbaden 1992). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 144(2), 444–445.

Buddruss, Georg. 1994. Review of Ralph Russell, The pursuit of Urdu literature: a select history (London & New Jersey 1992). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 89. 421–423.

Buddruss, Georg. 1995. Review of Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat, Svāyaṃbhuvasūtrasaṃgraha: le Tantra de Svayaṃbhū. Vidyāpāda avec le commentaire de Sadyojyoti (Genève 1991). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 145(1). 235–236.

Buddruss, Georg. 1995. Review of Jean Deloche, Historique et statistique de Karikal: texte rédigé en 1825 par le Capitaine de Vaisseau Cordier. Vol. II. Pièces complémentaires. Etablissement du texte, prés. et indexation des deux volumes par Jean Deloche (Publications de l’Institut Français d’Indologie 44,2) (Pondichéry 1989). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 145(1). 236.

Buddruss, Georg. 1995. Review of Neuindische Literatur: Katalog einer Sammlung aus der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts/Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen. Bearb. von Kabita Rump und George Baumann (Wiesbaden 1993). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 90(2). 203.

Buddruss, Georg. 2001. Review of Hermann Berger, Die Burushaski-Sprache von Hunza und Nager (Wiesbaden 1998). Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 96(1). 153–156.

Corresponding author: Irén Hegedűs, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of English Studies, University of Pécs, Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6, H-7624, Hungary, E-mail:


Biographical information about Georg Buddruss is available at the Professors’ Register of Johannes Gutenberg University: Verzeichnis der Professorinnen und Professoren der Universität Mainz (accessed 27 October 2022), and in Kürschner (1997: 110). The bibliography incorporates the list of publications in the 1994 Festschrift celebrating Buddruss’ 65th birthday (Söhnen-Thieme and Hinüber 1994).


Allen, Nicholas J. 1997. “And the lake drained away”. An essay in Himalayan comparative mythology. In Alexander W. Macdonald (ed.), Maṇḍala and landscape, 435–452. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.Search in Google Scholar

Andrews, Peter Alford. 2000. A survey of Sazin, Indus-Kohistan. A fortified village of the Shin in the Western Himalayas. In Peter Alford Andrews & Karl Jettmar (eds.), Sazin: a fortified village in Indus-Kohistan (Antiquities of Northern Pakistan Reports and Studies 4), 13–108. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.Search in Google Scholar

Berger, Hermann. 1964. Review of Georg Buddruss, Kanyawali: Proben eines Maiyā̃-Dialektes aus Tangir (Hindukusch) (München 1959). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 113(2). 375–376.Search in Google Scholar

Degener, Almuth. 1998. Die Sprache von Nisheygram im afghanischen Hindukusch (Neuindischen Studien 14). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.Search in Google Scholar

Degener, Almuth. 2008. Shina-Texte aus Gilgit (Nord-Pakistan): Sprichwörter und Materialien zum Volksglauben, gesammelt von Mohammad Amin Zia (Beiträge zur Indologie 41). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.Search in Google Scholar

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Ksenofontov, Gavriil V. 1930. Legendy i rasskazy o šamanax u jakutov, burjat i tungusov [Legends and stories about the shamans of the Yakut, Buryat and Tungus], 2nd edn. Moscow: Bezbožnik.Search in Google Scholar

Kürschner, Wilfried. 1997. Linguisten-Handbuch: biographische und bibliographische Daten deutschsprachiger Sprachwissenschaftlerinnen und Sprachwissenschaftler der Gegenwart. Band 1: A-L. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.Search in Google Scholar

Leitner, Gottlieb Wilhelm. 1877. Dardu legends, riddles, proverbs and fables and history of Dardistan. Lahore: Government Central Book Depôt.Search in Google Scholar

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Morgenstierne, Georg. 1934. Additional notes on Ashkun. Norsk Tidskrift for Sprogvidenskap 7. 56–135.Search in Google Scholar

Morgenstierne, Georg. 1941. Notes on Phalūra: An unknown Dardic language of Chitral. Oslo: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi.Search in Google Scholar

Morgenstierne, Georg. 1944. Indo-Iranian frontier languages. Vol. III, 2. The Pashai language. Text and translations. Oslo: Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskning, H. Aschehoug.Search in Google Scholar

Morgenstierne, Georg. 1956. Indo-Iranian frontier languages. Vol. III. The Pashai language. 3: Vocabulary. Oslo: Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskning, H. Aschehoug.Search in Google Scholar

Morgenstierne, Georg. 1960. Review of Georg Buddruss, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pašai-Dialekte (Wiesbaden 1959). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 23(1). 153–154. in Google Scholar

Palwal, Abdul Raziq. 1969. History of former Kafiristan. Part IV: Kafirs’ cult of the dead. Afghanistan 22(2). 20–43.Search in Google Scholar

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Söhnen-Thieme, Renate & Oskar von Hinüber (eds.). 1994. Festschrift Georg Buddruss zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres und zu seiner Emeritierung dargebracht von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen. Reinbek: Wezler.Search in Google Scholar

Strand, Richard F. 2008–2011. Saňu-vi:ri lexicon. Nuristân: Hidden land of the Hindu-Kush. Available at: in Google Scholar

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