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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 22, 2014

Transient neonatal hyperinsulinism with adaptation disorders: a report of three cases

  • Hiroshi Mizumoto EMAIL logo , Hiroko Uchio , Sumie Yamashita and Daisuke Hata


Transient hyperinsulinism can occur in neonates following exposure to perinatal stress, such as intrauterine growth restriction and birth asphyxia. However, little is known about its pathophysiology and clinical manifestations. We report three neonatal cases of transient severe hyperinsulinism complicated with cardiopulmonary problems, thrombocytopenia, and marked erythroblastosis at birth. All cases showed signs of placental insufficiency, indicating that chronic hypoxia and malnutrition during fetal development might be associated with characteristic clinical features after birth. Perinatal stress-associated hyperinsulinism can be regarded as a systemic syndrome characterized by cardiopulmonary and hematological problems due to fetal chronic hypoxia.

Corresponding author: Hiroshi Mizumoto, MD, Department of Pediatrics, Kitano Hospital Tazuke Kofukai, Medical Research Institute, 2-4-20 Ohgimachi, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8480, Japan, Phone: +81-6-6312-1221, Fax: +81-6-6361-0588, E-mail:


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Received: 2014-3-7
Accepted: 2014-7-14
Published Online: 2014-8-22
Published in Print: 2015-3-1

©2015 by De Gruyter

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