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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter November 29, 2014

Wave propagation in an initially stressed transversely isotropic thermoelastic half-space

  • Raj Rani Gupta EMAIL logo and M.S. Saroa


The present paper deals with the study of reflection waves in an initially stressed transversely isotropic medium, in the context of Green and Naghdi (GN) thermoelasticity theory type II and III. The components of displacement, stresses and temperature distributions are determined through the solution of the wave equation by imposing the appropriate boundary conditions. Numerically simulated results are plotted graphically with respect to frequency in order to show the effect of anisotropy.

1 Introduction

Several efforts are made to remove the “so-called paradox”, inherent in the classical coupled dynamical theory of thermoelasticity [1]: that the thermal signal propagates with an infinite speed. An extended thermoelasticity theory introducing one thermal relaxation time in the thermoelastic process was proposed by Lord and Shulman [2] and the temperature-rate dependent theory of thermoelasticity – which takes into account two relaxation times – was developed by Green and Lindsay [3]. Chandrasekharaiah [4], Hetnarski and Iganazack [5] in their recent surveys, reviewed the theory proposed by Green and Naghdi [6–9] as an alternate way for formulating the propagation of heat. This theory is capable of incorporating thermal pulse transmission in a consistent manner and makes use of general entropy law rather than the usual entropy inequality. The characterization of thermoelastic material response is based on three types of constitutive functions: type I, type II, and type III. When the theory of type I is linearized, a parabolic equation of heat conduction arises. Here, we focus on the theory of type II (a limiting case of type III), which does not admit energy dissipation. Following the Green-Naghdi (GN) theory of thermoelasticity without energy dissipation, further research work was conducted on the wave propagation in isotropic generalized thermoelastic solids (e.g., Quintanilla [10]; Taheri et al. [11]; Puri and Jordan [12]; Roychoudhuri and Byopadhyay [13]; Lazzari and Nibbi [14]; Quintanilla [15]).

Initial stresses may develop in a medium for several reasons, e.g., temperature variation during processing, rapid quenching, slow creep processes, differential external forces, gravity variations, etc. The Earth, in particular, is assumed to be under high initial stresses. Dey et al. [16, 17] studied the propagation of waves in a thermoelastic medium under initial stresses. Gupta and Gupta [18] discussed the reflection of waves in an initially stressed fiber-reinforced transversely isotropic medium. Based on this, the present paper deals with the propagation of waves in an initially stressed transversely isotropic medium in the context of the GN thermoelasticity theory of types II and III. This study may have applications in various fields of science and technology, including atomic physics, aerospace and industrial engineering (thermal power plants, submarine structures, pressure vessels, chemical pipes).

2 Basic equations

The constitutive relations and balance laws for a general anisotropic (with a center of symmetry) initially stressed thermoelastic medium, in the absence of body forces, are given by Green and Naghdi [9] and Montanaro [19] as follows:

Constitutive relation:

(1)tij=Cijklekl-βijT, (1)

Balance law:

(2)tij,j-Pωij,j=ρu¨i (2)

Equation of heat conduction:

(3)KijT˙,ij+Kij*T,ij=(T0βiju¨i,j+ρc*T¨),i,j=1,2,3, (3)

where ρ is the mass density, tij are the components of stress tensor, ui is the mechanical displacement vector, eij=(ui,j+uj,i)2 are the components of the infinitesimal strain, T is the temperature change of a material particle, T0 is the reference uniform temperature of the body, P=-t11 is the normal initial stress and ωij=(uj,i-ui,j)/2 is the rotation tensor. Moreover, Kij is the thermal conductivity tensor, Kij* denotes a characteristic material constant tensor, βij=Cijklαkl denotes the thermal elastic coupling tensor, αkl denotes the coefficient of linear thermal expansion, c* is the specific heat at constant strain and Cijkl is the elasticity matrix. The various material tensors introduced obey the following symmetry properties Cijkl=Cklij=Cjikl,Kij*=Kji*,Kij=Kji,βij=βji. A comma notation is used for spatial derivatives and a superimposed dot denotes time differentiation.

3 Problem formulation

Following Slaughter [20], an appropriate transformation is applied to Eq. (1), in order to derive the governing equations for an initially stressed transversely isotropic medium, when our analysis is restricted to two dimensions. The origin of the coordinate system (x1, x2, x3) is taken at the free surface of the half-space. The x1x2 plane is chosen to coincide with the free surface and the x3 axis is then normal to the half-space (x3≥0). We consider plane waves such that all particles on a line parallel to x2-axis are equally displaced. Therefore, all field quantities will be independent of the x2 coordinate. Then, the component of the displacement vector is of the form

(4)u=(u1,0,u3), (4)

and the solutions are independent of x2, i.e., ∂/∂x2≡0. Thus, the governing differential equations for such a medium reduce to:

(5)C112u1x12+C5522u1x32+(C13+C552)2u3x1x3-β1Tx1-P2(2u3x1x3-2u1x32)=ρ2u1t2, (5)
(6)C5522u3x12+C332u3x32+(C13+C552)2u1x1x3-β3Tx3-P2(2u1x1x3-2u3x12)=ρ2u3t2, (6)
(7)K12T˙x12+K32T˙x32+K1*2Tx12+K3*2Tx32=ρc*2Tt2+To(β1u¨1x3+β3u¨3x1), (7)

where β1=C11α1+C13α3, β3=C31α1+C33α3 and we have also used the notation 11→1,13→5,33→3 for the material constants.

To proceed further, it is convenient to introduce the non-dimensional quantities defined by

(8)xi=xiL,ui=uiL,tij=tijC11,t=tto,T=TTo, (8)

where L, to, To are parameters having dimension of length, time and temperature, respectively.

4 Solution of the problem

Let p=(p1,0,p3) denote the unit propagation vector, with c and ξ denoting respectively the phase velocity and the wave number of plane waves propagating in the x1x3 plane. Then by seeking for plane wave solutions of the equations of motion of the form

(9)(u1,u3,T)=(u¯1,u¯3,T¯)eiξ(p1x1+p3x3-ct). (9)

We introduced Eqs. (8) and (9) into Eqs. (5)–(7) to obtain three homogeneous equations in three unknowns. Non-trivial solutions of the resulting system of equations can be derived when the following condition is fulfilled

(10)Ac6+Bc4+Cc2+D=0, (10)








The roots of this equation give three values of c2. The corresponding three positive values of c will then be the propagation velocities of the three possible waves. The waves with velocities c1, c2, c3 correspond to three types of quasi waves. We name these waves as quasi-longitudinal displacement (qLD) wave, quasi thermal wave (qT), and quasi transverse displacement (qTD) wave.

5 Reflection waves

Consider a homogeneous initially stressed transversely isotropic half-space, in the context of G-N thermoelasticitytheory of types II and III, occupying the region x3>0. Incident qLD or qT or qTD waves at the interface will generate reflected qLD, qT and qTD waves in the half-space x3>0. The displacements and temperature distributions are given by

(11)(u1,u3,T)=j=16Aj(1,rj,sj)eiBj, (11)


(12)Bj={ω(t-x1sinej-x3cosej)/cj,j=1,2,3,ω(t-x1sinej+x3cosej)/cj,j=4,5,6, (12)

with ω denoting the angular frequency. Here the subscripts 1, 2, 3 denote, respectively, the quantities corresponding to incident qLD, qT and qTD waves, whereas the subscripts 4, 5 and 6 denote, respectively, the corresponding reflected waves, with



For incident waves:

  • qLD-wave:p1=sin e1, p3=cos e1,

  • qT-wave:p1=sin e2, p3=cos e2,

  • qTD-wave: p1=sin e3, p3=cos e3,

For reflected waves:

  • qLD-wave: p1=sin e4, p3=cos e4,

  • qT-wave: p1=sin e5, p3=cos e5,

  • qTD-wave: p1=sin e6, p3=cos e6.

It is further noted that e1=e4, e2=e5, e3=e6, that is, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection in generalized thermoelastic transversely isotropic media, so that the velocities of reflected waves are equal to their corresponding incident waves, i.e., c1=c4, c2=c5, c3=c6.

6 Boundary conditions

The boundary conditions at the thermally insulated surface x3=0 are given by

(13)t33=0,t31=0,Tx3=0, (13)


(14)t33=C13u1x1+C33u3x3-β3T,t31=C552(u1x3+u3x1). (14)

The wave numbers ξj, j=1,2,…,6, and the apparent velocity

cj, j=1,2,…,6, are connected through the relation

(15)c1ξ1=c2ξ2==c6ξ6=ω, (15)

at the surface x3=0. In order to satisfy the boundary conditions given by Eqs. (3), (15) may also be re-written as

(16)sine1c1=sine2c2==sine6c6=1c. (16)

Making use of Eqs. (8), (14), (15) and (16), along with the thermally insulated boundary conditions given by Eq. (3), we obtain

(17)j=16AijAj=0,i=1,2,3, (17)





– Incident qLD-wave:

In the case of incident qLD-wave, A2=A3=0. Dividing the set of Eqs. (17) throughout by A1, we obtain a system of three non-homogeneous equations in three unknowns which can be solved by using the Gauss elimination method to obtain

(18)Zi=Ai+3A1=Δi1Δ,i=1,2,3. (18)

– Incident qT-wave:

In the case of incident qT-wave, A1=A2=0, and thus we have

(19)Zi=Ai+3A2=Δi2Δ,i=1,2,3. (19)

– Incident qTD-wave:

In the case of incident qTD-wave, A1=A2=0, and thus we have

(20)Zi=Ai+3A3=Δi3Δ,i=1,2,3, (20)

where Δ=|Aii+3|3×3 and Δip(i=1,2,3,p=1,2,3) can be obtained by replacing, respectively, the first, second and third column of Δ by [-A1p-A2p-A3p]T, where []Tdenotes the transpose of the matrix.

7 Numerical results and discussion

In order to illustrate the theoretical analysis given in the preceding sections, we now present some numerical results. The following relevant physical constants for Cobalt material are taken from Dhaliwal and Singh [21] for a thermoelastic transversely isotopic material:


The variations of amplitude ratio of the reflected qLD, qTD and qT waves, for incident qLD, qTD and qT waves at the free surface are shown graphically in order to compare the results obtained in the two cases: i.e., incident waves for a transversely isotropic medium in the context of thermoelasticity with energy dissipation (ISTIWED) and the standard case for isotropic thermoelastic (ISIWED) waves. In Figure 1, the graphical representation is given for the variation of amplitude ratios ∣Z1∣, ∣Z2∣ and ∣Z3∣ for incident qLD-wave. Figures 2 and 3, respectively, represent similar situations, when qTD and qT waves are incident.

Figure 1 The variation of amplitude ratios of ∣Zi∣ (i=1, 2, 3) with frequency for incident qLD-wave.
Figure 1

The variation of amplitude ratios of ∣Zi∣ (i=1, 2, 3) with frequency for incident qLD-wave.

Figure 2 The variation of amplitude ratios of ∣Zi∣ (i=1, 2, 3) with frequency for incident qT-wave.
Figure 2

The variation of amplitude ratios of ∣Zi∣ (i=1, 2, 3) with frequency for incident qT-wave.

Figure 3 The variation of amplitude ratios of ∣Zi∣ (i=1, 2, 3) with frequency for incident qTD-wave.
Figure 3

The variation of amplitude ratios of ∣Zi∣ (i=1, 2, 3) with frequency for incident qTD-wave.

Here ∣Z1∣, ∣Z2∣ and ∣Z3∣ are the amplitude ratios of reflected qLD, qTD and qT waves, respectively. These variations are shown for two angles of incidence viz, θ=30°, 45°. In these figures the solid curves lines correspond to the case of ISTIWED, while broken curves correspond to the case of ISIWED. Moreover, the curves without the center symbol correspond to the case when θ=30°, and those with the center symbol (–oo–) correspond to the case of θ=45°.

8 Conclusion

Reflection of waves from the free surface of an initially stressed transversely isotropic medium in the context of the G-N thermoelasticity theory of types II and III has been discussed. The appreciable effect of anisotropy and angle of incidence is depicted on amplitude ratios for various reflected waves. It can be concluded from the graphs that the amplitude ratio ∣Z1∣ exhibits higher values because of anisotropy for all three types of incident waves (viz., qLD, qTD, qT), whereas the amplitude ratios ∣Z2∣, ∣Z3∣ shows oscillating behavior.

Corresponding author: Raj Rani Gupta, Department of CS and IT, Mazoon College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, e-mail:


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Published Online: 2014-11-29
Published in Print: 2014-12-1

©2014 by De Gruyter

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