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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton November 1, 2023

Voluntary assisted dying and euthanasia’s perpetual pendulum in Australia

  • Anne Wagner

    Anne Wagner is Permanent Associate Research Professor at Lille University (France) and a Permanent Member of the Instituto Subalpino per l’Analisi e l’Insegnamento del Diritto della Attivita Transanzionali (ISAIDAT with Prof. Rodolfo Sacco). She has a PhD in in Jurilinguistics (1999), and Habilitation in Private Law (2015) from Lille University. She has received the National Research Award (Rank A) for her research career. Her main research interests include legal semiotics, visual studies, language and law, legal culture and heritage, legal translation, legal terminology, law and the Humanities, and legal discourse studies. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (Springer), the Co-Series Editor of Law and Visual Jurisprudence and Living Signs of Law with Pr. Sarah Marusek (Springer), the Co-Series Editor of Gender, Justice and Legal Feminism with Angela Condello, and the Co-Series Editor of Law, Language and Communication with Pr. Vijay K. Bhatia (Routledge). She is President of the International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law, and Vice-President of the Multicultural Association of Law and Language (Hong Kong).

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This paper delves into the intricate relationship between euthanasia and the perpetual pendulum concept, which challenges conventional linear understandings of time and legal principles. Examining euthanasia through the perpetual pendulum concept, inspired by Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome theory, underscores that the acceptance or prohibition of euthanasia is deeply intertwined with evolving societal values and conceptual frameworks. It advocates for adaptable legal interpretations and an acknowledgment of the relative nature of time, allowing for the reevaluation and reinterpretation of legal principles in response to changing perspectives. The legal landscape of euthanasia in Australia, with varying state laws and potential conflicts with federal statutes, serves as a compelling case study. It emphasizes the ongoing need for discussion, adaptation, and ethical introspection to balance individual autonomy with broader legal and ethical considerations in the context of end-of-life care.

Corresponding author: Anne Wagner, ULR 4487—CRDP—Centre de recherche Droits et perspectives du droit, University of Lille, Équipe René Demogue, France, E-mail:

About the author

Anne Wagner

Anne Wagner is Permanent Associate Research Professor at Lille University (France) and a Permanent Member of the Instituto Subalpino per l’Analisi e l’Insegnamento del Diritto della Attivita Transanzionali (ISAIDAT with Prof. Rodolfo Sacco). She has a PhD in in Jurilinguistics (1999), and Habilitation in Private Law (2015) from Lille University. She has received the National Research Award (Rank A) for her research career. Her main research interests include legal semiotics, visual studies, language and law, legal culture and heritage, legal translation, legal terminology, law and the Humanities, and legal discourse studies. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (Springer), the Co-Series Editor of Law and Visual Jurisprudence and Living Signs of Law with Pr. Sarah Marusek (Springer), the Co-Series Editor of Gender, Justice and Legal Feminism with Angela Condello, and the Co-Series Editor of Law, Language and Communication with Pr. Vijay K. Bhatia (Routledge). She is President of the International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law, and Vice-President of the Multicultural Association of Law and Language (Hong Kong).


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Received: 2023-08-01
Accepted: 2023-10-15
Published Online: 2023-11-01
Published in Print: 2023-12-15

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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