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A review of the Hong Kong Chinese
  • 任 (Wen Ren) EMAIL logo
From the journal Global Chinese


本文对近三十余年研究港式中文的文献进行了梳理, 发现 “港式中文” 这一概念的使用趋于广泛化, 其成果主要集中在共时层面与标准中文的比较上, 且多从英语、 粤语、 古代汉语等角度进行探因, 路径呈现模式化。标准中文融合到港式中文以及考察二者之间的 “隐性差异” 成为新趋势。不过, 现有研究较少涉及到港式中文公务领域和 “历时” 层面的考察。由此, 文章对港式中文的未来走势提出了一些建议。


This paper sorts out the research literature of Hong Kong Chinese published in the past 30 years, it is found that the concept of “Hong Kong Chinese” tends to be widely used, the results are mainly concentrated on the comparative study with standard Chinese in the synchronic level, and the reasons are mainly explored from the perspectives of English, Cantonese and Ancient Chinese, the path is modeled. The integration of standard Chinese into Hong Kong Chinese and the investigation of their “hidden differences” have become new research trends. However, the existing research rarely involves the field of official business and “diachronic level”. Therefore, the article puts forward some suggestions on the future trend of Hong Kong Chinese.

Corresponding author: 任纹 (Wen Ren), College of Arts, Shaanxi Normal University (陕西师范大学文学院), No. 620, West Chang’an Street, Chang’an District, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China, E-mail:
本文受国家语委 “十三五” 科研规划 2020 年度重大项目 “港澳地区国家通用语言文字推广普及研究” (ZDA135–14) 、 陕西师范大学 2022 年度中国语言文学学科科教协同育人科研项目 “港澳地区国家通用语言文字推广普及研究” (2022KJXTB07) 资助且为阶段性成果。 (This paper is sponsored by “13th Five-Year” Major Program in 2020 of State Language Commission & Chinese Literature and Cooperation of science and education Research Project in 2022 of Shaanxi Normal University) Fund No.: ZDA135-14 & 2022KJXTB07.

Funding source: Chinese Literature and Cooperation of science and education Research Project in 2022 of Shaanxi Normal University

Award Identifier / Grant number: 2022KJXTB07

Funding source: “13th Five-Year†Major Program in 2020 of State Language Commission

Award Identifier / Grant number: ZDA135-14

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Published in Print: 2023-04-25

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