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On the History of Global Chinese and Its Research

  • Diao Yanbin EMAIL logo
From the journal Global Chinese


The formation and development of Global Chinese as a field of inquiry involves a process, every phase of which requires substantial evidence, regularity and theoretical motivation. In general, Global Chinese has a history and the research on Global Chinese needs to focus on its history. Conceptually, the history of Global Chinese should contain at least four main points. It is a history of the global spread of the Chinese language; it is situated at a higher level than the history of Modern Chinese; it is an integral part of the history of the Chinese language, and it is an extension of the history of Chinese. The study of the history of Global Chinese should include at least four aspects: the continuous migration of the Chinese people; the impact of local social life and language culture on overseas Chinese; the influence of foreign languages, and the interactions between and changes of varieties of in different parts of the world. As for the research methods of the history of Global Chinese history, a multidimensional model is proposed.




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Published Online: 2017-9-9
Published in Print: 2017-9-26

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