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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access September 4, 2023

Quot schemes and Fourier-Mukai transformation

  • Indranil Biswas EMAIL logo , Umesh V. Dubey , Manish Kumar and A. J. Parameswaran
From the journal Complex Manifolds


We consider several related examples of Fourier-Mukai transformations involving the quot scheme. A method of showing conservativity of these Fourier-Mukai transformations is described.

MSC 2010: 14C05; 14L30

1 Introduction

Fourier-Mukai transformations arise in numerous contexts in algebraic geometry [2,4]. Over time, it has emerged to be an immensely useful concept. Here, we investigate Fourier-Mukai transformations in a particular context, namely, in the set-up of quot schemes. We show that the conservativity of the Fourier-Mukai transformation holds in the following cases:

  1. Let M be an irreducible smooth projective variety over an algebraically closed field k such that dim M 2 . Denote by Hilb d ( M ) the Hilbert scheme parametrizing the zero-dimensional subschemes of M of length d . Let P M (respectively, P H ) be the projection to M (respectively, Hilb d ( M ) ) of the tautological subscheme S M × Hilb d ( M ) . Let E and F be two vector bundles on M such that the vector bundles P H P M E and P H P M F on Hilb d ( M ) are isomorphic. Then, we show that E and F are isomorphic (see Proposition 2.1).

  2. Let Q M (respectively, Q S ) be the projection to M (respectively, Sym d ( M ) ) of the tautological subscheme S M × Sym d ( M ) . Let E and F be two vector bundles on M such that the vector bundles Q S Q M E and Q S Q M F on Sym d ( M ) are isomorphic. Then, we show that E and F are isomorphic (see Lemma 2.2).

  3. Let C be an irreducible smooth projective curve defined over k . Fix a vector bundle E over C of rank at least two. Let Q d ( E ) denote the quot scheme parametrizing the torsion quotients of E of degree d . There is a tautological quotient Φ C E Q over C × Q d ( E ) , where Φ C : C × Q d ( E ) C is the natural projection. Let V and W be vector bundles on C such that the vector bundles Φ Q ( ( Φ C V ) Q ) and Φ Q ( ( Φ C W ) Q ) on Q d ( E ) are isomorphic, where Φ Q : C × Q d ( E ) Q d ( E ) is the natural projection. Then, we show that E and F are isomorphic (see Proposition 2.3).

We also prove a similar result in the context of vector bundles on curves equipped with a group action (see Section 3).

A key method in our proofs is the Atiyah’s Krull-Schmidt theorem for vector bundles.

2 A Fourier-Mukai transformation

2.1 Vector bundles on Hilbert schemes

Let k be an algebraically closed field. Let M be an irreducible smooth projective variety over k such that dim M 2 . For any integer d 2 , let Hilb d ( M ) denote the Hilbert scheme parametrizing the zero-dimensional subschemes of M of length d . We have the natural projections:

M p M M × Hilb d ( M ) p H Hilb d ( M ) .

There is a tautological subscheme

S M × Hilb d ( M ) ,

such that for any z Hilb d ( M ) , the preimage p H 1 ( z ) is the subscheme z M . The restriction of p M (respectively, p H ) to S will be denoted by P M (respectively, P H ).

For any vector bundle E on M , we have the direct image P H P M E on S . We note that P H P M E is locally free because P H is a finite morphism and P M E is locally free. Let

(2.1) E ˜ P H P M E

be this vector bundle; its rank is d rank ( E ) . It is known that two vector bundles E and F on M are isomorphic if E ˜ and F ˜ are isomorphic [3,5]. We will give a very simple proof of it.

Proposition 2.1

Let E and F be two vector bundles on M such that the corresponding vector bundles E ˜ and F ˜ on Hilb d ( M ) are isomorphic (see (2.1)). Then, E and F are isomorphic.


Since rank ( E ˜ ) and rank ( F ˜ ) are d rank ( E ) and d rank ( F ) , respectively, it follows that rank ( E ) = rank ( F ) . Let rank ( E ) = r = rank ( F ) .

Fix a zero-dimensional subscheme Z 0 M of length d 1 . Let Z red 0 = { x 1 , , x b } M be the reduced subscheme for Z 0 . The complement M \ Z red 0 = M \ { x 1 , , x b } will be denoted by M 0 . Let

(2.2) ι : M 0 M

be the inclusion map. We have a morphism

φ : M 0 Hilb d ( M )

that sends any x M 0 to Z 0 { x } . The pullback φ E ˜ (respectively, φ F ˜ ) is isomorphic to ι E V 0 (respectively, ι F V 0 ), where V 0 is a trivial vector bundle on M 0 of rank ( d 1 ) r and ι is the map in (2.2). The vector bundles φ E ˜ and φ F ˜ are isomorphic because E ˜ and F ˜ are isomorphic. So

(2.3) ι E V 0 = ι F V 0 .

There are no nonconstant functions on M 0 (recall that dim M 2 ). Hence, using [1, p. 315, Theorem 2(i)], from (2.3), it follows that ι E = ι F (see [6] for vast generalizations of [1]). Hence, we have

ι ι E = ι ι F .

But ι ι E (respectively, ι ι F ) is E (respectively, F ). This completes the proof.□

The line of arguments in Proposition 2.1 works in some other contexts. We will describe two such instances.

2.2 Vector bundles on symmetric product

As mentioned previously, M is an irreducible smooth projective variety of dimension at least two. For any integer d 2 , let Sym d ( M ) denote the quotient of M d under the action of the symmetric group S d that permutes the factors of the Cartesian product. We recall that Sym d ( M ) is a normal projective variety. There is a tautological subscheme

(2.4) S M × Sym d ( M )

parametrizing all ( z , y ) M × Sym d ( M ) such that z y . Let

Q M : S M and Q S : S Sym d ( M )

be the natural projections. For any vector bundle E on M , the direct image

E ^ Q S Q M E

on Sym d ( M ) is locally free because Q S is a finite morphism and Q M E is locally free.

Lemma 2.2

Let E and F be two vector bundles on M such that the corresponding vector bundles E ^ and F ^ on Sym d ( M ) are isomorphic. Then, E and F are isomorphic.


Fix any z 0 = { x 1 , , x d 1 } Sym d 1 ( M ) (repetitions are allowed). Let

ι : M 0 M \ z 0 M

be the inclusion map. We have a morphism

ϕ : M \ z 0 Sym d ( M ) , x { x , z } .

First, note that ϕ E ^ = ϕ F ^ because E ^ = F ^ . Evidently, we have ϕ E ^ = ( ι E ) O M 0 ( d 1 ) rank ( E ) and ϕ F ^ = ( ι F ) O M 0 ( d 1 ) rank ( F ) . Now, the argument in the proof of Proposition 2.1 goes through without any changes.□

2.3 Vector bundles on quot scheme

Let C be an irreducible smooth projective curve defined over k . Fix a vector bundle E over C of rank at least two. Fix an integer d 1 . Let Q d ( E ) denote the quot scheme parametrizing the torsion quotients of E of degree d . Let

(2.5) Φ C : C × Q d ( E ) C and Φ Q : C × Q d ( E ) Q d ( E )

be the natural projections. There is a tautological quotient

(2.6) Φ C E Q

over C × Q d ( E ) whose restriction to any C × { Q } , where Q Q d ( E ) , is the quotient of E represented by Q .

Given a vector bundle V on C , we have the direct image

(2.7) F ( V ) Φ Q ( ( Φ C V ) Q ) Q d ( E ) ,

where Φ Q and Φ C are the projections in (2.5), and Q is the quotient in (2.6); this F ( V ) is a vector bundle because the support of Q is finite over Q d ( E ) .

Proposition 2.3

Let V and W be vector bundles on C such that the corresponding vector bundles F ( V ) and F ( W ) are isomorphic (see (2.7)). Then, V and W are isomorphic.


Since rank ( F ( V ) ) and rank ( F ( W ) ) are d rank ( V ) and d rank ( W ) respectively, from the given condition that F ( V ) and F ( W ) are isomorphic, we conclude that rank ( V ) = rank ( W ) . Let r denote rank ( V ) = rank ( W ) .


(2.8) β : P ( E ) X

be the projective bundle parametrizing the hyperplanes in the fibers of E . So P ( E ) = Q 1 ( E ) . For any z β 1 ( x ) P ( E ) , if H ( z ) E x is the corresponding hyperplane, then the element of Q 1 ( E ) for z represents the quotient sheaf E E x H ( z ) of E . For any z P ( E ) , the quotient sheaf map from E to the torsion quotient E x H ( z ) of E of degree 1 corresponding to z will be denoted by z .

Fix d 1 distinct points x 1 , , x d 1 of X . Fix points y i β 1 ( x i ) , 1 i d 1 , where β is the projection in (2.8). The complement P ( E ) \ { y 1 , , y d 1 } will be denoted by P . Let

(2.9) ι : P P ( E )

be the inclusion map.

Note that the subset { y 1 , , y d 1 } defines a point of Q d 1 ( E ) representing the quotient j = 1 d 1 y j of E ; this point of Q d 1 ( E ) will be denoted by y . We have a morphism

Ψ : P Q d ( E ) , z z y ;

recall that P ( E ) = Q 1 ( E ) and both y and z are the quotients of E .

Now, the vector bundle Ψ F ( V ) (respectively, Ψ F ( W ) ) is isomorphic to ( ι ( ( β V ) O P ( E ) ( 1 ) ) ) A (respectively, ( ι ( ( β W ) O P ( E ) ( 1 ) ) ) A ), where ι and β are the maps in (2.9) and (2.8), respectively, and A is a trivial vector bundle on P of rank r ( d 1 ) ; the tautological line bundle on P ( E ) is denoted by O P ( E ) ( 1 ) .

Since V and W are isomorphic, we conclude that ( ι ( ( β V ) O P ( E ) ( 1 ) ) ) A and ( ι ( ( β V ) O P ( E ) ( 1 ) ) ) A are isomorphic. As there are no nonconstant functions on P , it follows that ( ι β V ) O P ( E ) ( 1 ) and ( ι β W ) O P ( E ) ( 1 ) are isomorphic. This implies that ι β V and ι β W are isomorphic.

The direct image ι ι β V (respectively, ι ι β W ) is β V (respectively, β W ). Hence, we conclude that β V and β W are isomorphic. So β β V = V is isomorphic to β β W = W .□

3 Action of group on a curve

Let C be an irreducible smooth projective curve, and let Γ be a finite group acting faithfully on C . Consider the quotient curve

(3.1) f : C Y C Γ .

For any vector bundle V on Y , the pullback f V is a Γ -equivariant vector bundle on C .

The order of the group Γ is denoted by d . We have a morphism

(3.2) ρ : Y Sym d ( C )

that sends any y Y to the element of Sym d ( C ) given by the scheme-theoretic inverse image f 1 ( y ) , where f is the map in (3.1). To describe ρ explicitly, let { z 1 , z 2 , , z n } be the reduced inverse image f 1 ( y ) red . Then,

ρ ( y ) = i = 1 n b i z i ,

where b i is the order of the isotropy subgroup Γ z i Γ of z i for the action of Γ on C . Note that ρ is an embedding.

The action of Γ on C produces an action of Γ on Sym d ( C ) . The action of any γ Γ sends any ( x 1 , , x d ) Sym d ( C ) to ( γ ( x 1 ) , , γ ( x d ) ) . We have

(3.3) ρ ( Y ) Sym d ( C ) Γ .

We note that Sym d ( C ) is an irreducible smooth projective variety of dimension d . As in (2.4),

(3.4) S C × Sym d ( C )

is the tautological subscheme parametrizing all ( c , x ) C × Sym d ( C ) such that c x . Let

(3.5) Q C : S C and Q S : S Sym d ( C )

be the natural projections. For any vector bundle E on C of rank r , the direct image

(3.6) E ^ Q S Q C E

is a vector bundle on Sym d ( C ) of rank d r .

We will describe an alternative construction of the vector bundle E ^ in (3.6). For 1 i d , let

p i : C d C

be the projection to the i -th factor. Let

(3.7) P : C d Sym d ( C )

be the quotient map for the action of the symmetric group S d that permutes the factors of C d . The action of S d on C d lifts to the vector bundle

E [ d ] i = 1 d p i E C d .

The action of S d on E [ d ] produces an action of S d on P E [ d ] , where P is the projection in (3.7). The vector bundle E ^ in (3.6) coincides with the S d -invariant part

( P E [ d ] ) S d P E [ d ] .

The actions of Γ on C and Sym d ( C ) (see (3.3)) together produce a diagonal action of Γ on C × Sym d ( C ) . This action of Γ on C × Sym d ( C ) preserves the subscheme S in (3.4). For this action of Γ on S , the projections Q C and Q S in (3.5) are evidently Γ -equivariant.

Now, let E be a Γ -equivariant vector bundle on C . Since the projections Q C and Q S in (3.5) are Γ -equivariant, the vector bundle E ^ in (3.6) is also Γ -equivariant. From (3.3), it now follows that the vector bundle

(3.8) ρ E ^ Y

is equipped with an action of Γ over the trivial action of Γ on Y .

Proposition 3.1

Let E and F be vector bundles on Y such that the corresponding Γ -equivariant vector bundles ρ f E ^ and ρ f F ^ on Y are isomorphic. Then, E and F are isomorphic.


The vector bundle f E has a natural action of Γ because it is pulled back from C Γ . The action of Γ on f E produces an action of Γ on f f E over the trivial action of Γ on Y . Similarly, Γ acts on f f F .

Consider Q S 1 ( ρ ( Y ) ) S , where Q S and ρ are the maps in (3.5) and (3.2), respectively. Let

Q C Q C Q S 1 ( ρ ( Y ) ) : Q S 1 ( ρ ( Y ) ) C

be the restriction of the map Q C in (3.5). It is straightforward to check that this map Q C is an isomorphism. So we have the commutative diagram

(3.9)where the horizontal maps are isomorphisms. Moreover, all the maps in (3.9) are Γ -equivariant with Γ acting trivially on Y and ρ ( Y ) . Therefore, from (3.9), we conclude that there are isomorphisms

(3.10) f f E ρ f E ^ and f f F ρ f F ^

as Γ -equivariant vector bundles.

Since the Γ -equivariant vector bundles ρ f E ^ and ρ f F ^ are isomorphic, from (3.10), it follows that

(3.11) f f E f f F

as Γ -equivariant vector bundles

Next, we will show that

(3.12) ( f f E ) Γ = E and ( f f F ) Γ = F .

To prove (3.12), first note that the action of Γ on C produces an action of Γ on f O C . The projection formula gives that

f f E E ( f O C ) .

The action of Γ on f O C and the trivial action of Γ on E together produce an action of Γ on E ( f O C ) . The aforementioned isomorphism between f f E and E ( f O C ) is evidently Γ -equivariant. Since ( f O C ) Γ = O Y , we conclude that (3.12) holds.

Finally, the proposition follows from (3.11) and (3.12).□

4 Alternative constructions

Let C be a smooth projective curve over k and E a vector bundle on C . Unlike in Section 2.3, E can be a line bundle; we no longer assume rank ( E ) to be at least two. As mentioned earlier, Q d ( E ) denotes the quot scheme that parametrizes the torsion quotients of E of degree d . Let

(4.1) γ : Q d ( E ) Sym d ( C )

be the natural Chow morphism.

For any vector bundle V on C , consider the vector bundle F ( V ) on Q d ( E ) constructed in (2.7). We will describe its direct image γ F ( V ) on Sym d ( C ) , where γ is the map in (4.1).

For every 1 j d , let φ j : C d C be the projection to the j -th factor. Take a vector bundle V on C . We have the vector bundle

(4.2) V j = 1 d φ j ( V E ) C d .

The symmetric group S d acts on C d by permuting the factors of the tensor product (see Section 2.2). The corresponding quotient is Sym d ( C ) . As in (3.7), let

(4.3) P : C d C d S d = Sym d ( C )

be the quotient map. The action of S d on C d has a natural lift to an action of S d on the vector bundle V in (4.2). This action of S d on V produces an action of S d on the direct image P V , where P is the projection in (4.3).

Lemma 4.1

The direct image γ F ( V ) on Sym d ( C ) , where F ( V ) and γ are as in (2.7) and (4.1), respectively, is naturally identified with the S d -invariant part

( P V ) S d P V

for the aforementioned action of S d on P V .


There is a natural homomorphism

ϖ : F ( V ) P V .

It is straightforward to check that ϖ ( F ( V ) ) ( P V ) S d P V and that the resulting homomorphism F ( V ) ( P V ) S d is an isomorphism.□


(4.4) Ψ C : C × Sym d ( C ) C and Ψ S : C × Sym d ( C ) Sym d ( C )

be the natural projections.

Consider ( Id C × γ ) Q on C × Sym d ( C ) , where Q is the sheaf in (2.6) and γ is the map in (4.1). Given a vector bundle V on C , we have the direct image

G ( V ) Ψ S ( Ψ C V ( Id C × γ ) Q ) Sym d ( C ) ,

where Ψ C and Ψ S are projections in (4.4).

Proposition 4.2

For any vector bundle V on C, there is a natural isomorphism

γ F ( V ) G ( V ) ,

where F ( V ) is constructed in (2.7).


Consider the following commutative diagram

Now, using the aforementioned commutative diagram, we can obtain the required isomorphism as follows:

γ F ( V ) = γ Φ Q ( ( Φ C V ) Q ) Ψ S ( Id × γ ) ( ( Φ C V ) Q ) = Ψ S ( Id × γ ) ( ( Id × γ ) ( Ψ C V ) Q ) Ψ S ( ( Ψ C V ) ( Id × γ ) Q ) (projection formula) = G ( V ) .

  1. Funding information: No funding was received for this manuscript.

  2. Conflict of interest: There is no conflict of interests regarding this manuscript.


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Received: 2023-04-03
Accepted: 2023-08-09
Published Online: 2023-09-04

© 2023 the author(s), published by De Gruyter

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