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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter July 14, 2023

Explicit p-harmonic functions on the real Grassmannians

  • Elsa Ghandour and Sigmundur Gudmundsson EMAIL logo
From the journal Advances in Geometry


We use the method of eigenfamilies to construct explicit complex-valued proper p-harmonic functions on the compact real Grassmannians. We also find proper p-harmonic functions on the real flag manifolds which do not descend onto any of the real Grassmannians.

MSC 2010: 53C35; 53C43; 58E20

1 Introduction

Mathematicians and physicists have been studying biharmonic functions for nearly two centuries. Applications have been found within physics for example in continuum mechanics, elasticity theory, as well as two-dimensional hydrodynamics problems involving Stokes flows of incompressible Newtonian fluids. Until just a few years ago, with only very few exceptions, the domains of all known explicit proper p-harmonic functions have been either surfaces or open subsets of flat Euclidean space. A recent development has changed this situation and can be traced at the regularly updated online bibliography [4], maintained by the second author.

A natural habitat for the study of complex-valued p-harmonic functions φ : (M, g) → ℂ, on Riemannian manifolds, is found by assuming that the domain is a symmetric space. These were classified by the pioneering work of Élie Cartan in the late 1920s. For this we refer to the standard work [11] by Helgason. The irreducible Riemannian symmetric spaces come in pairs each consisting of a compact space U/K and its non-compact dual G/K. In a recent article [9], the authors construct the first known explicit proper p-harmonic functions (p ≥ 2) for the compact cases


of Type II, see also [5] and [7] for the special case when p = 2. For compact symmetric spaces of Type I, the authors of [8] deal with the cases of


For complex-valued p-harmonic functions on symmetric spaces we have a duality principle first introduced for harmonic morphisms in [10] and later developed for p-harmonic functions in [5]. This means that a solution on the compact U/K induces, in a natural way, a solution on its non-compact dual G/K and vice versa. For this reason we discuss here only the compact cases.

It is the principal aim of this work to construct the first known explicit complex-valued proper p-harmonic functions on the real Grassmannians SO(m+n)/SO(m)×SO(n). Our method is inspired by the classical spherical harmonics on the standard round sphere Sn = SO(n + 1)/SO(n), see Remark 4.6.

2 Proper p-harmonic functions

In this section we describe a method for manufacturing complex-valued proper p-harmonic functions on Riemannian manifolds. This was recently introduced in [9].

Let (M, g) be an m-dimensional Riemannian manifold and TM be the complexification of the tangent bundle TM of M. We extend the metric g to a complex-bilinear form on TM. Then the gradient ∇φ of a complex-valued function φ : (M, g) → ℂ is a section of TM. In this situation, the well-known complex linear Laplace–Beltrami operator (alt. tension field) τ on (M, g) acts locally on φ as follows:


For two complex-valued functions φ,ψ:(M,g)C we have the following well-known relation

(2.1) τ(φψ)=τ(φ)φ+2κ(φ,ψ)+φτ(ψ),

where the complex bilinear conformality operator κ is given by κ(φ,ψ)=g(φ,ψ). Locally this satisfies


Definition 2.1

([6]). Let (M, g) be a Riemennian manifold. Then a complex-valued function φ : M → ℂ is said to be an eigenfunction if it is eigen both with respect to the Laplace–Beltrami operator τ and the conformality operator κ, i.e. there exist complex numbers λ, μ ϵ ℂ such that

τ(φ)=λφ and κ(φ,φ)=μφ2.

A set E=φi:MCiI of complex-valued functions is said to be an eigenfamily on M if there exist complex numbers λ, μ ϵ ℂ such that for all φ,ψE we have

τ(φ)=λφ and κ(φ,ψ)=μφψ.

In this work we are mainly interested in complex-valued proper p-harmonic functions. They are defined as follows.

Definition 2.2

Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold. For a positive integer p, the iterated Laplace–Beltrami operator τp is given by


We say that a complex-valued function φ : (M, g) → ℂ is

  1. p-harmonic if τp(φ) = 0, and

  2. proper p-harmonic if τp(φ) = 0 and τ(p−1)(φ) does not vanish identically.

Our construction of complex-valued proper p-harmonic functions, on the real Grassmannians, is based on the following method, recently introduced in [9].

Theorem 2.3

Let φ : (M, g) → ℂ be a complex-valued function on a Riemannian manifold and (λ, μ) ϵ ℂ2 \ {0} be such that the tension field τ and the conformality operator κ satisfy


Then for any positive natural number p, the non-vanishing function Φp : W = {x ϵ M | φ(x) ∉ (−∞, 0]} → ℂ with


is a proper p-harmonic function. Here c1, c2 are complex coefficients, not both zero.

3 Lifting properties

We shall now present an interesting connection between the theory of complex-valued p-harmonic functions and the notion of harmonic morphisms. Readers not familiar with harmonic morphisms are advised to consult the standard text [2] and the regularly updated online bibliography [3].

Proposition 3.1

Let π:(Mˆ,gˆ)(M,g) be a submersive harmonic morphism between Riemannian manifolds. Further let f : (M, g) → ℂ be a smooth function and fˆ:(Mˆ,gˆ)C be the composition fˆ=fπ. If λ:MˆR+ is the dilation of π, then the tension fields τ and τˆ satisfy


Proof. The harmonic morphism π is a horizontally conformal, harmonic map. Hence the well-known composition law for the tension field gives


For the second statement, set h = τ(f) and hˆ=λ2τˆ(fˆ). Then hˆ=hπ and it follows from the first step that


or equivalently, τ2(f)π=λ2τˆ(λ2τ(fˆ)). The rest follows by induction.

Let G be the special orthogonal group SO(m + n), with subgroup K = SO(m) × SO(n). Then the standard biinvariant Riemannian metric on G, induced by the Killing form, is Ad(K)-invariant and induces a Riemannian metric on the symmetric quotient space G/K. Moreover, the natural projection π : GG/K is a Riemannian submersion with totally geodesic fibres, hence a harmonic morphism satisfying the conditions in Proposition 3.1.

4 Eigenfamilies on the real Grassmannians

The special orthogonal group SO(m + n) is the compact subgroup of the real general linear group GLm+n(ℝ) of invertible matrices satisfying

SO(m+n)={xGLm+n(R)xxt=I and detx=1}.

Its standard representation on ℂm+n is denoted by


For this situation we have the following basic result from Lemma 4.1 of [6].

Lemma 4.1

For 1 ≤ j, k, α, βm+ n, let xj : SO(m+ n) → ℝ be the real-valued matrix elements of the standard representation of SO(m + n). Then the following relations hold:


For 1 ≤ j, αm+n, we now define the real-valued functions φˆjα:SO(m+n)R on the special orthogonal group SO(m + n) by


These functions are SO(m) × SO(n)-invariant and hence they induce functions on the compact quotient space SO(m+n)/SO(m)×SO(n), i.e. on the real Grassmannian Gm(ℝm+n) of m-dimensional oriented subspaces of ℝm+n.

Lemma 4.2

The tension field τˆ and the conformality operator κˆ on the special orthogonal group SO(m+n) satisfy


Proof. The following calculations are based on the Equation (2.1) and the formulae in Lemma 4.1. For the tension field τˆ we have

τ ^ ( φ ^ j α ) = t = 1 m { τ ^ ( x j t ) x α t + 2 κ ^ ( x j t , x α t ) + x j t τ ^ ( x α t ) } = ( m + n 1 ) t = 1 m x j t x α t t = 1 m ( x j t x α t δ j α ) = ( m + n ) φ ^ j α + δ j α m .

For the conformality operator κ we then obtain

κ ^ ( φ ^ j α , φ ^ k β ) = s , t = 1 m κ ^ ( x j s x α s , x k t x β t ) = s , t = 1 m { x j s x k t κ ^ ( x α s , x β t ) + x j s x β t κ ^ ( x α s , x k t ) + x α s x k t κ ^ ( x j s , x β t ) + x α s x β t κ ^ ( x j s , x k t ) } = 1 2 s , t = 1 m { x j s x k t ( x α t x β s δ α β δ s t ) + x j s x β t ( x α t x k s δ α k δ s t ) = + x α s x k t ( x j t x β s δ j β δ s t ) + x α s x β t ( x j t x k s δ j k δ s t ) } = ( φ ^ j β φ ^ k α + φ ^ j k φ ^ β α ) + 1 2 ( δ j k φ ^ α β + δ α β φ ^ j k + δ j β φ ^ k α + δ k α φ ^ j β ) .

Theorem 4.3

Let A be a complex symmetric (m + n) × (m + n)-matrix such that A2 = 0. Then the SO(m) × SO(n)-invariant function ΦˆA:SO(m+n)C given by


induces an eigenfunction ΦA : SO(m + n)/SO(m) × SO(n) → ℂ on the real Grassmannian with


if rank A = 1 and trace A = 0.

Proof. It is an immediate consequence of Lemma 4.2 and the fact that A is traceless that the tension field τˆ satisfies


For the conformality operator κ we have

2 Φ ^ A 2 + κ ^ ( Φ ^ A , Φ ^ A ) = 2 Φ ^ A 2 + j , α , k , β = 1 m + n κ ^ ( a j α φ ^ j α , a k β φ ^ k β ) = 2 Φ ^ A 2 + j , α , k , β = 1 m + n a j α a k β κ ^ ( φ ^ j α , φ ^ k β ) = 2 Φ ^ A 2 j , α , k , β = 1 m + n a j α a k β { φ ^ j β φ ^ k α + φ ^ j k φ ^ β α } = + 1 2 j , α , k , β = 1 m + n a j α a k β { δ j k φ ^ α β + δ α β φ ^ j k + δ j β φ ^ k α + δ k α φ ^ j β }
= 2 Φ ^ A 2 j , α , k β = 1 m + n { a j β a k α + a j k a α β } φ ^ j α φ ^ k β = + 1 2 j , α , k , β = 1 m + n a j α a k β ( δ k s φ ^ j r + δ k r φ ^ j s + δ j s φ ^ k r + δ j r φ ^ k s ) = j , α , k , β = 1 m + n { 2 a j α a k β a j β a k α a j k a α β } φ ^ j α φ ^ k β + 2 j , α , t = 1 m + n a j t a α t φ ^ j α = j , α , k , β = 1 m + n { det a j α a j β a k α a k β + det a j α a j k a β α a β k } φ ^ j α φ ^ k β + 2 j , α = 1 m + n ( a j , a α ) φ ^ j α = 0 ,

since A2 = 0 and rankA = 1.

Proposition 4.4

Let A be a complex (m + n) × (m + n) matrix such that


for all 1 ≤ j, k, α, βm + n. Then A2 = A - trace A and rank A = 1.

Proof. The first statement is an immediate consequence of the relation


The second statement follows from


In Example 4.5, we now construct matrices satisfying the conditions in Theorem 4.3 and hence manufacture a multi-dimensional family of eigenfunctions on the real Grassmannian SO(m + n)/SO(m) × SO(n).

Example 4.5

Let p = (p1, . . . , pm+n) ϵ ℂm+n be a non-zero isotropic element, i.e.


Then the complex (m + n) × (m + n) matrix A = pt - p with ajk = pjpk satisfies the conditions A2 = 0, trace A = 0 and rank A = 1. Furthermore, the SO(m) × SO(n)-invariant function Φˆp:SO(m+n)C with


induces an eigenfunction Φp : SO(m + n)/SO(m) × SO(n) → ℂ on the quotient space with


This provides a complex (m + n − 1)-dimensional family of eigenfunctions on the real Grassmannian manifold SO(m + n)/SO(m) × SO(n).

Next we explain how our construction method is inspired by the classical theory of spherical harmonics on Sn, as the unit sphere in the Euclidean ℝn+1. For this see the excellent text [1].

Remark 4.6

For m = 1, we identify the first column of the generic matrix element


in SO(n + 1) with x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn+1) ϵ ℝn+1. Then the linear space Hn+12 of second order harmonic polynomials in the coordinates of x ϵ ℝn+1 is generated by the elements


forming a basis ℬ for Hn+12 . Their restrictions to the unit sphere Sn are eigenfunctions of the Laplace–Beltrami operator, all of the same eigenvalue.

By assuming, in Theorem 4.3, that the matrix A is traceless we see that the SO(n)-invariant function ΦˆA: SO(n+1)C given by


is a linear combination of the basis elements in ℬ. If rankA = 1 and trace A = 0, then these functions are eigen with respect to the conformality operator κ.

5 Eigenfunctions on the real flag manifolds

The standard Riemannian metric on the special orthogonal group SO(n) induces a natural metric on the real homogeneous flag manifolds


where n = n1 + n2 + ⋯ + nt . For this we have the Riemannian fibrations


Let us now write the generic element x ϵ SO(n) in the form


where each xk is an n×nk submatrix of x. Following Theorem 4.3, we can now, for each block, construct a family Eˆk of SO(nk)invariant complex-valued eigenfunctions on the special orthogonal group SO(n) such that for all φˆ,ψˆEˆk


with λk = −n and μk = −2. We denote by φˆk the generic element in Eˆk and then, according to Theorem2.3, each function


is proper p-harmonic on an open and dense subset of SO(n). The sum


constitutes a multi-dimensional family Fˆp of SO(n1)× ⋯ × SO(nt)-invariant proper p-harmonic functions on an open dense subset of SO(n). Furthermore, each element ΦˆpFˆp induces a proper p-harmonic function Φp defined on an open and dense subset of the real flag manifold


which does not descend onto any of the real Grassmannians if t ≥ 3.


The authors would like to thank Fran Burstall and Adam Lindström for useful discussions on this work. The first author would like to thank the Department of Mathematics at Lund University for its great hospitality during her time there as a postdoc.

Table 1

Eigenfunctions on classical irreducible compact Riemannian symmetric spaces.

U/K λ μ Eigenfunctions
SO(n) (n1)2 12 see [6]
SU(n) n21n n1n see [9]
Sp(n) 2n+12 12 see [5]
SU(n)/SO(n) 2n2+n2n 4(n1)n see [8]
Sp(n)/U(n) −2(n + 1) −2 see [8]
SO(2n)/U(n) −2(n − 1) −1 see [8]
SU(2n)/Sp(n) 22n2n1n 2(n1)n see [8]
SO(m + n)/SO(m) × SO(n) −(m + n) −2 Theorem 4.3

  1. Communicated by: F. Duzaar


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Received: 2022-03-15
Revised: 2022-09-01
Published Online: 2023-07-14
Published in Print: 2023-08-28

© 2023 Elsa Ghandour and Sigmundur Gudmundsson, published by De Gruyter

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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