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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter 2023

9 Remote sensing techniques for post-disaster infrastructure health monitoring

From the book Data-Centric Structural Health Monitoring

  • Saurabh Gupta and Syam Nair


Natural disasters can be predicted but cannot be controlled. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and cyclones are among humankind’s most catastrophic natural disasters. Disasters not only affect human life but also damage the infrastructure. Estimating infrastructure damages play a critical role in finding out the area and the amount of work that needs to be reconstructed. One of the major problems is to analyse accurate damages in buildings rapidly. Accurate destruction analysis helps engineers and planners provide a plan for rehabilitation in the affected area. This chapter discusses the different remote sensing techniques used in building damage detection. The study reviews damages due to different natural hazards and outlines the general framework for building damage detection. In this chapter, we also propose a novel approach with a framework for disaster damage monitoring using various data sources.

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