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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter 2022

Epigenetic Cell Memory

From the book Rethinking Orality I

  • Giovanna Simonetti


The inheritance involves the transmission of DNA sequence and nongenetic information, as epigenetic modifications, across generations, contributing to parent-offspring similarity. Epigenetic inheritance concerns changes in DNA expression, it contributes to the transgenerational transmission of phenotypic variation. In this way phenotypic modifications, that are usually mediated by changes in environmental conditions, can be heritable also from one generation to the next. In the new concept of epigenetic inheritance, epigenetic modifications, which become part of the cellular information cycle, are expressed as a phenotype and are passed on to subsequent generations. This article summarizes the epigenetic inheritance from microorganism to human, highlighting how this process has implications in human health. Moreover, there are reported some known mechanisms that allow to remember the functional adaptation to environmental changes, which consists in the epigenetic memory.

© 2022 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston
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