31 December 2023
Markus Wessendorf | Alba Knijff | Anja Hartl | Claus Zittel | Cornelia Ortlieb | Daniel Cuonz | Fadi Skeiker | Fanti Baum | Francesco Sani | Fritz Hennenberg | Grischa Meyer | Joseph Prestwich | Julia Weber | Kumars Salehi | Lara Tarbuk | Luke Beller | Lydia J. White | Manuel Clancett | Marie Millutat | Marten Weise | Matthew Hines | Matthias Rothe | Noah Willumsen | Patrick Eiden-Offe | Raffaella Di Tizio | Ramona Mosse | Sophie König | Stephan Strunz | Zafiris Nikitas

The publisher of this work supports co-access. The work is available from the following locations:

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