Economic trade-offs amongst production diversification strategies in Brazilian coffee cooperatives

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Fellipe Silva Martins
Wagner Cezar Lucato
صندلی اداری


Brazilian agricultural cooperatives have seen an unprecedented growth in production in the last decade which has led to several different product diversification strategies. Almost all studies in Brazil focus on the financial outcome of these strategies but few empirical studies have addressed them properly. Even fewer researches have dealt with the causes and possible strategies for the diversification of such cooperatives and their impact on their strategic planning. Hence, this paper aims at comprehending the different strategies in operations management for production diversification in coffee-producing cooperatives in south-eastern Brazil. This was done through a multi-case analysis comprising 6 coffee-producing cooperatives. The research analysed both verbal (through interviews) and non-verbal (multi-criteria decision analysis) responses to the causes of their diversification behaviours. It was possible to find out that most of the cooperatives’ rationale for diversifying is their pre-emptive response to financial crisis followed by increasing the number of associates as a strategy to overcome this economic struggle.


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Author Biographies

Fellipe Silva Martins, Universidade Nove de Julho - São Paulo - SP - Brazil

Fellipe Silva Martins - graduated in Foreign Languages applied to International Affairs and is currently a Master’s Degree candidate in the Industrial Engineering Post-Graduation Program at Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE - in Sao Paulo, Brazil. His research interests include production management in agribusiness and cooperatives.

Wagner Cezar Lucato, Universidade Nove de Julho - São Paulo - SP - Brazil

 Wagner Cezar Lucato – is currently a professor and researcher in the Industrial Engineering Post-Graduation Program at Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE – in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with research interests in the design and operation of manufacturing systems, especially related to lean manufacturing and sustainable production. He graduated with a Mechanical Engineering and Economy degrees, with a Master´s degree in Business Management and with a PhD in Production Engineering.


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