Problem aspects of application by state enterprises of international standards of accounting and reporting in rental operations

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Serhii Rohoznyi
Iryna Parasii-Verhunenko
Petro Kutsyk
Olena Biriuk
Olena Kolesnikova
Svitlana Holovatska
صندلی اداری


The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of public sector enterprises' use of international and national accounting and financial reporting standards governing the accounting of lease transactions, study the impact of their provisions on financial reporting indicators, substantiation of the most acceptable lease accounting models for public sector enterprises. The information base of the empirical study was the data of the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine for 2013-2020. Methodical and methodological basis of accounting for lease transactions were the provisions of P (S) of Accounting 14, NP (S) of Accounting SS 126, IPSASB 13, IAS 17, IFRS 16. In the study used such techniques as comparison, l, time series, structural -dynamic and coefficient analysis. The essence of the concept of "lease" is clarified on the basis of a comparative analysis of its various definitions given in international, national standards of accounting and financial reporting for business entities, public sector entities, as well as in other regulations. The conceptual model of rent accounting for P (S) of Accounting 14, NP (S) of Accounting SS 126, IPSASB 13, IAS 17 and IFRS 16 is considered, the problematic aspects of its application in the accounting practice of domestic state enterprises are identified. Discussion issues concerning the application of the provisions of IAS 17 are highlighted, which include: the lack of a financial component in rental costs; lack of information in the financial statements about lease obligations not incurred by the company; Insufficient information in the financial statements about the existence of the asset to which the lessee has the right to use. The results of the study are to identify the key problems of the lease accounting model in accordance with IAS 17 for state-owned enterprises and make suggestions for their solution. Recommendations for assessing the impact of the lease accounting model in accordance with IFRS 16 on the financial statements of the lessee have been developed. The main directions of elimination of obstacles to the implementation of IFRS in the domestic accounting practice concerning the lease operations of state-owned enterprises are identified.


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Author Biographies

Serhii Rohoznyi, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

IFRS consultant, Certified auditor, Diploma ACCA in International Financial Reporting, Member of Board, Chief of Financial committee of Ukrainian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors. Has 12 years of experience in international accounting companies graduate student of the Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management. Co-author of 3 monographes, 3 scientific and more than 150 other works on IFRS issues.

Iryna Parasii-Verhunenko, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Science (Economics), professor of accounting Department of credit and budgetary institutions and economic analysis The State higher economic establishment «Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University».  She teaches disciplines: Strategic Analysis, Economic Analysis, Corporate Analysis and Business Diagnostics. Scientific interests: The economic analysis in the management of the enterprise,  Strategic Analysis, Corporate Analysis, and Business Diagnostics, Financial Analysis, International Accounting, control, and analysis practices. Author of more than 196 scientific works. 

Petro Kutsyk, Lviv University of Trade and Economics

Dr.Sc. in Economics, Professor. Rector of  Lviv University of Trade and Economics.

Olena Biriuk, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Ph.D. in Economics, Professor of Accounting and Consulting. She teaches disciplines: financial accounting, accounting policy of the enterprise, organization of accounting, financial analysis and diagnostics of agricultural enterprises, accounting in the service industries of agribusiness, tax management in agribusiness enterprises. Scientific interests: a set of theoretical, organizational, methodological and applied issues related to accounting and analytical support of enterprise management. Author of more than 100 scientific works. Web of Science Researcher ID AAG-3677-2021

Olena Kolesnikova, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Accounting and Taxation Department. Member of the Federation of Accountants, Auditors and Financiers of the AIC of Ukraine. She teaches disciplines taught: Management Accounting, Accounting, Financial Accounting (in English). Scientific interests: problems of theory and practice of accounting of enterprises activity, including agro and industrial production. ResearcherID H-7786-2018

Svitlana Holovatska , Lviv University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D. in Economics, Professor of the Accounting Department.


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