Mathematical Model for Filling in the Dome-Separator Plant for the Elimination of the Near Bottom Hydrocarbon Flow

  • Authors

    • Azat Askatovich Nasyrov
    • Igor Aleksandrovich Chiglintsev
    • Sergey Anatolievich Lepikhin
    • . .
  • Gas Extraction, Hydrate, Dome-Separator, Hydrocarbons.
  • The work presents a mathematical model for the hydrocarbon crude extraction from the bottomhole zone by a cylindrical dome-separator. The proposed model allows determining the thermobaric conditions and dynamics of the boundaries of stratified phases in the installation during its operation and analyzing the complications associated with the possibility of formation of gas hydrates.



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Askatovich Nasyrov, A., Aleksandrovich Chiglintsev, I., Anatolievich Lepikhin, S., & ., . (2018). Mathematical Model for Filling in the Dome-Separator Plant for the Elimination of the Near Bottom Hydrocarbon Flow. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.38), 1197-1199.