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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Gütersloher Verlagshaus December 16, 2021

Care-Arbeit und Care-Berufe

Eine ökonomische Perspektive

  • Martin Werding
From the journal Evangelische Theologie


Care work can be provided in various forms and in differing institutional settings, ranging from private households over social networks and charitable organizations to public or private entities employing professional care persons. All these forms of care work create a value-added, but are subject to very different economic conditions. Focusing on professional care and building on German micro-data, the article shows preliminary evidence that there might be a »care wage-gap«, i.e., a systematic disadvantage of care workers compared to other professions in terms of their remuneration. It points out how this presumption could be thoroughly scrutinized and suggests possible reasons - among other things, the existence of informal care - that could be tested in subsequent steps.

Online erschienen: 2021-12-16
Erschienen im Druck: 2021-12-01

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