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Pseudomonas aeruginosa two-component system CprRS regulates HigBA expression and bacterial cytotoxicity in response to LL-37 stress

Fig 3

CprRS system senses LL-37 and regulates the expression of genes associated with virulence factors and drug resistance.

(A) Volcano plot displaying the proteomic profiles of WT and ΔcprS strains after LL-37 treatment. The significantly up- and down-regulated proteins are labeled with red and cyan, respectively. (B) Volcano plot displaying the proteomic profiles of ΔcprS strains before and after LL-37 treatment. (C)The expression levels of arn operon and (D) pscCDEF in WT and ΔcprS strains were measured with or without LL-37 treatment, respectively. Error bars indicate the means ± SD of three independent experiments. *P <0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. ns, no significance.

Fig 3
