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β-catenin regulates HIV latency and modulates HIV reactivation

Fig 2

Inhibition of the β-catenin pathway reactivates HIV in cell lines.

Treatment of OM-10.1 (A) and J-Lat (B) cells with known latency reversing agents TNFα, SAHA, or β-catenin inhibitors PNU-74654 (red), adavivint (blue), and ICG-001 (orange) for 48 hours. Two concentrations of β-catenin inhibitors were tested. Fold change of cellular HIV transcripts relative to DMSO vehicle control is shown, treated conditions were compared to controls from the same experiment. (C) Percent of HIV GFP+ cells following drug treatments are shown. (D) siRNA knockdown of β-catenin in J-Lat cells was performed for 24 hours. Fold change of HIV gag (left) and CTNNB1 (the gene encoding β-catenin, bcat, right) intracellular transcripts to scrambled control siRNA (scrm) is shown (left). Values were normalized to nucleofection efficiency (S1H Fig). Columns indicate mean of 6 (A and B) or 3 (C) replicates with SEM error bars for. Significance was determined using paired t-tests for all panels, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001.

Fig 2
