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SARS-CoV-2 variants with reduced infectivity and varied sensitivity to the BNT162b2 vaccine are developed during the course of infection

Fig 6

SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus neutralization assay.

(A-B) Neutralization assays, comparing the sensitivity of pseudotyped viruses with unmutated Wuhan-Hu-1 spike (WT) and the indicated spike mutations to plasma from vaccinated individuals (A) and convalescent plasma (B). Plasma dilutions are shown in the x-axis. The y-axis depicts the normalized relative luminescence units (RLU). Values were normalized to the RLU values seen with the 10−4 plasma dilution or the 10−5 dilution for VAC05 or VAC07. Mean values and standard errors are shown; representative of three independent experiments is shown. (C) NT50 values for neutralization by plasma from vaccinated individuals (n = 7) and convalescent plasma (n = 2) against pseudotyped viruses with unmutated Wuhan-Hu-1 spike (WT) and the indicated spike mutations. Mean values and standard errors are shown. Statistically significant differences NT50 values are indicated (student’s t test, *p < 0.05). NS = not significant.

Fig 6
