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African green monkeys avoid SIV disease progression by preventing intestinal dysfunction and maintaining mucosal barrier integrity

Fig 13

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for the translocation of LPS in SIVsab-infected AGMs.

DAB-based IHC for LPS-core protein in the (A) transverse colon, and (B) axillary LN of AGMs and chronically SIV-infected rhesus macaques (RMs). In all the images, positive DAB signal is shown in brown, with the remaining tissue counterstained blue. Below are shown image quantifications (C) of the percent area of the total positive DAB signal. The quantification for each animal represents the average of the values from 9–12 individual image quantifications. The four time groups are based on the days postinfection, with: BL (baseline, preinfection, orange), PRU (preramp, 1–3 dpi, green) RU (ramp-up, 4–6 dpi, blue), PEAK (peak, 9-12dpi, red) and SP (set-point, 46–55 dpi, yellow). The chronic RMs are shown in purple. All AGM quantifications were performed using FIJI version 1.0. Asterisks indicate statistical significance, with ** = p<0.01. All AGM images were captured at 200X magnification using an AxioImager M1 bright-field microscope equipped with an AxioCam MRc5. Scale bar: 100 μm.

Fig 13
