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African green monkeys avoid SIV disease progression by preventing intestinal dysfunction and maintaining mucosal barrier integrity

Fig 1

Blood, jejunum and transverse colon tissue viral loads in SIVsab90218-infected AGMs.

AGM plasma viral loads (A) and the total number of copies of viral RNA (B) and viral DNA (C) per 106 cells are shown for three tissues: jejunum, transverse colon, and axillary LN. Each individual animal is represented by symbol with a unique color and shape combination, as shown in the legend to the right of (A). The four groups are based on the days postinfection, with: PRU (preramp, 1–3 dpi), RU (ramp-up, 4–6 dpi), PEAK (peak, 9-12dpi) and SP (set-point, 46–55 dpi). Each group is assigned a corresponding color: green (preramp), blue (ramp-up), red (peak) and yellow (set-point). The geometric mean value for each set of animals is also shown and the threshold for detection using qPCR is shown by a dashed line.

Fig 1
