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Alteration of Flt3-Ligand-dependent de novo generation of conventional dendritic cells during influenza infection contributes to respiratory bacterial superinfection

Fig 2

Influenza A virus infection affects pre-DC subset differentiation in the BM.

(A) Gating strategy for BM pre-DC subset according to Siglec-F and Ly6C expression. (B) Mice were infected or not, with H3N2 virus and BM pre-DC subsets were analyzed at 7dpi. A representative dot plot was shown (left panel) and the absolute number of each pre-DC subset was then calculated (right panel). Means ± SEM of biological replicates from three experiments are represented (n = 12). (C) Mock-treated and IAV-infected mice were sacrificed at different time point post-infection and the absolute number of BM cDCs was quantified by flow cytometry (mean ± SEM, n = 5–8). *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.

Fig 2
