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PGRP-LD mediates A. stephensi vector competency by regulating homeostasis of microbiota-induced peritrophic matrix synthesis

Fig 3

PM structure in dsRNA treated mosquitoes.

(A) PM structure was observed by H&E staining in dsGFP (A1 and A2) and dsLD (A3 and A4) mosquitoes at 100X (A1 and A3) and 200X (A2 and A4) magnification. Arrows denote the PM. Scale bars, 50 μm. (B) Dextran-feeding assay in dsRNA treated mosquitoes. The FITC signal is retained in the lumen of dsGFP control mosquitoes, which indicates that the dextran beads are contained within the PM (B1). The FITC signal is observed within gut epithelial cells (indicated by arrow) in dsLD mosquitoes, indicating that the beads can cross the PM (B2). Scale bars, 50 μm. Images are representative of at least two independent experiments. (C) PM gene expression in dsRNA treated mosquitoes. Relative gene expression level in dsRNA treated mosquitoes 24hr and 48 hr post blood meal. Error bars indicate standard error (n = 10).

Fig 3
