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Phenotypic deficits in the HIV-1 envelope are associated with the maturation of a V2-directed broadly neutralizing antibody lineage

Fig 2

CAP256-VRC26 bnAbs maintain neutralization activity against cell-cell transmission of autologous viruses.

A and B: 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50 in μg/ml) of CAP256-VRC26 bnAbs against free virus (A) and cell-cell transmission (B) of indicated CAP256 virus strains are shown. Data are means of 2 to 4 independent experiments. Black lines depict the median IC50 of all sensitive antibody-virus combinations. SU-like VRC26 sensitive viruses were compared to SU-like VRC26 early escape viruses using the Mann-Whitney test. P values are indicated. C: The change in neutralization activity for cell-cell compared to free virus transmission is displayed as the log of ratio of IC50cell-cell/IC50free-virus (log fold change). Zero denotes equal activity in both transmission pathways. 10-fold higher (log10 = 1) and lower (log10 = -1) IC50 in cell-cell over free virus transmission are indicated by dotted lines. Black lines show median fold change IC50cell-cell/IC50free-virus for all sensitive VRC26/virus combinations. Different colors depict different bnAbs. D+E: Spearman correlation analyses of VRC26 bnAb neutralization in free virus and cell-cell transmission. R and p values are indicated. D: Neutralization activity in free virus and cell-cell spread (IC50 in μg/ml) of VRC26 bnAbs against autologous virus is tightly correlated (Spearman correlation, R: 0.9210, p<0.0001). E: Loss in cell-cell neutralization activity is associated with higher resistance of viruses to VRC26 bnAbs in the free virus pathway (Spearman correlation, R: -0.5369, p<0.0001).

Fig 2
