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Correction: Spliceosome SNRNP200 Promotes Viral RNA Sensing and IRF3 Activation of Antiviral Response

Fig 6

SNRNP200 Sec63-1 domain interacts with TBK1.

(A) HEK 293T cells are transfected with FLAG-eYFP (control), FLAG-SNRNP200 or FLAG-SNRNP200 S1087L mutant expressing plasmids for 48 hours. Cell lysates are prepared following 16 hours of SeV infection and subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-FLAG antibodies. Cell lysates and immune complexes are resolved by immunobloting analysis using anti-FLAG and anti-TBK1 antibodies. Raw blots are presented in S2 Fig. (B) Immunoprecipitation of FLAG-SNRNP200 C-terminal deletion mutants are performed and analyzed as indicated in (A). Vertical lines indicate that cropping was done on the blots from a larger experiment to remove unnecessary lanes and enhance clarity. Raw blots are presented in S2 Fig. (C) Immunoprecipitation of FLAG-SNRNP200 Sec63-1, HB-HLH or HLH-IG subdomains of Sec63-1 and Sec63-2 are performed and analyzed as indicated in (A). Cropping was done on the blots from a larger experiment to remove unnecessary lanes and enhance clarity. Raw blots are presented in S2 Fig. (D) Reciprocal immunoprecipitation of FLAG-eYFP (control), FLAG-TBK1 or FLAG-TBK1 K38A mutant following ectopic expression of SNRNP200 are performed as indicated in (A) and analyzed as indicated in (A). Cell lysates and immune complexes are resolved by immunobloting analysis using anti-FLAG and anti-SNRNP200 antibodies.

Fig 6
