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EBNA2 Drives Formation of New Chromosome Binding Sites and Target Genes for B-Cell Master Regulatory Transcription Factors RBP-jκ and EBF1

Fig 7

EBF1 and RBP-jκ function at EBNA2 co-occupied sites.

(A) Western blots of LCL cells transduced with either control shRNA (shCtrl) or shEBF1 (left) or shCtrl or shRBP-jκ (right) lentivirus and probed for EBF1, RBP-jκ LMP1, EBNA2, EBNA3C, or Actin. (B) Cell viability determined by Resazurin assay for LCL cells 7 days after shRNA lentivirus transduction. (C) RT-qPCR (ΔΔCT) analysis of EBV or cellular gene transcription (as indicated) in LCLs transduced with either shEBF1 (red), shRBP-jκ (green), or shCtrl lentivirus (black). (D-M) ChIP-qPCR in LCLs with antibodies to either EBF1 (panels D, E, J, K), RBP-jκ (panels F, G, H, I), or EBNA2 (panels L and M). LCLs were transduced with either shCtrl (black), shEBF1 (red), or shRBP-jκ (green). Viral (panels D, F, H, J, L), or cellular (E, G, I, K, M) sites were analyzed as indicated. Asterisk indicates p < 0.05.

Fig 7
