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Disruption of Specific RNA-RNA Interactions in a Double-Stranded RNA Virus Inhibits Genome Packaging and Virus Infectivity

Fig 5

Effect of deletions in S10 on RNA-RNA interactions.

(A) Schematic representation of S10 depicting deleted sequences (ΔS10.2 and ΔS10.5) as indicated. (B) Mobility shift assay of co-transcription complexes in the presence of ΔS10.2 and ΔS10.5 mutants (lanes 7 to 18). Positions of retarded complexes and free RNAs are indicated and quantifications of bound to unbound RNAs are shown (lanes 7–18, lower panel). The RNA complexes in each lane with S10 WT or each mutant were determined against the total mass of input RNAs as (%). The RNA complexes with S10 mutants were normalized relative to the complexes formed with the WT S10. Values (%) represent the mean and the standard deviation of >3 independent assays (n = 3–5). (C) Simultaneous or individual RNA transcriptions in the presence or absence of ΔS10.2 or ΔS10.5 analyzed in a 1% denaturing agarose gel.

Fig 5
