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An In Vitro Model of Latency and Reactivation of Varicella Zoster Virus in Human Stem Cell-Derived Neurons

Fig 2

VZV DNA and transcripts are present in hESC-derived neurons productively or quiescently infected with VZV.

Neurons were infected with high or low MOI VZV-ORF66-GFP in the presence of acyclovir, and ACV removed after 6 days incubation. (A) DNA and RNA were extracted from the GFP negative wells 2, 4 or 7 weeks after infection. Levels of VZV genomes and transcripts for ORF63 and ORF31 (gB) were quantified using Taqman probes and digital qPCR and normalized to GAPDH. (B) Transcripts levels detected from both ORFs in quiescently and productively-infected neurons, showing much higher levels in productively-infected neurons.

Fig 2
