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Sensing Cytosolic RpsL by Macrophages Induces Lysosomal Cell Death and Termination of Bacterial Infection

Fig 7

The classic apoptosis pathway is involved in the cell death induced by RpsL.

A. A model for one of the possible cascades activated by RpsL that leads to macrophage death. Refer to the main text for details. B–C. The processing of apoptotic proteins by RpsL. BMDMs were infected with relevant bacterial strains with an MOI of 1 (B) or transfected with purified proteins (C) for 8 and 6 hrs, respectively. Samples were processed for immunoblot with specific antibodies. Tubulin was probed as a loading control. Similar results were obtained in at least two independent experiments. D-E. RpsL-induced macrophage death involves caspase activation. BMDMs from A/J mice were treated with 20-μM DEVD-fmk (against caspase-3), 20-μM z-VAD (against multiple caspases) or the solvent DMSO for 90 minutes before protein transfection. Six hours post protein transfection, LDH release (D) was determined or the samples were processed for TUNEL staining (E). Vehicle, transfection reagent only.

Fig 7
