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Plasticity between MyoC- and MyoA-Glideosomes: An Example of Functional Compensation in Toxoplasma gondii Invasion

Figure 5

The MyoC-glideosome is dispensable in tachyzoites.

A. No growth defect was detected 7 days post-invasion by plaque assays performed with Ku80-KO and GAP80-KO strains. B. In absence of GAP80, endogenous MyoC and IAP1 (KI-MyoC-3Ty and KI-IAP1-3Ty) are still localized to the basal polar ring. Scale bars: 2 µm. C. Co-IP experiments performed with anti-GAP45 antibodies on Ku80-KO and GAP80-KO strains after metabolic labeling with [35S]-methionine/cysteine. D. Plaque assays performed with Ku80-KO and IAP1-KO cell lines and fixed after 7 days. E. Immunofluorescence assays performed on intracellular parasites showing that in absence of IAP1, MyoC and GAP80 (MycMyoC-iKO and KI-GAP80Ty) are not localized to the basal polar ring anymore. Scale bars: 2 µm. F. Western blot analysis of total extract of parasites expressing KI-GAP80Ty in 3 different backgrounds. G. Localization of GAP45 in Ku80-KO, GAP80-KO and IAP1-KO cell lines relatively to GAP40Ty showing that in absence of IAP1 or GAP80, GAP45 staining goes further down to the basal complex as illustrated by the magnifications of the posterior poles and the RGB profile plots determined using ImageJ along the arrow. Scale bars: 2 µm. Little arrows point to the apical pole of the parasites while arrowheads point to the posterior pole.

Figure 5
