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The Secreted Peptide PIP1 Amplifies Immunity through Receptor-Like Kinase 7

Figure 6

Immune response activation in roots by PIP1 and PIP2.

(A) MYB51p::GUS expression (top panel) and callose deposition (lower panel) in A. thaliana seedlings exposed to peptide elicitors. Two replicates were performed with similar results. (B) Foc 699-GFP infection in WT, 35S::prePIP1 and 35S::prePIP2 seedlings. Top and center: GFP signal in roots of A. thaliana seedlings after 12–24 hour' infection with Foc 699-GFP (scale bar = 0.5 mm). Bottom: representative plants 21 days post infection. Three replicates were performed with similar results. (C) Quantification of fungal biomass in 35S::prePIP1 and 35S::prePIP2 transgenic seedlings 12 h after infection with Foc 699-GFP. (D) Survival of plants 21 days after infection with Foc 699-GFP. (C–D) Error bars represent the SE of three replicates that contained 30 to 40 plants or seedlings each. *: significantly different from control at p<0.01 (t-test).

Figure 6
