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Extreme Resistance as a Host Counter-counter Defense against Viral Suppression of RNA Silencing

Figure 4

Binding of small RNAs is mandatory for induction of plant immune responses by P19.

(A–B) Leaves of five week old Dex::P19, Dex::P19W39-42R transgenic lines (N. tabacum cv. Xanthi) were sprayed with DEX and the kinetics of P19W39-42R accumulation at transcript (A) and protein (B) levels was analysed by qPCR and Western analysis, respectively. Actin was used as an internal control. (C) The transgenic lines described above were sprayed with DEX and appearance of an HR was assessed 5 day post-DEX application. (D) PR proteins accumulation at 0, 1 and 2 days post DEX application in Dex::P19 and Dex::P19W39-42R transgenic lines. Western analysis was conducted using anti-PR1, -PR2 and -PR3 antibodies. Coomassie or ponceau staining of the same extracts is shown to demonstrate equal protein loading. Experiments were repeated three times and showed similar results.

Figure 4
