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Nonequivalence of Classical MHC Class I Loci in Ability to Direct Effective Antiviral Immunity

Figure 4

Non-equivalent mRNA expression of MHC class I genes due to elements outside of the α1α2 coding region of the transgenic D locus.

(A) FVB skin fibroblast mRNA levels for H-2Db and H-2Dq with or without treatment with IFNγ (**p<0.01 comparing Db versus Kbα1α2Db without or with IFNγ). (Third panel) Transgenic mRNA stability as determined by degradation of mRNA transcripts after actinomycin D inhibition of transcription. qRT-PCR amplification was used to detect H-2Db and TNFα specific transcripts from FVB Db and FVB Kbα1α2Db transgenic fibroblasts previously treated with IFNγ. (B) H-2Dq mRNA expression in TMEV infected brain tissue from H-2Db and FVB Kb α1α2Db transgenic mice (** p<0.05). (C) Competitive RT-PCR and sequence identity for MHC specific transcripts from the brain and spleen of TMEV infected mice (* p = 0.091, Fisher Exact Test comparing the ratio of Kq and Lq sequences recovered). (D) mRNA expression of transgenic and endogenous H-2 genes (** p<0.01 by Two-way ANOVA).

Figure 4
