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Expression and Processing of a Small Nucleolar RNA from the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome

Figure 2

Schematic representation of the Epstein-Barr-virus genome.

The location of ncRNA genes, latent genes and the precise location of v-snoRNA1 is indicated. (A) Location and transcription of EBV ncRNA genes (black lines with blue lettering) and EBV latent genes (grey bars with black lettering). The v-snoRNA1 is indicated in red, the neighboring miRNA BART2 in orange and the viral DNA polymerase BALF5 is depicted in green (for coding region) and brown (for 3′-UTR). The promoters are shown in grey lines and lettering, the BARTs region as a grey bar and the B95.8 deletion are also indicated. (B) Close-up of v-snoRNA1 location within the 3′-UTR of the viral DNA polymerase gene. The v-snoRNA1 is located on the sense strand about 60 nt downstream of the mir-BART2 precursor transcript and complementary to the BALF5 3′UTR that is situated on the antisense strand. V-snoRNA124pp is indicated in blue, other transcripts are indicated in the same colors as described above. The black line illustrates the cleavage site of mir-BART2. Corresponding EBV coordinates refer to the EBV B95.8 deletion strain (Accession number V01555.2).

Figure 2
