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Selective Processing and Metabolism of Disease-Causing Mutant Prion Proteins

Figure 2

Single-cell quantitative analysis of PrP localization.

(A) Cells expressing wtPrP (blue) or PrP(H187R) (red) were immunofluorescently labeled and quantified on a cell-by-cell basis (as detailed in Fig. S2) to determine the percent of total fluorescence found in intracellular compartments. This value (% intracellular) is plotted against expression level, with each point representing an individual cell. Data collected from a single representative experiment is shown. Vertical dashed lines demarcate the boundaries of low, medium and high PrP expression levels that were used to bin cells for statistical analysis. The mean intracellular PrP levels (%) for each of these expression levels is listed for both wtPrP and PrP(H187R). Asterisks indicate statistical significance from wtPrP for points falling within the respective expression levels (p<10−4, p<10−7, and p<10−16 at low, medium, and high expression levels, respectively). (B) Analysis performed as in panel A, but for PrP(E200K). (C) Analysis of PrP(A117V) as in panel A. Note that the entire experiment (panels A–C) was performed at the same time, and that the wtPrP data points are included in each graph for comparison.

Figure 2
