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Evaluating possible maternal effect lethality and genetic background effects in Naa10 knockout mice

Fig 6

Within-litter analyses for embryos that inherited knockout for Naa10 maternally and from the maternal grandmother.

(A) Male embryo areas age E12.5 are graphed and grouped by litter; two of the three litters contained more than one Naa10-/Y embryo. In all three litters, the embryo with the smallest area was the Naa10-/Y. (B) Male embryo weights age E12.5 are graphed and grouped by litter. Two out of three litters contained more than one Naa10-/Y embryo. In two out of three litters, the embryo with the lowest weight was the Naa10-/Y. (C) Pictures of E12.5 embryos from litter DDD14: Naa10+/Y (1), Naa10-/Y (2), Naa10+/+ (3), Naa10-/+ (4).

Fig 6
