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Host influence on the eukaryotic virome of sympatric mosquitoes and abundance of diverse viruses with a broad host range

Fig 3

Analysis of alpha and beta diversities in the viromes of two Culex mosquitoes.

A. Distribution of species richness, Shannon and Simpson indices estimated from cluster data among libraries of Culex poicilipes (in red) and Culex tritaeniorhynchus (in blue). Dot color indicates the habitat while dot shape represents year. The significance of the comparison between distributions in each of the mosquito species is shown above boxplots (Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test; NS: Non-significant, *: p-value < 0.05, **: p-value < 0.01). B. Non-metric multidimensional scale analysis with Bray-Curtis dissimilarities obtained from the cluster data of the two Culex species. Dot color indicates mosquito species and dot shape represents habitat. C. Distributions of Sorensen (for presence-absence data) and Bray-Curtis (for abundance data) dissimilarities between viromes of the two Culex mosquitoes. Each point represents a dissimilarity index value between two libraries belonging each to a different mosquito species.

Fig 3
