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Dynamics of leaching of POPs and additives from plastic in a Procellariiform gastric model: Diet- and polymer-dependent effects and implications for long-term exposure

Fig 2

Percentage of plastic additives (A) and PCBs (B) released from HDPE and PVC in different solutions after 20h. HDPE and PVC pieces with 1% PBDE-209 + PCB-28 and -138 or HDPE and PVC pieces with 1% BPS were leached in hexane, salmon oil, calanus oil, an aqueous digestive solution made of albumin, pepsin, HCl and water (“Acid/pep/alb solution”), an acidic pepsin solution (“Acid/pep solution”), acidic water and water for 20h at 38°C (800 rpm; n = 3). Panel A) the concentrations of additives (PBDE-209 in black and BPS in white) leached from HDPE and PVC. Panel B) the concentrations of PCBs (PCB-28 in black and PCB-138 in white) leached from HDPE and PVC. Values with different uppercase letters (A, B, C, D, E, F for PBDE-209 or PCB-28) or lowercase letters (a, b, c, d, e, f for BPS or PCB-138) show significant differences between treatments (p-val < 0.05). Asterisk (*) (PBDE-209 or PCB-28) and pound sign (#) (BPS or PCB-138) depict significant differences between polymers for each chemical and treatment (p-val < 0.05). Error bars represent standard deviation, n = 3.

Fig 2
