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Intrauterine and early-life malnutrition in rats disrupts the circadian rhythm programming of energy metabolites through adulthood

Fig 3

Changes in the circadian rhythmicity of energetic metabolites in the offspring of malnourished dams.

Plasma glucose and triglycerides were measured in plasma at six Zeitgeber points, and rhythm was adjusted by the cosinor method. (A) Glucose in 40 and 90 days old females. (B) Glucose in 40 and 90 days old males. (C) Triglycerides in 40 and 90 days old females. (D) Triglycerides in 40 and 90 days old males. C, control diet. CD, cafeteria diet. Shaded background indicates the dark period. ZT0 is defined as the onset of the light period, and ZT12 is defined as the onset of the dark period. n = 10 per group. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. N-K post-hoc tests: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.

Fig 3
