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Intra-horn insemination in the alpaca Vicugna pacos: Copulatory wounding and deep sperm deposition

Fig 1

Dorsal view of the reproductive tract of a female alpaca: Mated + 1 h (A), and unmated alpaca (B). The insets are magnified views of the cervical and uterine region in both animals. The mated female has extensive hemorrhage primarily in the cervix, uterus, and uterine horns, while the vagina is largely untouched. The unmated female (B) shows no sign of bleeding. Bl: Bladder, CrVg: cranial vagina, Ce: Cervix, Ut: Uterus, Uhl: Uterine horn left, Uhr: Uterine horn right, Ov: Oviduct, Ova: Ovary. Scale Bar: 2 cm.

Fig 1
