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Time-dependent association between STOPP and START criteria and gastrointestinal bleeding in older patients using routinely collected primary care data

Fig 3

Examples pertaining to part 1 and part 2 of the analysis.

The aim of part1 is to assess the association between (i) nonadherence to the STOPPs and the STARTs and (ii) gastrointestinal bleeding. The aim of part2 is to assess the association between (i) the potentially harmful medications and patient characteristics in each START and (ii) gastrointestinal bleeding. For part 1, each potentially harmful medication combination is registered when no PPI was prescribed concomitantly (because a PPI prescription would comply with the criteria), explaining the short sequences of nonadherence to the STARTs. For part 2, the prescriptions are incorporated as is and compared with the PPI prescriptions. Abbreviations: Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs–NSAIDs and Proton pump inhibitor–PPI. A description of each STOPP or START code can be found in Table 1.

Fig 3
