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Structure, dynamics and free energy studies on the effect of point mutations on SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binding with ACE2 receptor

Fig 9

Comparison of the averaged mixed dihedral angle covariance matrix for RBD-N501Y (upper-left triangle above the diagonal line) and RBD in wildtype (lower-right triangle) in bound state (a), and the averaged mixed dihedral angle covariance matrix for RBD-tri-mutation (upper-left triangle above the diagonal line) in comparison of RBD in wildtype (b). The color bars of covariance map are shown on the right of the figures from blue to yellow corresponding to the covariance coefficient in the range of -0.1 to 0.1. The secondary structure of RBD is shown on top of the covariance matrices, and the residue numbers of RBD are labelled on both the x and y-axes.

Fig 9
