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Exposure levels of animal allergens, endotoxin, and β-(1,3)-glucan on a university campus of veterinary medicine

Fig 1

Seasonal and annual variations of concentrations of A) cat allergen, B) dog allergen, C) horse allergen, D) cattle allergen, E) domestic mite allergens, F) mouse allergen (only descriptive measures), G) β-(1,3)-glucan and H) endotoxin. Following parameters of the Bayesian models are shown: the point estimate—of the posteriors—as an index of centrality (red circle) and the 95% credible interval characterizing the dispersion of the posteriors (whiskers). The results of Bayesian hypothesis tests are marked with asterisks: ***: pd>99.9% (certainly existing) & <1% in ROPE (significant), **: pd>99.9% (certainly existing) & <2.5% in ROPE (probably significant) OR pd>99% (probably existing) & <1% in ROPE (significant), *: pd>99% (probably existing) & <2.5% in ROPE (probably significant), The exact pd and ROPE values are listed in S3 Table.

Fig 1
