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Crowd-sourced observations of a polyphagous moth reveal evidence of allochronic speciation varying along a latitudinal gradient

Fig 2

The red and black fall webworm colour morphs have different distributions across latitude and longitude but not elevation in their eastern North American range (east of -100°W longitude).

Violin plots indicate scaled density of observations at each value. Asterisks indicate groups are significantly different according to Tukey Post-Hoc test, and “ns” indicates no significance. The geographical range of the black morph averages 2.3 degrees further north (P<0.0001) and 4.1 degrees further east (P<0.0001) than the red morph, but there was no difference in average elevation between the two colour morphs (P = 0.8). n = 5176 for latitude and longitude, n = 4652 for elevation.

Fig 2
