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Pan-genome survey of the fish pathogen Yersinia ruckeri links accessory- and amplified genes to virulence

Fig 5

Genetic organization of the yrIlm locus, between yhlA and AFP18 in the Y. ruckeri core genome and maximum likelihood core gene phylogeny of complete CC1 genomes indicating year of isolation, yrIlm copy number and variant (bottom right).

The complete sequence of strain NVH-3758 (CP023184; not included in this tree), isolated in Norway in 1987, contains a single copy of yrIlm [21]. Locus variants, labelled A to K, represent the following complete genomes: (A) NVI-6614 and NVI-10571 (CC1); (B) most modern CC1; (C) CFS007-82 (CC2); (D) KMM821 (CC2); (E) NVI-701 (CC1) and NVI-9681 (CC3); (F) NVI-1176 and NVI-1292 (CC1), and QMA0440 (CC5); (G) BigCreek74; (H) NVI-492 (CC10); (I) SC09; (J) empty site with partial IS256 in lineage B2; (K) empty site with no IS256 in lineages B1 and YRB, and MLVA clonal complexes CC7 and CC9.

Fig 5
