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Confirmation of the local establishment of alien invasive turtle, Pseudemys peninsularis, in South Korea, using eggshell DNA

Fig 2

Identification of the samples.

(A) Phylogenetic tree based on mitochondrial DNA control region. Nodal support values placed before ‘/’ are Bayesian Posterior Probabilities (BPP), and values placed after ‘/’ are Maximum Likelihood Bootstraps (BS). In our tree ‘*’ denotes greater or equal to 0.95 BPP and 70% BS, ‘#’ denotes 0.85–0.94 BPP and 60–69% BS, and ‘–’ denotes below 0.85 BPP and 60% BS. The numbers in the parentheses correspond to the serial number of Table 1. The bold fonts indicate the de novo sequences. (B) Pairwise genetic distance (p-distance). We excluded the outgroup from the calculation. The numbers correspond to the serial number of Table 1. (C) Dorso-lateral view of a hatchling of Pseudemys peninsularis. (D) Ventral view of a hatchling of P. peninsularis.

Fig 2
