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Ecological flexibility and adaptation to past climate change in the Middle Nile Valley: A multiproxy investigation of dietary shifts between the Neolithic and Kerma periods at Kadruka 1 and Kadruka 21

Fig 16

Changes in site distribution on the alluvial plain and corresponding evidence for food production economies.

A) Distribution of Neolithic period sites on the alluvial plain; B) Distribution of pre-Kerma and Kerma period sites on the alluvial plain, note increased clustering along palaeochannels. Inferred hiatus between 4000–3500 BCE based on the limited evidence for a Late Neolithic presence on the alluvial plain which suggests a significant population reduction during this period. Site locations georeferenced using existing data [27, 32, 40]. World Imagery base map sourced from: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geophysics, and the GIS User Community (ArcGIS Pro Licence 3.0).

Fig 16
